Sentences with phrase «few short weeks»

That time as we will know in few short weeks is summer.
What I didn't think about was how I would establish a breastfeeding relationship during those first few short weeks and how I would manage to keep breastfeeding when I went back.
Great outfit for these last few short weeks of winter Pam!
On top of all that, the November election is just a few short weeks after the September meeting, which makes this an awkward time for the Fed to move, as it may create economic volatility that could affect the outcome.
Make a habit of doing this and you'll notice your performance as an individual and a leader in your business improve dramatically after a few short weeks.
For a company that could seemingly do no wrong up until a few short weeks ago, Apple «sdramatic reversal of fortune has jarred numerous analysts.
It's much easier to tell the difference between Coca - Cola and Pepsi than it was just a few short weeks ago.
«In a few short weeks we hope to welcome a new member into the family, a baby boy or girl who will hear wonderful stories about his or her granddad,» she said.
Little did we know that in the few short weeks after contacting Jeff, he would also become a UP author!
Allegations of sexual harassment multiplied, sweeping through Silicon Valley like a powerful storm that in a few short weeks has cost multiple high - level tech investors and CEOs their jobs, and shaken the industry to its core.
In a few short weeks, we added the following components:
I'm thinking that it will become an even greater discount stock in a few short weeks.
After only a few short weeks, this very expensive brush is shedding like crazy.
Amid the global financial crisis, the Australian dollar fell 40 percent in just a few short weeks.
Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio offered some guidance to investors a few short weeks ago, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
And neither do the saints or the packers when they play the first non-pre-season football game in just a few short weeks.
Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks...
In just a few short weeks, the church went from 120 to over 5000 (Acts 4:4).
Havel wonders at the tremendous strength of an oppressed people who «seemingly believed in nothing,» yet who cast off a totalitarian system within a few short weeks, «in an entirely peaceful and dignified manner.»
When Havel addressed his nation on New Year's Day he wondered at the tremendous strength of an oppressed people who «seemingly believed in nothing,» yet who cast off a totalitarian system within a few short weeks, «in an entirely peaceful and dignified manner.»
A few short weeks later, on October 1, David was working the night shift when he got a call on his police radio.
In the few short weeks we've been at our church, we have realized that when death is imminent for an organization and particularly a church, staying focused is critical.
Flickering candles remind me of the light of Christ, the celebration of Christ's birth just a few short weeks ahead.
Congratulations Mitt, you are their friend for a few short weeks.
But for a few short weeks every year we get a small dose of spring.
On October 19th, the e-book will officially be available to our readers, and that's only a few short weeks away, so it's time to get that party started... like... now!
I realize that Halloween is this week, but in just a few short weeks it will be time to bake that turkey and gather around the table.
A whole slew of fab food bloggers wanted to surprise Bev and throw her a virtual baby shower — because she's about to pop out twins in just a few short weeks.
In just a few short weeks the littles will be walking through those kindergarten doors for the first time — eek!
It's just a few short weeks away and there is always so much to be done.
Exciting to be meeting you in a few short weeks.
She is getting married in just a few short weeks!
In a few short weeks, we will be enjoying long weekends and school break, which means more opportunities for elaborate breakfasts involving treats like classic cinnamon rolls, far more exciting than the usual a.m. food.
I can hardly believe that we're just a few short weeks away.
That's just in a few short weeks.
In just a few short weeks I finish my undergrad and graduate!
Would you believe I just tried Chipotle for the first time just a few short weeks ago?
Poor pumpkin, it only gets it time to shine for a few short weeks in the fall.
A few short weeks after going vegan, I healed!
Elderflower season is ephemeral, as the plants only bloomfor a few short weeks during May and June.
In a few short week's berries of all sorts will be gracing the market stall's and supermarket shelves.
We're just a few short weeks away from the May 7th deadline, and this time (I think finally) it's here to stay.
Since summer is here, I thought why not use these sweet cherries in a summer recipes since they are only available for a few short weeks.
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