Sentences with phrase «few high schools»

First, very few high school graduates are looking at teaching as a career.
There are very few high schools that offer any sort of trade training or «specialty» courses.
But educators say that relatively few high schools offer Asian languages and fairness demands standardized tests.
More distressing notes: Amid growing concerns about teacher shortages, a report from ACT notes that fewer high school grads plan to become educators.
I doubt that few high school government teachers would understand it, let alone their students.
Acknowledging that too few high school students graduate prepared for college and 21st - century jobs, governors at the Summit committed to dramatic state action to raise high school expectations and achievement in order to help ensure the nation's competitive position in the global economy.
Most Colorado high schools graduate some of their students ready for the next steps in life, but far too few high schools graduate most of their students ready to take on the challenges of...
Fewer high school seniors in the District are expected to receive diplomas in June than in the year before, a sharp reversal for a school system that had celebrated a 20 - point increase in its graduation rate since 2011.
TOUGH ROAD: Michelle Sasaki has a big job «'' well, «big» is a huge understatement «'' ahead of her, but she's got credentials few high school coaches can match.
He coaches the girls» junior varsity team in addition to the countless hours that he spends sharing his goalkeeping knowledge and experience — a luxury that few high schools enjoy.
The stinging wit of first - time screenwriter Tina Fey — acerbicco - host of Weekend Update on «Saturday Night Live,» and the show's headwriter — gives Mean Girls a zest and zing few high school comediesever muster.
(There were too few high school principals to yield conclusive results either way.)
There seems to be no consensus about whether the across - the - board increases in U.S. graduation rates reported by the federal government last week are the result of No Child Left Behind - era accountability mechanisms or the data - based decisionmaking stressed under the Obama administration, more early - warning systems to identify potential dropouts, or fewer high school exit exams.
Participants who have few high school credits and low academic skills enroll in the GED preparation program, leading towards GED certification.
even fewer high school seniors (23 percent) were proficient (grigg, Donahue, & Dion, 2007).
Think of a concern teachers have raised about learning in your school, such as why many students drop out in 9th grade, or why few high school boys choose fine arts - related courses.
Few high schools in the nation are getting as much related financial help as the 700 - student Roosevelt High in Portland, Ore., which was awarded nearly $ 12,000 in extra funding per student.
Few high school students really want to read a random article about tree habitats, and when articles like these are assigned out of context, it's unlikely that many students will engage with them.
Very few high schools offer eBooks as part of the curriculum (a number that's sure to rise).
Gist, whose reform efforts led to the firings of all teachers and staff at one of the state's worst - performing schools, said test scores in the state need vast improvement, the graduation rate must grow and too few high school graduates — just more than half — are heading directly to college.
College officials hope that by raising standards, fewer high school seniors and incoming college freshmen will be forced to take classes and «boot camps» to prepare them for college - level work.
Fans of whichever team wins will count that as evidence in favor of the system that makes their team look better, all because it might help impress a few high school football players, and that's how college football is meant to work.
But while the sidelines of college and professional games are crowded with doctors and certified athletic trainers, few high schools and youth leagues have those resources.
The few high schools I knew that had cafeterias were a part of the home ec program where students prepared food during a previous class right before lunch, and it was usually fresh healthy items.
A few high school students used racist derogatory terms in reference to me, in my presence.
There were a few high school teachers who I looked up to, and my respect for them inspired me to consider further education at university.
His book, «Principles of Companion Animal Nutrition,» is used in the United States, Canada and Europe and as an AP biology class in a few high schools.
I would go to a few high school games for homecoming or when my friends wanted to go, but that was more of a social outing and I doubt I watched much of the game.
For the past four years, the Milken Family Foundation, founded in 1982 and based in Santa Monica, California, has been working through its Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) in Madison and in more than 60 other schools — mostly elementary and middle schools and a few high schools — around the nation to change the way teachers are evaluated, helped to grow professionally, and compensated.
Traveling to a few high schools that had adopted «project - based» and «performance - based» learning, committee member Bobbie May remembers her pleasure at seeing how enthusiastic the students were as they presented their projects to peers, teachers, and visitors.
It may be that few high school students have ever been enthralled with books, ideas, and fine art, but never has the rejection been so complete, even among the ambitious ones heading to college.
High school seniors Tam «Tom» Nguyen and Russell Craze are thinking about becoming Roman Catholic priests, and they attend one of the few high schools remaining in the country set up to support that aspiration.
St. Lawrence Seminary is one of the few high schools open for Roman Catholic teenagers who are considering a life in the priesthood.
There are few high schools that get it right, and the idea that students with learning disabilities need a different curriculum has strong traction.
Since 2006, our grantees and partners have expanded Linked Learning from a small demonstration in a few high schools to pilot Linked Learning in nine districts across the state, and then to a rapidly growing movement to fundamentally transform high school in scores of districts serving hundreds of thousands of California youth.
The issue arose when members of the Georgia legislature expressed concern that support groups for gay and lesbian students had been formed at a few high schools in the state.
Indianapolis Public Schools might be losing a few high schools in the coming years, but with The Mind Trust's support, two charter high schools could open as soon as next fall.
(A few high schools already do this.)
However, a few high schools in Oakland receive a substantial increase in students after the official enrollment window closes.
In fact, according to ACT, a curriculum and standards - based educational and career planning tool that assesses students» academic readiness for college, few high school graduates are taking the time to select a major that best suits them.
So meet a few high school s who have taken the pledge and earned an official Drivers Ed Direct pledge certificate:
To look competent and highly skilled, grab a few high school graduate résumé templates from our collection and combine one or two together to create the one that fits you the most.
Before sign up for attending a medical assistance training program, one must have accomplished a few high school classes as education requirements.
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