Sentences with phrase «few people who»

My friend Arleigh actually was one of the first few people who I noticed wore lipstick almost everytime we went out and eventually I decided she had something going that I wanted to try.
Y» know, you're one of the few people who can actually carry off an Audrey look and make it work.
I know a few people who fear flying.
I have a few people who lost their parents recently.
There are very few people who are so close to me and really know me inside - out, I can truly say she is one of them.
So why not a post to thank the few people who so greatly inspired me to take the leap into the blogosphere?
Custom Morse Code Necklace: You can customize this with anything you like, and I know very few people who can visually read morse code, so you can basically put whatever you want on this and no one will know what it will say.
I know a few people who entered the last giveaway were interested in these patterns, so now you have another chance to win!
I'm probably one of the few people who has to work all day, no early release at my office.
I know, I know, Christmas is literally only 6 days away, but I know quite a few people who are still getting in some last minute shopping so I thought I'd post this one just...
I was aware of this medication and knew a quite a few people who had success while on it, but I was unwilling to try it due to the lengthy and serious side effects.
Although rhabdomyolysis only occurs in a few people who take statins, so many people take these medications that it's important to be aware of the risk.
I know of a few people who have
I'm assuming that there are few people who don't, but perhaps I'm wrong.
There are very few people who haven't performed push ups at least one time during their life.
However, despite their popularity, there are very few people who actually discover and harness the full potential of push ups.
... and you truly don't notice any difference with or without at least 4 weeks of regular creatine supplementaiton, then you may be one of the few people who simply doesn't benefit from it.
What about those few people who really do get more flatulence and it does nt go away.
Chances are you can pinpoint a few people who do the same exact thing week in week out and haven't changed one bit.
Very few people who are managing their weight are doing it without regular physical activity.
I know a few people who love drinking coffee but dislike coffee in desserts -LRB-... it's an alien concept to me!).
Most notably I got a few people who...
Thanks for the comments & thank you for explaining how you made them dairy free — I know there's quite a few people who need DF recipes (I used to be one of them actually but thankfully my daughter outgrew her dairy allergy).
Unfortunately, doing this can be extremely unhealthy if you're not following a doctor's orders — which very few people who use steroids do.
There are few people who would argue that getting any other whey protein is worthwhile.
There are a very few people who can become insulin sensitive again — most can not.
Much of what I will be doing was inspired by my own intuition coupled with what a few people who have accomplished tremendous feats have also said.
Although most people won't experience extremely high levels of cholesterol, there are a few people who do (20 - 30 %).
I have met very few people who didn't immediately put it back on when they went off their eating program.
Well, there are a few people who simply can't do Back Squats and I have trained athletes who never got the Back Squat technique right.
I've even had a few people who have lost a modest amount of weight already.
I know very few people who eat enough vegetables, me included.
There were a few people who noticed a significant increase in estrogen, and for the women who had this test they did so because they couldn't get their periods anymore.
I presently am helping a few people who have me stumped.
there are few people who that is actually a healthy calorie level for.
If you are one of the few people who find it easy to eat 5 - 6 small, nutritious meals over the course of each and every day, then Prograde Lean is NOT for you.
Because you're one of the few people who talks about using it besides me.
There are very few people who can dedicate forty five minutes an hour two hours or even half an hour to building their Abdominal Muscles.
Despite all of the benefits, I know a few people who adamantly refuse to camp and even hate the idea of braving the great outdoors!
Although there are countless vegans, juicers, fasters, vegetarians, paleos, etc, among us, I've met very few people who have 100 % dropped the carbs for a month or more.
Sure, there's a few people who have gotten ahead of themselves on saying that they can simulate those things, but not — I claim not more than a decade ahead of themselves.
I've said to quite a few people who've said, «Jim, you're not going to have the impact,» I've said to them, alright, let's make a bet.
But vaccine viruses persist in the environment and in a few people who are chronically infected.
The few people who aren't are older and are usually people who have resisted going into this world.
There were a few people who were pursuing it, but it was very much a backwater area.
Unfortunately, according to Hopkins, once a bear gets used to eating human food it will continue looking for it, and even when visitor compliance is high, there will always be a few people who make the mistake of leaving their food where bears can get it.
Indeed, there are quite a few people who would like to rip these super-ordinary looking plants out by their roots.
The few people who defend the lawyers in messages to newsgroups tend, like Canter and Siegel themselves, towards impatience with what they see as a reactionary response to the wave of commerce now sweeping the Internet.
In Spain, «there are very few people who understand» the needs and potential of both academia and industry, Araujo says, and, thus, there is little interaction between universities and companies.
Thanks to the efforts of a few people who believe in the technology, Biggin notes, the Italian HTS industry includes both giants and very small companies.
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