Sentences with phrase «few hundredths of a degree»

If the field is spatially uniform, it must be extremely strong — stronger than the fields that drive lightening through air — and the mixture must be within a few hundredths of a degree of the critical temperature.
However, changes to the Sun's brightness are believed to have altered temperatures on Earth by no more than a few hundredths of a degree in the last 150 years.
Will a new record by a few hundredths of a degree really mean much?
Working through the numbers, we're only talking a few hundredths of a degree a year of temperature change.
If one further adds the effect of the above forcings (without the solar activity already accounted for) this would add a few hundredths of a degree.
As the summaries indicate, the differences in ranking are on the order of a few hundredths of a degree (smaller than the accuracy of the analysis) and so a definitive ranking is not possible.
I talked about this yesterday on Brian Lehrer's radio show, making the point that it's a distraction to focus on records — as the media and elected officials tend to do — given how year - to - year differences in global temperature are measured in a few hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit, and given the implicit uncertainty in such measurements.
Also that global annual avg is only accuirate to a few hundredths of a degree (we said this last year — can we be more exact, eg PS / MS 0.05 K or is this to big??)
That means the uncertainty in temperature measurements can be larger than the difference between individual years, which typically comes down to just a few hundredths of a degree.
Monbiot and his groupies will have destroyed a 200 year tradition of radical liberalism in defence of a hypothetical reduction in global temperature of a few hundredths of a degree.
Real life suddenly interrupted data gathering, and all those sailors dipping their thermometers into buckets of wood or leather or steel checking for that decadal change of a few hundredths of a degree that meant life or death for our planet suddenly had something else to worry about.
Karl is a minor functionary, designated by the powers that be to shift a few figures a few hundredths of a degree (thanks Foxgoose.)
There are subtle differences between the measurements by CRU, NASA and the other global temperature datasets, which allow for CRU to name 1998 as the hottest year, with NASA claiming 2005 — by a few hundredths of a degree.
There are just piles of evidence from multiple disciplines — from climate and geophysics to history and literature and archeology, to say that regional climates vary a hell of a lot more than a few hundredths of a degree.
«Monthly rankings, which vary by only a few hundredths of a degree, are inherently fragile,» says GISS Director Gavin Schmidt.
While there are differences between the two data sets at the local scale, the differences between the two datasets for large area - averages are typically small (in the order of a few hundredths of a degree for annual means) over the last 50 to 60 years.»
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