Sentences with phrase «few lawyers per capita»

Too few lawyers per capita is a very bad thing for a society.
There are relatively few lawyers per capita here, and a very large set of profitable activities is reserved for lawyers to the exclusion of potential competitors.
When there are too many lawyers per capita (an evil second only to too few lawyers per capita), then the lawyers are not busy unless they work to make themselves busy, mostly by putting too many frankly unnecessary hours into a matter (churning), and by looking under every rock for a reason to sue, sue and sue.
The two most recently accredited law schools are both located in North Carolina, which the article notes has the fewest lawyers per capita of any state.

Not exact matches

You write «As a result of the hideous decision to reduce medical school enrolment, we now have far too few doctors per capita and far too many lawyers per capita, and both situations are demonstrably very harmful to the public and our society.»
As a result of the hideous decision to reduce medical school enrolment, we now have far too few doctors per capita and far too many lawyers per capita, and both situations are demonstrably very harmful to the public and our society.
Another part of the solution is to do sensible actuarial studies to determine an optimum number of lawyers per capita — neither too few (China) nor too many (the US and now Canada thanks to the frenzy of graduations in the last 18 years).
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