Sentences with phrase «few legitimate companies»

One of the few legitimate companies to date is Genesis Mining, but it looks like some of its customers are not too sure about the future of the platform.

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Very few CEO's see this as a legitimate investment on par with capital expenditure or M&A decisions, presumably due to an aversion to shrinking any aspect of the company.
Even for the companies that do this on a small scale with just a few grams of cheap amino acids per scoop (in which case it probably won't impact your bottom line results), why would you purchase a spiked protein powder when there are so many other legitimate options available?
Don't get me wrong, there have been some legitimate MLMs such as Amway, Avon, and Mary Kay, to name a few but there is a pyramid structure as the basis of these companies too.
Offenders have adopted many processes and characteristics of legitimate investment companies, therefore there are fewer red flags for potential victims.
Suddenly I'm moving through the park to read each blurb in some strange social console experiment, and despite every legitimate word against Nintendo's long standing resistance to online gaming, the signature charm of the company's designs have come from behind to offer something that grasps the online space in ways few of us could have anticipated.
If you have a legitimate need for a term policy, Hunter recommends shopping online, saying it's «better than having an agent in your kitchen» but stresses that most insurance comparison sites get a kickback from the policies they list. is one of the few comparison sites that lists all companies, even those that don't kick back a portion of the premium, he said.
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