Sentences with phrase «few more issues»

Here are a few more issues to consider, topics I hope to discuss in more detail in future Spork Report posts:
As promised, here are a few more issues that I think need to be debated.
Tulip President and CEO Craig Kellogg says there are a few more issues but it looks like the $ 10 million project will go ahead and continue Tulip's 114 years in Niagara Falls, now making plastic battery cases.
Let me tackle a few more issues in this email.
There's a few more issues, keep reading.
While generally good, the transfer came with a few more issues than I'd like.
Switching between phone and tablet mode also presents a few more issues on the software side, which I'll touch on in a minute.
Well, during this testing phase, we've uncovered a few more issues that we want to cleaned up before we re-submit.
But before I end this review in another fit of praise, a few more issues must be mentioned, two of which relate to the map.
However, we've provided a few more issues that may apply to your situation to meet a resolution.
Just a few more issues to close before Bitcoin Core 0.12 is released, which is scheduled for some time in February.
With that said, it's not the most powerful processor on the market, so if you're a power user, you may run into a few more issues than we did.
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