Sentences with phrase «few less jobs»

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Our hardware lets us collect this data in a way that also makes the field worker's job easier; fewer manual steps, less guesswork, less paperwork.
He envisions younger generations enrolling less frequently in formal colleges having seen older siblings graduate with few job prospects and thousands of dollars in loans.
Like Twitter and dozens of other companies that have gone public in the last couple of years, GrubHub took advantage of a provision in the JOBS Act of 2012, which lets small companies valued at $ 1 billion or less to file for an initial public offering in private, and just a few weeks before it intends to debut.
Before we leap to the conclusion that hell yes they should lose their jobs, we ought at least to think through what that conclusion would imply for a few million lesser offences.
«Even though my new job came with less money and a 5 a.m. start time, it was the best decision I have ever made,» said Grybek, talking about her second job at a nationally syndicated TV show a few years back.
And focusing on core competencies, while letting someone else handle manufacturing or cleaning, may make companies less fragile — Kodak, for instance, has far fewer good jobs to offer than it once did.
A narrow plurality of offerors (49 percent) say the On - Demand economy should not be regulated and companies should compete to offer workers fair pay and benefits, even if it means less security, compared to 40 percent who say the government should regulate the sharing economy to guarantee independent contractors the same benefits afforded to full - time workers, even if it means fewer jobs.
You've done a good job by pulling your high competitive video on 1st position by this method, and for less competitive low search volume based videos, few back links are enough I think.
Stock rose and the dollar fell on Friday, Sept. 2, 2016, after a key report showed the U.S. economy added slightly fewer jobs than expected in August, making it potentially less likely that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates already this month.
One data point does not make a trend, but also take note of the fact that employment growth for June in the U.S. would bring the rolling average of job creation, as measured by the last few months, to less than 150,000.
But for offerings that raised less than $ 100 million, there were actually fewer after the JOBS Act.
«Women with children are often excluded from full participation in the labour market due to challenges in balancing work and family life, or they work part - time, which often means lower wages and fewer benefits, including lack of a pension, paid vacation and sick leave, as well as less job stability,» the document states.
Higher taxes and (most likely) less government spending will surely take a bite out the economy and hiring this year, but there are still a few reasons to be optimistic that the economy and job growth will be more robust in 2013 than 2012:
And Americans will pay the costs of the misguided «stimulus» for a decade or more, in fewer jobs and a less dynamic economy.
There are fewer jobs for the less educated, and their wages are declining.
I really feel bad for Diaby, so much talent but just couldn't get going, and Flamini, well he done a good job in a few games for us on his return but I honestly don't have that much love for him, his return was more business coz we were desperate in that position... his return was mutually beneficial but never the less Thanks a lot guys and all the best in the future
But if you ask me I can never leave my poshy job with a big corner office at the best company in the world to go to a small company that will pay me less for the sake of proving a few people.
If kids only applied to a few places where they really would fit in, the admissions offices could do a better job, and the kids could be less stressed.
It's a good thing if your baby wants to eat, «all of the time» A baby who nurses very frequently in the first few days (ie: more than 8 times in 24 hours) will do a great job of bringing in a copious milk supply, will not lose excessive amounts of weight, and is less likely to have issues with jaundice.
Only a few women actually want to go back to work when their baby is less than six months of age if they are receiving something close to the same pay to be at home with the baby and ensured of returning to the same or an equivalent job without losing seniority.
Honestly that was far fewer new clothes than I would have needed to buy to pump / nurse if I had a less flexible job (I'm a graduate student) or one with a stricter dress code.
If more people were able to find jobs, then less money would need to be spent on support for unemployed people, because there would be fewer of them.
Anyone seeking to preserve the status quo is fighting for fewer prevailing wage jobs and less of the affordable housing New Yorkers desperately need.
The loss of urban factory jobs led to the collapse of the African - American married couple family structure as far fewer men had steady good jobs that allowed them to support a wife and kids economically, (a pattern that less educated whites would follow a couple of decades later), and to the decline of Rust Belt cities across the Midwest and Northeast.
The result of that, he said ahead of a speech to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) tonight, would be less trade, less economic growth and fewer jobs.
It's insulting to state employees who are working harder than ever trying do their jobs with less help, fewer resources and scorn from the governor himself.
When Clegg has taken up whichever international job it is that he's meant to want and Alexander is running some ghastly lobbying firm in London, no one will much remember «Alarm Clock Britain», the pupil premium (much less its origin) or any other measure that excites the true believers for a few days but they will remember their years of under - employment and unemployment, the lies about tuition fees, the first time they saw ads for private provision in the NHS and, first and foremost, that they should never trust the Liberal Democrats again.
Without question, a 45 percent toll hike on trucks is fiscally irresponsible and will likely result in fewer private sector jobs, a less competitive economy and New York families paying more for basic necessities.
He said without the cuts interest rates would go up, there would be less money to spend on schools and hospitals, and there would be fewer jobs.
Some of them, of course, have a worthy past, and a few of them work hard and take home less in expenses than they could for a senior political job on their local council.
Opponents argue that it will result in fewer jobs, larger class sizes, and less money being available for scholarships and tuition relief.
Election Day is closing fast and a new CNN Opinion Research Corp. poll, released a few hours ago, shows that only 31 percent of Americans approve of how Republicans are handling their jobs, 3 points less than how they think Democrats are performing.
Trainees who come to study in a foreign country are more vulnerable than people who come to take a high - level job or to reunite with families because they often are less experienced, have fewer economic means, and lack local social support.
Evidence collected by public health experts over the past few decades repeatedly shows that less obvious forces, including proper diet and exercise, higher levels of education, good jobs, greater neighborhood safety, and underlying support from family and friends, provide a powerful, and often unappreciated, boost to a community's health and well - being.
And if the world's economy does not bounce back to its glory days, less credit and fewer jobs.
After a successful postdoc at the University of Wisconsin (UW), Madison, she ignored several job opportunities in the United States to return to Poland, a country with significantly less funding and fewer top research positions.
The researchers also found that NEET participants were less equipped to succeed in the job market, reporting fewer «soft «skills such as problem - solving, leadership and time management.
«Compared to Americans in the 1970s - 2000s, Americans in the last few years are less likely to say they can trust others, and are less likely to believe that institutions such as government, the press, religious organizations, schools, and large corporations are «doing a good job,»» explains psychological scientist and lead researcher Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University.
Although few even on his own staff were expecting the news, it was not a big surprise coming less than 2 years before the end of the Obama administration, when many presidential appointees leave for their next job.
And, although he does not anticipate «a gush» of new positions, Goldin says academic job prospects for physicists are «looking better» than they have in recent lean years — not only because of faculty retirement but also because fewer physicists are choosing to remain in the ivory tower, meaning less competition for openings.
But if that's too much for you at the moment, you could try working at home for a company — the risks are fewer, the job could be less demanding and it will give you almost the same freedom and flexibility to work out and eat at optimal times as being self - employed.
More than a few relationships have found themselves under the strain of a bad job and while it can happen to anyone geeks are less likely to bring that to a relationship.
They apply for jobs, connect with friends and family, and find much of their entertainment online and so the leap to online dating is often less overwhelming and has fewer technical obstacles.
The teacher wins because going deeper on a few topics generally takes less time than marking everything, and students win because they get clear, quality feedback that does a better job of teaching them the most important lessons.
On one side, it could encourage teachers who are a few years short of normal retirement age to stick it out in a job they are less than invested in, just to maximize their pension benefits.
In a series of valuable reports, including several recently released, ERA found, for instance, that initial reforms led to the dismissal of thousands of teachers; NOLA teachers today report lower job satisfaction, less job security, and less autonomy; average teacher salaries are lower and there are fewer teachers per pupil; and the teaching force has grown less black, experienced, and local.
It is no coincidence then that research has shown students who spend their full K — 12 education career in public schools in states that require collective bargaining with teachers unions earn less money, work fewer hours, are more likely to be unemployed, and are more likely to be employed in lower - skilled jobs than are their peers in states without collective bargaining laws.
Big changes in my life happened (getting married for one), and other priorities took me into less - than - fulfilling jobs outside of education for a few years.
I can't help but think that Kobo did a pretty great job of stealing B&N's thunder (and for a few bucks less, too).
«Women with children are often excluded from full participation in the labour market due to challenges in balancing work and family life, or they work part - time, which often means lower wages and fewer benefits, including lack of a pension, paid vacation and sick leave, as well as less job stability,» the document states.
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