Sentences with phrase «few small things»

we might still differ on few small things sometimes, but God is through you opening a whole new world for me!
However there are few small things which Infiniti missed on even in Luxury model.
«If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself.
Maybe it's a few smaller things that coalesce into something big.
Sure, your small community can accomplish a few small things, but imagine if you were all working together with thousands of others!
Just a few small things, really.
I mostly stuck to the recipe on this one, but I did change a few small things.
«Apart from that, there are a few small things to sort out but as long as I am playing I am happy, I have missed too much football and I just want to be playing, really.
just a few small things lol?
Wilshere said: «There are a few small things that we have to work on.
It is quite a big deal for us to win the title and not a few small things
Is it just a few small things or have Arsenal got more fundamental problems?
They did err on a few small things.
He only seems that way because he has done a few small things that any Tory Mayor would have done.
By the time the committee had to make its decision, we hadn't found anything at all — well, a few small things, but nothing big.
These are just a few small things that can actually make some difference over time.
The path to overcome constipation on keto is usually a matter of changing a few small things you do on a daily basis.
I couldn't help getting him a few small things, but we talked last month and agreed we'd rather put our money towards traveling and the trips we have planned in 2017.
Because I'm a nut, I also like to switch out a few small things in my home with the seasons, so I put out a gardenia scented candle and switched my throw pillow covers, throw blanket, hand towels in the bathroom, and kitchen towels for lighter spring colors.
I pulled a few small things off of my kitchen shelves, and the rest I had was sitting in my pile of «overflow» decor, not currently being used.
I have to do a few small things for work today and next week, but other than that I'm staying clear of the madness.
I used to sew when I was younger and only recently started stitching a few small things for my home.
All told, I, TONYA verges on being a perfect film, were it not for a few small things that could be corrected before release, such as some bad CGI in the ice - skating sequences.
Though a few small things hinder the title from absolute greatness, Final Fantasy XV remains one of the best JRPGs I've played in recent memory.
Xenoblade 2 gets a patch today that tweaks a few small things.
While I'll be leaving the full breakdown to our final review when the game releases on Oct 3 I'll touch on a few small things I noticed in my short time with the game so far.
School - turnaround experts say a few small things, such as aligning curriculum with state standards and creating focused time for reading and math, can yield short - term results.
I miss a few small things that my old one had that the new one does not like automatic up on the passenger side window, and the seat memory presets.
yes the two are big enough for a few small things - we went to a game at U. Penn and packed a tailgate in front and back.
Instead, let me just say that everything about this car meets or exceeds what I expected, aside from a few small things.
A few small things to note.
It has needed no major repairs, only maintenance and a few smaller things.
I love that there is storage under the back seat, not much but enough for a few small things.
If many authors do a few small things in the way of promoting Red Tuesday, it will really add up.
If you are the type of person who procrastinates a lot, then try focusing on just a few smaller things to begin with and they will be the things that you write down on your to - do list each day.
The shelf is perfect for those few small things you want to keep with you.
People forget that changing a few small things can make a huge difference in their over all financial status.
This unit was very nicely furnished and the few small things that could be improved would take it up to 5 stars in my opinion.
There are a few small things hotels can do to score big bonus points in my books:
For Father's Day, though, I did get Corey a few small things and basically just told him not to look at the credit card charges for a week or so before
The owner has thought of quite a few small things to make his guests» stay more pleasant.
It's just a few small things that need a little TLC.
There are a few small things you may have overlooked that could have you spending more time resetting passwords and redeeming codes than playing games.
Perhaps there are a few small things after that, but that's mostly it.
Repetto had nonetheless sold a few small things: a Maria Lai thread - on - cardboard for $ 10,000; a small oil painting by Piero Dorazio for $ 40,000, and a small colorful embroidered canvas by Alighiero Boetti, for $ 50,000.
Overall, I really like the Renogy Phoenix, but there were a few small things that I had issues with.
While you do not have control over some of these factors, such as your location, there are a few small things to encourage your standing with the company to ensure lower rates.
However, there are a few small things you can do help obtain cheap rates.
The coverage for CA renters is similar to that of homeowners insurance except for a few small things.
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