Sentences with phrase «few startups»

The phrase "few startups" means there are only a small number of new and emerging businesses. Full definition
It might seem straightforward, but very few startups can reach a level of quality that puts them on the radar of established companies.
Very few startup founders even want to stick around for the long haul, since their passion and expertise is in creating a new business, not managing people issues and repeatable processes.
Though very few startups succeed out of many that vie for funds, those that fail often make easily avoided mistakes.
While not everyone agrees on the nuances per se, it's commonly accepted that the majority of your returns will be concentrated in just a select few startups while the majority of your startup portfolio investments will return at best what you invested (and more often than not even less than that).
Peter Hudson: The reason we're likely seeing fewer startups is that founders — and the investors who fund them — tend to look for opportunities in large markets that are undergoing rapid change.
While Shine says Gin Lane's partnership with Harry's continues to be fruitful, few startups come with the pedigree Harry's did.
Venture firms are funding fewer startups, mostly in selected places.
But relatively few startups ever receive investor capital, regardless of where they're located or who the founder is, notes Kane.
Fewer startups mean less competition for money, people, attention, and customers.
Few startup ideas are perfect; that's why it's important to recognize when you need a course correction in your idea, pitch, product or execution.
The city has a high number of investors, but fewer startups vying for that cash than you'll compete against in the Bay Area.
You probably won't nail it right out of the gate — few startups do — but sooner or later you'll have to come up with a unique strategy that nobody's thought of and customers can't resist.
If you invest in too few startups, you are statistically less likely to be invested in one of the few «winners» whose outsized returns are crucial to offsetting the myriad losses you are almost guaranteed to experience.
Very few startup founders have backgrounds in marketing.
«Santiment represents the first of the very select few startups that have passed through's rigorous selection process.
Very few startups have the luxury of OJT (on - the - job training).
Nevertheless, the U.S. is becoming less entrepreneurial with each passing year, with fewer and fewer startups, according to recent research.
A few startups, including Hungary - based Brewie and Seattle - based PicoBrew, are coming to market with machines that let users quickly make their own beer.
Improving your product or service is great, but few startups have the resources — much less the team — needed to drop one idea and successfully focus on another.
Armed with advances in DNA sequencing and artificial intelligence, a few startups are turning these natural enemies of bacteria into promising alternatives to antibiotics.
Having fewer startups might actually be boosting productivity.
While there are many companies that are already in the race, there are a few startups that you should keep an eye on in 2016.
Many have tried to unseat Craigslist, but few startups have actually been able to when it comes to being a marketplace for everything from furniture to even cars.
Or, do what many of my grad students do, which is to try your hand at a few startups before venturing out to build your own!
A few startups, including Augmedix — which is backed by big - name venture funds and a slew of actual healthcare providers — have turned Google Glass into an effective time - saving platform for physician visits, allowing doctors to examine patients and simultaneously gather real - time information for their electronic medical records.
Established businesses have always held the edge, and the larger those businesses become, the fewer the startups that sprout.
So far this year, fewer startups have hit the prized billion - dollar valuation than did any in a single quarter last year.
Improving your product or service is great, but few startups have the resources - much less the team - required to drop one idea and successfully focus on another frequently in their history.
Few startups would balk at the opportunity to make a big splash at SXSW Interactive.
Digital wallet firm Paytm is among the few startups where a Chinese investor - Alibaba in this case - has a commanding majority.
He's worked for one of the biggest travel companies in Africa, an audit firm, as well as a few startups and blockchain related projects.
Peak Startup is looking for a few startup - pumped interns that are ready to jump in and grow our local startup community.
A few startups are present in this space as well.
This 12 months, we've seen a few startups launch electric scooters.
You see it time and again, that a new idea pops up, a few startups implement it, sometime independently, sometimes not, but in the end only a few (if not only one) survive.
Few startups are funded well enough to afford the marketing required to achieve scale.
Some of the recent runs were captured in the videos below, including a few startups and shakedown laps.
Interestingly, this year's BEA Digital Zone also featured a few startups whose products were still in development, but who had come to the event to display their «coming attractions» for ebooks and digital publishing.
But as the dust has settled — and more than a few startups have come and gone — the shift seems to be that the original publishing model was simply outdated, and required some updates.
Student loan debt isn't the only factor contributing to fewer startups among younger people, but it certainly may be one reason why millennials are on track to become the least entrepreneurial generation in history.
A few startups are present in this space as well.
When it came time to start college I had my hand in a few startups and was still an active partner with the hedge fund.
If you want to reduce your wallets bulk but still have the flexibility to use a number of different cards, a few startups, such as Swyp, sell products to help with just that.
A few startups already make that case, and we expect big news from some of them later this year.
Hoboken's bike - share bikes are from Social Bicycles (SoBi), one of a few startup companies that have removed the requirements for electronic docking stations by integrating the locking component and GPS tracking into the bicycle itself.
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