Sentences with phrase «few portions»

It may keep few portion of the profit for its expansion or to carry out new plans and share the rest with its stockholders.
If you want to embark on changing your tastebuds to sweetness, it does pay off to know your low fructose fruits (especially if you're currently eating a fair few portions a day) so you can make a few less sweet swaps and really that fruit isn't going to put back on some sugar train.
At the preview event, I was able to try out the first few portions of the game which included the game's prologue as well as the first of the game's main chapters.
So as certain areas of investment explode in value, Cramer maintained that stocks are one of the few portions of the market where prices actually run true.
As a result, many of us were brought up thinking that, according to the Bible, God is primarily concerned about «spiritual» things, that the gospel is good news only for the soul, and that themes such as social and economic justice are the concern only of a few portions of Scripture, such as Amos and James.
It's a one pot wonder too so there's limited washing up and you can make a big batch one night to last you the next few weeks, just keep a few portions in the fridge / freezer.
You can make a few portions at any time and then just store them in airtight containers in the fridge, which you can just grab in the morning and take with you to eat at work or on the go.
This will keep in the fridge for up to 3 - 4 days so plan to eat a few portions that week and possibly freeze 1 - 2
I made this chili in my slow cooker a couple of weeks ago and thankfully froze a few portions in tupperware.
I made a few portions on Saturday morning and froze what was leftover for quick breakfasts on the go.
This recipe serves 4, or you can store a few portions in the fridge for lunch or supper within 2 - 3 days.
I typically bag then in groups of 6 - 8 so it's easy to pull out a few portions at a time.
I usually make this salad when friends come over — it's impressively complex in flavour, and the amount of dressing you end up with is enough for quite a few portions.
This family favourite is making a comeback, so keep a few portions in your freezer for a quick midweek meal
A very good game, though there are a few portions, mostly at the beginning of Route C, that are extremely frustrating.
You may want to try freezing a few portions and see how it works for you.
In terms of quantities, we're talking just a few portions a week.»
You may double or half the recipe ingredients if more of fewer portions are required.
This recipe serves 4, or you can store a few portions in the fridge for lunch or supper within 2 - 3 days.
I cook mainly for 1 so would love to be able to have a few portions over the week and then enjoy the rest later.
You'll be able to see a few portions of it during the Treehouse Live segment that we're going to have during the show.
Also, there are a few portions of each stage that test various skills.
Are you tired of asking the organisation to change a few portions of the writing which you feel is unnecessary and redundant?
Unless you're legitimately able to proofread and edit the final draft of your Kindle book yourself, this is one of the few portions of self - publishing where you're not going to want to try and skimp out on what you pay — mainly because it's so darn important!
There are a few portions of the game where you fight enemies in a first - person, shooting gallery setup, tearing up aliens and the scenery and finding energy canisters for your weapons and your special attacks.
The few portions of the application that have not been redacted include detailed explanations of Google's plans to conduct radio experiments in support of Citizens Broadband Radio Service technologies, using experimental transmitters.
You might like to skim through the contents page and read a few portions to see if it fits with what you are looking for.
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