Sentences with phrase «few silly things»

A few summers ago I made a list of goals for summer... just a few silly things that I really wanted to do.
He may not be as good as we would have wanted at this point in his career and he may have done a few silly things in his spare time (something you would never expect from a young celebrity with loads of money).

Not exact matches

So wait you aren't going to blame what was obviously Politics on Religious Wars lets not forget that there were a few things involved in these «Wars of Religion» and I am sure most historians will agree with me, firstly the Crusades weren't thought up as some ideological crusade to protect Christians from some horde of Muslims coming from the east, they were in - fact land grabbing and trying to stave off the eventual fall of what is now known as Istanbul, secondly I highly doubt that most of the average religious person had any idea just how politicized the church became during this time period or up until probably John Paul the II took over, I mean the Thirty Years War could have been called a Religious war under this Videos silly assumptions.
Here's a few things to remind you why it's silly: The Rangers won 10 games in a row last year, there were two week stretches of last season where the Angels were better than the Astros, the Angels have yet to play a serious contender, as already stated the Reds were 1st in the NL Central to start the season, the Brewers were in first until a little bit after the all start break (if I remember correctly), literally thousands of other examples of teams starting hot and then finishing outside of the playoffs.
It makes sense for things like American Football where you play so few games there will undoubtedly be ties in a lot of the years, but when you are already having a playoff, to add another is just silly.
about silly things that happen and give the calendar to him a few years later.
It sounds silly, but every time I move I find myself picking up a few things that I normally would think a little harder on just in the spirit of the change.
Silly as it may sound, there are few things in life, and even fewer in fashion, that are predictably unpredictable but Viktor & Rolf's collections are definitely one of them.
Especially a few years ago, as a recent graduate with zero prospects on either the job or relationship front, my friends and I would joke that we should just get sugar daddies and not worry about silly things like following our passions or becoming successful.
Now there are a few plot holes that you could nitpick about and there may be a couple of things that are a little too silly to buy into.
The scene distills a few of the film's many heady concerns: Art is often silly and pretentious, yet can still be dangerous, and most people prefer to keep some distance between themselves and the things they claim to care about.
I remember quite vividly spending those first few nights in America worrying myself silly thinking about what Harvard would be like, about whether I'd find something that interested me, about whether I would ever find friends here — and for each time I had questions and not answers, I told myself over and over that Cambridge would not be home, that I'd be out of here in a year, that it wouldn't matter even if things didn't work out because it would only be a year.
But for some reason the availability of social media and myths that you MUST promote force otherwise perfectly sane humans into spending all their time annoying a few hundred followers on Twitter and Facebook and doing blog tours and other silly things like that.
In an effort to spice things up, I took the performance indicators (our curriculum's version of assessment tasks) and added a few silly squirrels and some iPad apps to make it more of a Project Based Learning concept than just an assessment.
Obviously, I said a lot of things above in jest but I have always thought the rules of turning your stuff off for takeoff and landing to be a little silly: it always reminds me of a dorm RA in college I once knew who let a little power go to his head and strictly enforced every silly, nitpicky, rule and even made up a few because he could.
Few things trigger the kind of squeals and baby talk, giggles and happiness like a puppy: they're adorable, soft, fluffy, silly.
It's that silly season again and a few of us, who have left planning until the very last minute, are suddenly influenced by the sunshine and the idea of a holiday, and frantically trying to find where best to grab a week's worth of down time, if such a thing exists?
There are most certainly fewer women than men represented at the Armory Show, but at least the women who are there will not allow themselves to be limited by silly things like booth walls.
As Anand notes, the silly thing about this whole affair is the benefits of optimizing firmware for top benchmark scores are minimal, in most cases just a few percentage points.
It's the silliest thing because it's so easy to do, a few small things to keep the attachment system at bay.
But there is a time of the day when I do nt know what to do or how to approach to my middle son JP of 6 years a very stong - willing boy because I know he is kind of challenging me, and the worst thing is that my little girl is starting to do the same and that time is mealtime, in Mexico we have «lunch» with the family at 2:00 pm when they come back from school and that is his worst time for JP and even when I try to prevent the explosion cooking his favorite meal, start a conversation about the school, how was their day and give him a little bit more of the attention I feel he is trying to get, he «sits» on the table and starts saying silly things or calling names to his brother LM 9 (with the one I've always had a hard time «making» him to eat and my attention «was» always on him because he eats just a few things and in a very little portion, he is very thin, etc.etc.
I think if we lived next to each other, we would be great friends - your story about your furniture sounds like what I do - here's a little silly - I did the same thing when we were first married and bought a sofa -LCB- mauve, have you -RCB- that we couldn't afford, but had to have it - the darn thing never worn out - it has been pasted around through all five kids - it finally meet it's end this year - 30 years later =) I just picked up a few things last week at a consignment store - and I'm so looking for a white slip covered sofa too!
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