Sentences with phrase «few phrases»

Whether it's in F1 TV commentary, from the drivers or over team radio, a fair few phrases have come up over the years that we're always instantly disappointed hearing.
There are very few phrases in the Bible more misunderstood than this.
Few phrases make people bristle as much as «I told you so.»
Keith Jackson spurts out the same few phrases his has over and over throughout the game.
Bottom Line: Fewer phrases strike fear deeper into the hearts of parents than «Nickelodeon Films Presents,» but this time, you might not regret taking the kids.
Few phrases raise more suspicions among educators than «bonus pay.»
For lawyers who represent birth malpractice victims, few phrases conjure up as much ire and frustration as «the ACOG report,» the shorthand for a 2003 document put out by the -LSB-...]
If, for example, you have 100 positive online responses from customers who have used your product and liked it, quote a few phrases from those responses.
You'll almost certainly find a few phrases and expressions you hadn't thought of.
You drop in a few phrases, photos, and pick a design and in a few minutes you can hit Print or publish the brochure online.
I'm SO tempted to use a few phrases of Arabic to you, but this is a family site.
But in the midst of his eschatological description of Christian existence Paul introduces a few phrases which express the existential meaning of the kerygma.
Poetry is for everybody, even if it's only a few phrases.
Especially in theme 4 on the facing page, which contains we believe those sentences that have caused most concern among those of a conservative mindset, we have slightly retranslated a few phrases, usually making reference to the relevant Latin words.
It's tough to get people involved, because it takes more work than just typing a few phrases into Facebook, and there's no shot of dopamine, because there's no notification on a screen to reward you.
Let me share a few phrases which you might have heard from pulpits, read in books, or even taught to others.
we are trying to learn a few phrases now using the pimsleur CDs that we borrowed from the library, so that we don't sound like rude Americans and we can at least greet people and ask «how much?»
So, before you weigh in the good times or bad times as an Arsenal supporter make sure you don't contradict yourself few phrases after.
Housewives who tried to catch him discovered he could speak a few phrases and he became a home - town hero.
I hope to keep a few phrases from your writing in my head to repeat like a mantra when I'm around my incredibly neurotic mil.
However, avoid rationalizing too much with your toddler — after all, toddlers aren't exactly rational creatures, Instead, develop a few phrases (like «You need to take a nap now so you have energy to play later» or «Time for sleep now, but I will see you in the morning») and then repeat them often.
Words like «not humanly possible» and «must be against the rules» were a few phrases uttered regarding the amazement of their texture.
A few phrases come to mind for diapers - «containing the mess so there's more quality time with your baby» or for something more abstract / funny «containing the fallout to limit collateral damage».
Is that all he can offer, a few phrases cobbled together by Gillibrand's speechwriter?
In this season of high - profile corruption cases, few phrases have dominated discourse in the State Capitol like ethics reform.
«When you go visit a foreign country, you do a little bit of research and learn a few phrases and customs so you can be a good visitor, and it's no different when you're talking about policymakers.
In other words, knowing just a few phrases is unlikely to reduce your dementia risk, while being competent to serve as a translator is more apt to provide brain benefits.
Include in your gratitude journal a few phrases of acknowledgment and gratitude toward yourself.
The past couple of months in just a few phrases — late nights at school, no shopping resolution, a bomb threat at school, and pumping iron.
Notably, i - D has also helped to drive the trend, publishing funny educational videos like «How to Speak Japanese with Tao Okamoto,» part of the magazine's «Model Mother Tongue» series in which the world's top models teach viewers a few phrases in their native languages.
Sure, I still know a few phrases and lots of words, but I'm no where close to my old skills!
Learning their language (even just a few phrases) can really show your partner how much you care about them.
Just a few phrases to chat to girls - why do people misinterpret this?
In the sugar dating world there are a few phrases to describe Sugar Daddies who don't live up to expectations such as Splenda Daddy or Salt Daddy.
A worksheet which requires students to demonstrate that they understand a wide range of days, months and numbers, plus a few phrases for saying what the day or date is.
Repeated reading of a few phrases per week gives students practice reading high - frequency words and developing fluency and general proficiency.
But you can obviously argue that learning a few phrases, words and structures with a computer program won't make you a fluent speaker.Many argue that with learning online the human aspect of learning is missing.
Several different languages are still used among the Pueblo communities, and often students from the Pueblos are able to comprehend these native languages and maybe speak a few phrases, but most aren't fully proficient.
Create a few phrases, or word - choices around your niche.
There are a few phrases you'll hear over and over as you become more familiar with the world of novel writing.
I just Googled a few phrases from your show to see what would come up.
A few phrases will go a very long way.
He provided such good advice — I always try to learn a few phrases in a foreign speaking location.
The price of goods and services in Indonesia is usually determined by your nationality, age, status, and most importantly by knowing at least a few phrases in Indonesian.
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