Sentences with phrase «few hours of sleep»

During a critical phase of a project at work, for months I would use alarms to wake myself up in the middle of the night after few hours of sleep.
They are most likely to occur during the first few hours of sleep.
After too few hours of sleep, we're up in the morning, not - so - bright and early, to a scrumptious breakfast of chicken curry and bread.
Its nice to hear the support in between working, working out, seeing friends, and the occasional few hours of sleep.
But getting too - few hours of sleep per night isn't the only skin - related offense you have to worry about.
This is the game series that I will completely loose all concept of reality with and totally immerse myself into so when I put on my headset, turned off the lights in my room and hit start I knew I was going to get few hours of sleep the next months, yes plural.
Association of fewer hours of sleep at 6 months postpartum with substantial weight retention at 1 year postpartum
So those feelings of sluggishness throughout the day can be blamed not only on fewer hours of sleep but what that specifically does to your dopamine levels.
CMD was more prevalent in women: under 50 - years old, divorced / widowed, physically inactive, current smokers and those with fewer hours of sleep.
In my personal opinion, while both kinds of sleep are unhealthy for the body and mind, people who wake up several times during the night, resulting in what is termed as interrupted sleep — even if they're in bed for eight hours — are more unhealthy than people who sleep for very few hours of sleep that is uninterrupted sleep.
Children who use electronics as sleep aids have later weekday bedtimes, experience fewer hours of sleep per week, and report more daytime sleepiness.
Night terrors are most common in children and cause feelings of terror or horror in children during the first few hours of sleep.
Where previous generations were pushing their problems to the furthest corners of their minds, fueling up with coffee and cigarettes, and getting too few hours of sleep, millennials have very different priorities.
Indeed, researchers have found that getting five or fewer hours of sleep five nights in a row has an impact on memory, attention and speed of thinking equivalent to being legally drunk.
So people who have been scraping by on a few hours of sleep a night might not be in as good as shape as they would like to believe.
If you've been subsisting on six or fewer hours of sleep, try bumping up your sleep allotment to see if you notice any improvements in daytime performance.
If they're lucky, they'll get a few hours of sleep before they have to execute it.
Now I'm on the long train ride back to New Jersey to try and salvage a few hours of sleep before doing this entire thing again tomorrow!
We would get budget numbers dated time 3 A.M. — you know computers time and date them — we'd meet the next morning at 7 A.M., while those poor 3 A.M. guys got a few hours of sleep.
Sure, there are nights (more often than not) when I only get a few hours of sleep, but we're learning what calms her down and when she's happy she's just the sweetest thing ever!
Mike would work until 3 a.m., grab a few hours of sleep and then rise at seven to hector his children — Rita and Phillip, then later the much younger Tami and Andre — through an hour of tennis practice on the courts of the Frontier or the Tropicana before school.
«The kids would wrestle in the tournament all day Saturday, and we would head home so that I could get up early Sunday after a few hours of sleep and get to church on time.»
My body feels stronger than it has for a while, my mind feels ready to be creative and I'm getting a few hours of sleep every night.
Trying to get out of the house or just grabbing a few hours of sleep requires being constantly aware of when he last ate, when he'll be hungry again, and if I need to encourage him to eat more frequently so he'll sleep better at night.
After looking at more than 60 studies of kids ages 5 — 17, the team found that over 90 % of them showed that «more screen time is associated with delayed bedtimes, fewer hours of sleep and poorer sleep quality.»
I need to remind myself to slow down and enjoy every moment as much as one can on just a few hours of sleep here and there.
Studies have shown that blue light exposure within a few hours of sleeping can inhibit the natural sleep cycle.
The cycle of a few hours of sleep, then hours trying to send your little one back into slumber is starting to wear thin.
I breast fed my son for a total of 5 days and we introduced a bottle with breast milk he still refused he was barely eating and we would get barley a few hours of sleep.
Keeping up with their schedule, preparing bottles, and cleaning it all up afterwards is enough to make anyone crazy, especially when you're operating on only a few hours of sleep.
My son does some of his most focused eating at night especially in the fist few hours of sleep and last few hours of sleep.
Choosing to wake up after only a few hours of sleep and not throw in the towel because my babies need me.
For instance: they're that broke; they're single mothers working two jobs and lucky to squeeze in a few hours of sleep at night; they make lunches but have already left for work in the morning and aren't around to make sure that they get out the door (just to toss out a few).
Coffee wakes you up and gets you ready to take on the day (especially when you are operating on only a few hours of sleep!).
The mess seems to multiply with each passing day, additional child, and fewer hours of sleep for mom.
1 Angel Care (SIDS) monitor per baby (this gave us a piece of mind so we could snag a few hours of sleep here and there while the quads were infants)
As a new mom, however, you may be zombie - shuffling along on a few hours of sleep and whatever sugary snack is within reach.
If you are lucky, you get a few hours of sleep before you are woken up again by your toddler, prising your eyelids open.
So I would deal with the repetitive wake ups, and then in the early morning hours he would take over while I got a few hours of sleep in.
Beside, infants with small stomach volume should soon be hungry, so wake up after a few hours of sleep to feed.
Now, my son is down for a few hours of sleep (I hope), and I am going to try to get some rest as well!
Running on just a few hours of sleep when you've got a full - time job, in addition to being a mom, has a way of aging us, and quickly.
What's been coined «new parent exhaustion» is the ultimate exhaustion, and studies have shown that parents functioning consistently on only a few hours of sleep at a time aren't really functioning at all.
Luckily for me, a few hours of sleep, a supportive family, and lucky genes were all it took to feel normal again.
If you're fatigued from lack of rest, and in desperate need of a few hours of sleep, ask a friend to watch your little one.
Being that we were getting only a few hours of sleep a night, we decided to try it, and ordered it that night.
Maybe your baby is starting to nurse predictably and you are getting a few hours of sleep here or there.
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