Sentences with phrase «few replies»

It's possible that people have no idea how to initiate contact or maybe they aren't doing it right and are receiving very few replies.
Send every email with a «thanks in advance» closing, and you're likely to get a lot fewer replies.
I just can't believe I get so few replies.
Women complain they get too many unwanted messages, men too few replies.
Seventh, messages including the word «lunch» were 25 % more likely than average to receive a reply, while messages including the word «drink» or «dinner» received fewer replies than average.
(note there were fewer replies for countries other than the US).
Targeting a smaller group means you'll get fewer replies, but your message will make more sense to more people, so you'll see higher open, click and reply rates, better quality responses, and fewer negative responses.
They're often objectified, receive fewer replies to their messages, have to endure racist comments, and so on.
A few replied that one of the things you can't buy with $ 24 million is an NBA championship.
If Aunt Martha is always critical of your parenting and you have to see her, plan on a few replies to her comments.
After a few replies, you can switch over to PM.
Hey... I know you've probably seen a few good profiles and got a few replies by now but maybe I'm the one you want to consider....
I got a few replies, wrote back, got more replies, wrote back again, made a selection, wrote more, met her.
The more you contact is the better because you do not want to be limited to a few replies.
So, you should not be surprised when you only receive a few replies from all profiles you contact with.
Thanks for the feedback — here are a few replies!
We received quite a few replies from readers but one of the more interesting ones said they'd like to have apps like Flipboard, Zite and Pulse on their eInk device.
I've missed a few reply tweets from my mom because she can't get my screenname right, but I was really tired of hearing one of my friends making dinner plans with her roommate every night.
After tweeting out the image earlier today we started to get a few replies indicating that others were seeing the same type of burn - in after similar periods, though.
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