Sentences with phrase «few talks»

Yet few talk about how to make money as an author.
Too many adults talk to children, but far too few talk with them.
The account is highly informative, although it would come across more vividly if there were fewer talking heads and longer stretches of archival footage.
At ninety - six I think and read almost as vigorously as ever though for some years now I have taught no classes and given few talks at meetings.
They buy fewer newspapers and call fewer talk shows.
Actually, urine leakage is a very common problem for women after pregnancy, but few talk about it.
I would have liked to see more in - game cutscenes, though, and fewer talking heads - as well as more development for squad members in the form of cutscenes.
I have heard many women say, they don't like pain or they don't «do» pain, but very few talk about childbirth and trusting God to enable them to do the job.
Most of my breastfeeding books (such as Le Leche Leagues, Womanly Art of Breastfeeding) briefly touch upon nursing aversion, and even fewer talk about the role of pregnancy in your breastfeeding relationship (rumour has it Adventures in Tandem Nursing by Hilary Flower might expand more on the topic, but good luck getting your hands on a copy).
I think it's so impressive that so few talk about how culturally diverse these films are especially this entry which not only features a smart and well - developed female lead as well as a Spanish villain.
Conveners are able to schedule as few talks as they wish in their oral session, allowing for example an empty 15 or 30 minute slot at the end to hold a longer discussion.
But few talks went without a slide showing the wiggly line of a deep ice core.
Legg tends to stay out of the limelight and gives significantly fewer talks and far less quotes to journalists than his other cofounders.
There are amazing apostolates out there to explain these teachings (One More Soul, based in the US, is a fine example), yet few know of these and even fewer talk openly about this issue within the Church.
Few talk through performances in the sanctuary, and the vaulted ceilings and limestone walls create an amazingly clear, full sound.
Much like Bastion, there are few talking characters in the game, but each one is so fleshed out and wonderfully voice acted it's hard to notice the small cast.
Probably fewer talking - heads sessions and more interactivity would be good.
While A + Denver did not have access to the polling or focus group data, the «more money equals better outcomes» message was worrisome because so few we talked to were motivated by this message.
The night started with a few talks, speeches, and need to knows.
:) I've had a few talks with publishers in the past year, but nothing that was a good fit just yet.
Here are a few talking points on the race so far.
The Hard Tackle discusses a few talking points to emerge from what was an exciting Manchester United win.
The bottom line is that EJ is generally well versed, and if you're going to debate him, you've got to be armed with a bit more than a few talking points with few facts of your own to hit back with.
Drop into any lecture and try chatting to your neighbour; you'll probably find that it's a speaker who has come to listen to a few talks before they give theirs, rather than a genuine member of the public.
I'm often reading forums, research papers and other websites, recently I've come across a few talking about apple cider vinegar with a ketogenic diet in an effort to get into ketosis quicker.
And a reality that few talk about is most chronically - overweight people are either food addicted or compulsive overeaters.
From a few talks with girlfriends they feel the same way.
Yes, we had quite a few talks about me and my temper.
You are going to first date without any conversation or with few talked than women will be not able comfortable talking with you.
You are going to first date without any conversation or with few talked... Continue Reading →
It is okay to have a few talking points in mind you want to talk about or ask your date, but it's not okay to sound like you're reading from a script.
Though it could do with fewer talking - head interviews and more extended clips from these impassioned live performances, Young Rebels is essential viewing for anyone interested in rap music, free speech issues or the youth culture of contemporary Cuba.
He's the guy who after a few talks and drinks will show he has a heart, and that «jerk» label he wears all day is more misguidance than his nature It's clearly Teddy's fault that Eric Carmen belts «All by Myself» during a reflective scene, but, man, does he still deserve a hug.
May we suggest a few talking points?
The Common Core may also get a few talking point nods.
This person would then do an honest self - inventory and list his counterproductive behaviors, which might include: I don't make appointments to talk with people; I don't tell anyone about my ideas, even when they ask; I avoid the topic; I don't have a few talking points at the ready.
A few talked about the development of diagnostic and formative assessments, aligned with state and district curriculum standards, used by teachers to track student performance.
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