Sentences with phrase «few showings»

Well fast forward 2 years later and the house sat and sat with very few showings and little interest.
Just to recap the last few shows, we have learned about how important the lip, cheeks and jaw are to normal breastfeeding.
You get fewer showings and buyers can be more difficult to deal with.
At the standard commission rate, after few showings and a few advertisements, I would be a loser even if it sold at full listed price, which was doubtful.
I have no doubt that his accountants and the money people behind him had done the numbers and I believe he would have made money [from fewer shows].
I wasn't able to leave one at my first few showings, and it felt unprofessional.
Some present baby crying, few show baby calm and comfortable and others eyes wide open staring into their mothers eyes for the first time.
In a world where everyone and their mother has a podcast, very few shows rise to the status of being massive crossover hits.
But fewer shows following such complex storylines where you can't afford to miss an episode are coming hitting the air.
There are few shows out there that have some of their most iconic moments in season 6.
With all the variables involved, there are relatively few show quality cats born, but many pets.
And I have observed that most of the resources tell us why we should utilize project management but very few show us how to do so.
The last few shows have been on the road, it feels good to be back at the podcast table.
There are very few shows in the history of television that can match The Simpsons in terms of maintaining its high standards for such a long
Rail: It seems to be the last few shows at Max Protetch you did things that seemed more open.
It has quite good amount of members, and had been featured in few shows like The Richard & Judy Show and The Dr. Phil Show.
«Our client in honour of the memory of his departed friends, has suspended his next few shows and musical engagements.
i wonder if your need and use of show ponies will be different now that you are not working in an office everyday... one reason that my wardrobe has few show ponies is that i need to dress 5 days a week / 48 weeks a year, knowing that i will see the same people every single day.
For her past few shows, Sarah Kendall's stock in trade has been intricately crafted stories that mix fact and fiction, drawing on her childhood in Newcastle, New South Wales, and observations about the world she now lives in.
I'm putting more time into each piece, it takes me longer to do the paintings — so I'm doing fewer shows with more work in each piece.»
I say it, too, because few shows have had me feeling vision in my gut like the latest from Richard Tsao and Petah Coyne.
We've talked about how you'll have fewer showings when the -LSB-...]
Or does the fact that Miami is 1 — 8 in games decided by three points or fewer show how much the team still has to learn?
Not one participant used the Kill A Watt and few showed interest in energy saving that would force a change in their behaviour.
Around nine per cent of the women were found to carry HPV but very few showed signs of pre-cancer in the cervix — the immune system can usually fight off the virus before it causes any harm.
Love it, so enjoyable and really funny, the actors are amazing and the show gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, and at times can really make you feel for the characters, only a. few shows can do that... and this is one.
Nowadays we have few show type dogs to re-home and the rescue mainly helps to find homes for the working variety which come over from Ireland and on occasions Greece and Spain.
Hip radiographs show most bulldogs to be dysplastic but few show overt symptoms
In the case of H pylori, the question now becomes why 2 / 3s of people are infected, but relative few show any syptoms.
The problem is statistics reflect that homes without lockboxes receive fewer showings overall than homes with lockboxes and have longer DOM.
Fewer buyers mean fewer showings, so each one needs to count.
Real Estate Professionals who are rude or arrogant, will have far fewer showings than a cooperative and enthusiastic agent.
There are very few shows in the history of television that can match The Simpsons in terms of maintaining its high standards for such a long time.
In a subsequent interview, Alexander deplored the practice, saying that «sellers usually don't know» that their property is getting fewer showings because of the low fee for the buyer's agent.
The project space's first few shows have focused on younger black artists who have had little market exposure, such as the Yale MFA student Vaughn Spann and painter and sculptor Leonardo Benzant, subjects of the current show «Homeostasis,» curated by black curator and Aljira Center director Dexter Wimberly.
We chat about the news leading into the big week, and we're also happy to have Lube back for the next few shows!
AB: Your early paintings were noted for their sparse palette and sombre nature — these qualities have changed over your past few shows.
We've talked about how you'll have fewer showings when the price of the house is higher, so you want to make the house look warm and inviting to make people feel comfortable.
«It's funny, I've had people come up to me the last few shows and say, «Man, it's like before I couldn't really tell what was going on onstage, but now I can hear everything.»
It is one of very few shows to have historicized contemporary digital practices within a lineage that began with digital pioneer Nam June Paik, who coined the term «electronic superhighway.»
Among the few shows that Mr. Guzmán has been able to view is a «nature program about a rhinoceros» that, they said, has been «replayed numerous times.»»
How great would it be to download a few shows and movies from Netflix to watch on a long plane or bus ride?
Since ditching cable, I just have a few shows that I watch, and this... [Read more...]
But, then you talk to some other band and all they want to do is just put out a record or play a few shows or whatever.That helps to keep things in perspective.
Even if only a few show up to help, that is a start.
Few shows have ever worn their hearts so plainly on their sleeves, and even fewer have been better for it.
I watch television, and there are a few shows Wendy and I love to watch.
Few shows have taken the Internet by storm like Making a Murderer, Netflix's true crime documentary about Steven Avery's murder trial.
I have heard some people say it was a giant shark, but I watched a few shows on Discovery channel during «Shark Week» and although there are sharks big enough for a man to fit inside, he would not be there in one piece.
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