Sentences with phrase «few sweet nothings»

I have watered, not waterd, misted and even might have whispered a few sweet nothings toward the dying green things to no avail.
A classic staple of the Arkham series, as Bats lurks in the rafters waiting to swoop up some inattentive guards, whisper a few sweet nothings, and then leave them hanging like a naughty piata.

Not exact matches

There are a few varieties: fancy, blackstrap, etc. but nothing called «sweet».
I purchased a little sample of home made bentonite clay toothpaste (from a good source) I have been using it now for a few weeks, and my teeth have become so sensitive I cant eat anything sweet at all, and nothing cold without being in a lot pain.
Essentialy what they're given is a boring, predictable, forgettable, ocassionaly sweet but ultimately dislikable comedy that has nothing more to offer than a few cheap laughs.
Blame Softley, too, for a negro - spiritual - cum - Moby style that doesn't so much make a few of the classic blues tunes on the soundtrack immediate for a modern audience as squeeze them through the pastry horn of adolescence, weightlessly depositing every potentially atmospheric moment like a sweet little decorative nothing.
A new home environment with fewer animals and no outdoor privileges is her best chance of avoiding the allergic response.Zinnia is one of the sweetest rescues we've had, who wants nothing more than a human of her own to dote upon.
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