Sentences with phrase «few other cloud»

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Cloud mining data center offers an option of Bitcoin mining, Ether mining and few other cryptocurrencies with minimal expense and risk.
Cloud B has some other great products to help babies sleep and we'll be reviewing some others in the next few weeks.
As they are opaque to visible light it is difficult for astronomers to observe their inner workings, and so other tools are needed to unveil their secrets — observations in the infrared or in the submillimetre parts of the spectrum, for example, where the dust clouds, only a few degrees over absolute zero, appear bright.
Other models, he notes, «say the clouds are going to reduce in quantity by a few percent, enough to let more sunlight in and enhance the greenhouse effect.»
According to VP113's discovery team, their and other recent surveys indicate that there are few (although probably not zero) inner Oort cloud objects with perihelion distances (closest orbital point to Sol) between 50 and 75 AUs, which is consistent with stellar encounter models (that include the capture of extrasolar objects) that predict a strong inner edge to the perihelion distribution of outer Solar System objects (Trujillo and Sheppard, 2014).
Playing like every other Mario Kart game out there, an iOS or Android version would feature an abridged roster and fewer levels, but it could implement mobile - specific features like social media notifications, Bluetooth local multiplayer, and cloud saving.
In fact, so thorough is their involvement and expertise, not only have quite a few other LMS products licensed Rustici's engines but Adobe migrated Captivate's entire SCORM (and probably xAPI) engine to Rustici's implementation... and starting with Captivate 9, they included a specific publishing link to Rustici's «SCORM Cloud» site.
Included in the offer are a few other goodies, such as 2 years of free usage of 50 GB of Dropbox cloud storage along with a month of free unlimited streaming from the Samsung Music Hub.
There are a few productivity apps, such as Acer Docs; this program allows users to edit documents, spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations, and access them on other devices using the cloud.
Mucopolysaccharidosis is a rare inherited autosomal recessive metabolic disorder found in the German Shepherd dog and a few other breeds and is characterized by clouding of the corneas and skeletal deformities.
From highland cloud forests shadowed by looming volcanoes and crystal clear seas fringed by perfect white - sand beaches, you'll have it all in Panama with smaller crowds and fewer hassles than other countries in the region.
The tech has applications beyond destruction - we've already seen it used for AI (Forza and Titanfall), streaming (Sunset Overdrive and PSNow) and savegames... A few months back I read an article about a dev that was using the cloud to calculate wind physics as a means of having flora (trees / branches / foliage) that bent and swayed according to their height and position relative to each other and the edge of a virtual forest.
Once you've got them snoozing on the dirt you can whip out your Fulton Recovery Device, which is essentially a large balloon with a homing system that you tie to the unsuspecting victim, at which point it gently lifts them a few feet off the ground, giving them about three or four seconds to groggily come to before they suddenly get yanked at speed up into the clouds, issuing a hilarious scream of terror as they go, although funnily enough POWs that you can rescue and other «friendlies» all let out whoops of delight.
Cloud saves, a few NES games and some smartphone app features are the sweeteners you'll get when Nintendo starts charging you to play Switch games online — in other words, the bare minimum.
FFXIII is out in a few scant weeks, and there's always the chance that our hero, Cloud, could turn up in other games.
In the past, we've seen other third party video game characters in the franchise such as Cloud from FF VII and Snake from Metal Gear Solid just to name a few.
Of course, the Cloud Flight's extended battery life also comes in handy for delaying recharge cycles to every few weeks rather than days as with other wireless headsets.
So, once you've finished drawing your palm tree add other stuff like clouds an ocean and even a few animals.
Whilst the arguments of Abbot, Pierrehumbert and others about cloud radiative forcing may imply an earlier winter low ice condition than GCMs suggest, there is no evidence that this will kick in within a few years.
Finally tiring of chewing on Hansen, Goddard spends few words speculating that a «brown cloud» helped cause the 2007 melt, but provides no citations or other information on this.
Drier desert conditions with few clouds and little vegetation creates a microclimate that heats up much more quickly than the other stations.
A 0.2 % decrease in albedo could come from, among other things, fewer clouds or less snowcover or black carbon accumulation on existing snowcover.
As a Fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA), I periodically blog on their open forum and on their Climate Community website and among other things, I have been accused of «being on the payroll of the Koch brothers,» and when posting a link to Svensmark's video on clouds accused of doing science by u-tube,» and a few other choice things from so - called respected «scientists.»
This confirms research by Henrik Svensmark, Australia's David Evans and others, who correlated low solar activity (fewer sunspots) and increased cloud cover (as modulated by cosmic rays), with a cooling climate.
Very few (certainly not me) ignore other feedback mechanisms, including water vapour, clouds, etc..
Now, of course, all other things ARE N'T equal — there are feedback loops in the clouds, oceans, biosphere, to name a few.
However, there are issues that we can not get into the laboratory experiment — water and air convections, cloud formations, flora response, and other feedbacks — to name just a few.
The IPCC itself admits that clouds, oceans and a few other things are very unknown and have considerable possible input.
To balance, the surface would have to cool off (or the cloud cover could change, or perhaps a few other things).
You then asked «Or perhaps you can point me to the dataset that shows, for several individual locations for the same period as the temperature set the: * CO2 concentrations (OK, we could use Mauna Loa for that) * Aerosols (sorry, can't use global records for that, there can be huge differences on a local scale) * Absolute humidity * TSI with correction for local albedo, including cloud albedo, and the place on earth» Well actually, I can and have for the USA in terms of CO2, humidity (RH but AH also if you insist), and albedo, not to mention actual solar surface radiation, and various other variables (eg windspeed), as I have previously reported here for quite a few locations, eg Pt Barrow.
There are a number of other timekeeping and billing software offerings that work in both the Mac and PC environment and can be on the law firm's server or in the cloud as software as a service — Bill4Time, EasyTime, and Billings Pro to name just a few.
Dropbox and other cloud storage solutions have become popular over the last few years.
Only 30 % of lawyers are using the Cloud with very few of the others planning to move to the Cloud any time soon.
Those who think of putting things in the cloud should consider the current fate of Megaupload, which has essentially been put out of business by the US government in collaboration with a few other governments, and there is a serious risk that all the data on the site — a lot of it — may be lost.
Currently, you can install providers that provide access to Dropbox, OneDrive, Windows local network file shares (SMB), Secure FTP (SFTP), WebDAV, Google Cloud Storage, and a few other protocols.
You'll have OneDrive for cloud storage, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and a few others.
Officials also note that by using a cloud - storage service that is pre-integrated with other Microsoft services, customers who go with OneDrive will have fewer vendors to manage.
Of course, the Cloud Flight's extended battery life also comes in handy for delaying recharge cycles to every few weeks rather than days as with other wireless headsets.
Tablo also has a few other cord - cutting products on the way, including a software - based DVR for Android TV boxes, a simple networked - TV tuner, and a cloud - based DVR service.
On the other hand, there have been quite a few cloud mining services who have turned out to be Ponzi schemes.
We're already coping with Samsung's duplicative options — I don't need or want third level installed - by - default choices for backups, cloud storage, security, rewards, and all that, and I suspect very few other subscribers do either.
Today at the Cloud Next event in San Francisco, the company is splitting Hangouts into two: Hangouts Meet — the video conferencing product that we reported on a few days ago — and Hangouts Chat, a new business focused communications tool that aims to take on the likes of Slack, Hipchat and others.
In addition to competing with some of the internet's tech giants, there are a few other cryptocurrencies also attempting to disrupt the cloud storage market, most notably
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