Sentences with phrase «few pictures of the scene»

If you are able, it is highly recommended that you snap a few pictures of the scene of the accident — even if you only have a cellphone handy.

Not exact matches

Just a few days later, on Jan. 28, a White House photographer took this picture, unwittingly capturing a perfect scene of the turbulence to come.
Surveys afterward confirmed that patients assigned the water and tree scene were less anxious and needed fewer doses of strong pain medicine than those who looked at the darker forest photograph, abstract art or no pictures at all.
Pitt's Gerry is virtually at the center of a one - man show; few supporting characters beyond Enos, Fana Mokoena «s UN higher - up and Daniella Kertesz «s Israeli soldier get more than a couple of scenes, and it's rare that the picture cuts away from Pitt at all.
The picture shows vital signs only in a few scenes where Cedric takes on the additional role of his own lecherous uncle, but it's too little too late.
Because the nerves have grown numb now, there are scenes of cruel torture in the picture — the kind that a troubled child would enact on his action figures after a few days of standard play: Dr. Strange at the mercy of glass needles, Nebula (Karen Gillan) bloodlessly segmented like a plasticine exhibit in a sadist's medical museum... The atrocity escalates because there's nothing at stake here.
To underline the point, director Matt Reeves frames a sequence of Gary Oldman shuffling through family photographs on his iPad, the glow from the screen quietly lighting the actor's tearful, joyful face; and then repeats the trick a few scenes later, with an entirely CGI character delivering just as complex a scene in total wordlessness, with a different glowing screen and different family pictures.
The only time «bloodsuckers» are ever mentioned is in the picture's opening scene, at that referring to a mosquito; if not for a few genuinely effective scenes of bloodletting, Near Dark would serve perfectly as a cautionary drug tale of a small - town boy pulled into a nocturnal cycle of angry fixes and naked lunches.
For a movie that's about magic, there's precious little of it except for a few big scenes — heck, most of the pictures in the background don't even move any more.
Pictures has released a brand - new Paddington 2 trailer aimed at U.S. audiences and featuring a few new scenes of the plush teddy bear (voiced by Ben Whishaw) at the Wes Anderson - inspired prison.
These games are commonly called «Hidden Picture» as quite a few of the puzzles involve combing through a scene and find hidden items.
Unfortunately, although they portray sworn adversaries, they share so few scenes opposite each other that the picture must be deemed a bit of a disappointment.
A few scenes fleetingly mitigate the almost total dearth of laughs by injecting weird poignancy: a return visit to the stripper played by Heather Graham plays out an interesting idea about the passage of time since the first movie in 2009, and Melissa McCarthy livens up the picture in a couple of scenes as a pawn - shop proprietress with eyes for Alan, suggesting that maybe what the otherwise hopeless case needs is the love of a good woman.
With only a few scenes, Simmons and Hawke create a vivid, disturbing picture of how, like athleticism, masculinity is conditioned by ignoring natural aspects of human experience.
It's a tired, defeated picture, in which no one seems to love what they're doing, unless maybe it's a few of the character actors, like Farina and John Mahoney (as the dad), who have scenes they seem to relish.
Apatow, who deserves to be regarded as the preeminent figure in American comedy right now, has shown an uncanny knack for fostering bright young comic talent, and because he loves comics so much and is so fascinated by their process — the way John Cassavetes loved Method actors and their process — his productions tend to brim with scene - stealing supporting players, amusing non sequiturs, and running times (124 minutes in the case of The Five - Year Engagement) that few comedies in the history of moving pictures have shouldered without eventually buckling under.
There are a few stumbling scenes of remorse when characters fall but the disjointed picture never fully captures the enormity of their mission or what being in that area felt like.
There's energy in the thing, no question, even if it's stolen, a few scenes and shots breathlessly romantic and breathtakingly kinetic, but Once Upon a Time in Mexico is a picture mostly in love with the grotesque and itself — a work of immense hubris, and a series of barely related vignettes with loosely continuous characters.
With the game taking place a few hundred years after the first Assassin's Creed, there's no surprise to see Altair out of the picture and a new guy on the scene.
Lots of pictures to see this week, from gallery shows around the city and one epic art film with quite a few scenes to make the squeamish squeam.
Outstanding in the first room is his absolutely stunning picture postcard painting «Santa Margherita Ligure», 1964, and a painting of the famous cubist painter «Portrait of Juan Gris» 1963, one of the artist's early works, intriguing for its predominate figure, as he produced few figurative paintings; advancing to the fifth room where light and shadows are being used in Caulfield classic twee interior scenes to understand the depth of pictorial space.
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