Sentences with phrase «few simple mechanics»

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Its really a very simple game with a solid combat system with a few niggling mechanics that just never worked.
I have to say a few things about the combat mechanics, which may seem simple at first glance, but they are actually pretty complex, especially that each monster has a different behavior.
The mechanics of conversion may be a little less simple, especially if you have a few IRA accounts.
With these simple mechanics the developers set up a suite of easy but enjoyable challenges before introducing a few more ideas.
The few battles I played were so simple I would have had to actively try to lose, and the mechanics — while appealingly simple at first — feel to me as though they might get stale quite quickly if there isn't an upping of the variety and pace.
The controls are implemented perfectly, and once you get hang of these simple mechanics you will have very few issues completing game.
The colourful animals and seemingly simple mechanics encountered in your first few levels belie some real depth and charm, the kind that you have come to expect from HoneySlug, as well as a long lasting challenge.
It's the mechanic that all gamers were taught through Angry Birds a few years ago and one that is simple, intuitive and makes the game much more accessible.
has simple controls, few mechanics, and an incredibly thin learning curve.
That, coupled with a few platforming issues (there are times in which the simple act of climbing a ledge becomes more complicated than it should), a weird stealth mechanic (hiding in bushes will make you invisible to enemies, even if they're two inches away from you) and the inconsistent framerate hinder the quality of what could have been a much better game.
I played through the demo, and — in spite of a few technical hiccups — I had a good time getting acquainted with the simple mechanics and the charming art style.
The movesets are simple and easy to understand with a few added mechanics.
It should not feature gameplay mechanics that are simple enough to be handled by a few hundred lines of JavaScript.
The mechanics involved in handling a listing now go beyond simple photography and the fundamental «write up» as they were just a few years ago.
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