Sentences with phrase «few physicists»

Still, Clauser could find few physicists who seemed to care.
Few physicists attended Weinstein's initial lecture, and with no published equations to review, the public airing of his theory has generated heated controversy.
If ideas being explored by a good few physicists are right, quantum gravity and dark energy...
And, although he does not anticipate «a gush» of new positions, Goldin says academic job prospects for physicists are «looking better» than they have in recent lean years — not only because of faculty retirement but also because fewer physicists are choosing to remain in the ivory tower, meaning less competition for openings.
While it worked well on paper, Dirac's rather straightforward equation carried with it a most provocative implication: it permitted negative as well as positive values for the energy E. Initially few physicists seriously considered Dirac's idea because no - one had ever observed particles of negative energy.
The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists.
Few biologists, few geologists, few physicists and astronomers are creationists, they see the evidence for evolution and an old — indeed, ancient — Earth in what they work with every day.
I think there are quite a few Physicists who would be out of work if you tried to remove creation from the realm of physical science.
Because Whitehead developed a theory of relatiity based on quite different assumptions about nature that those of Einstein, we have involved a few physicists in the immensely complex task of discovering just how that theory fares in relation to the last half century of physics.
«A few physicists got their knickers in a twist over that one,» said Philip Taylor, a professor of physics at Case Western Reserve University and an APS member.
But at least a few physicists now argue that Einstein was far ahead of his time, raising questions that will challenge researchers for decades.
At least a few physicists won't be surprised.
There are also a few physicists who follow Einstein in rejecting quantum theory and in searching for an alternative.
Obviously only a few physicists can contribute to each paper, but for some years it has been common practice for everyone working on an experiment to be named on all the papers published.
Still, a few physicists keep the field alive and kicking.
A few physicists, such as Joe Lykken of the Fermi National Laboratory and Lisa Randall of Harvard University, speculate that our situation in the real universe is just like that.
But a few physicists suspected otherwise.
A few physicists have challenged this radical idea, but many share their colleague's befuddlement.
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