Sentences with phrase «few tens of millions»

Within the next few tens of millions of years it will crash into the planet; we are catching it at the tail end of its 4.5 - billion - year life.
This investment of a few tens of millions of euros will support the strong demand in growing applications such as cable protection, lighter materials in automobiles, high performance sports shoes and consumer electronics.
But the «backbone» of Canada's well - to - do class, says McCullough, are people who, through business or investing success, have amassed a few tens of millions of dollars.
The age of the oldest rocks is known PRECISELY to within a few tens of millions of years, as determined by several different radiometric dating methods.
Supporter - driven distributed financial outreach raised a few tens of millions of dollars directly, but perhaps more important is that it helped mine individual fundraisers» social connections for new Obama donors, who would then find themselves on the main Obama list and subject to all of the encouragement described above.
If I remember correctly, back in the late»90s Grassroots burned through a few tens of millions of investor dollars before reinventing itself as an advocacy tool provider and consulting firm.
If I remember correctly, back in the late»90s Grassroots burned through a few tens of millions of investor dollars before reinventing itself...
These stars are thought to be less than a few tens of millions of years old, and preliminary analysis suggests that they are hotter and brighter than stars formed in less extreme environments such as the galactic disc.
But his publicity stunt has a half - life way beyond even what he could imagine — the Roadster should continue to orbit through the solar system, perhaps slightly battered by micrometeorites, for a few tens of millions of years.
In the longer term, Rein estimates that the Roadster has a 50 % chance of lasting a few tens of millions of years.
In this new, more chaotic picture of the solar system's early days, the planets seem to pass through a vagabond phase lasting a few tens of millions of years.
«Standing on the surface of Mars a few tens of millions of years from now, it would be pretty spectacular to watch,» Black said.
[3] Most open clusters dissipate after a few tens of million years.
When a Y chromosome is passed from father to son, the chance that a specific single nucleotide will change from, say, T (thymine) to A (adenine) is on the order of one in a few tens of millions.
Within a few tens of millions of years, that process could make the East Coast as geologically active as the West Coast is today.
Many years ago, palaeontologist Stephen Jay Gould suggested that a similar sudden ecological diversification may have led to the Cambrian Explosion in which most animal body forms arose in the fossil record within a few tens of millions of years.
The star formation is so prolific that in a few tens of millions of years, the blink of an eye in a galaxy's life, the gas will be used up, and SDSSJ1506 +54 will mature into a massive elliptical galaxy.
Even though there were just a few tens of millions of us back then (see «Humanity's enduring footprint», below), nature was on the back foot because individuals needed far more land to sustain themselves than we do today, says Ellis.
These stars are believed to be younger than a few tens of millions of years old, and initial investigation has indicated that they are warmer and more brilliant than stars established in less extreme conditions.
«Galactic eyelids last only a few tens of millions of years, which is incredibly brief in the lifespan of a galaxy.
CE: If the first stars to evolve were somehow extremely large, they would have exploded as supernovas in only a few tens of millions of years.
It is different when a private actor such as Gates uses his money to leverage public money — some $ 600 billion of it for his own relatively small investment of few tens of millions every year — to steer the public money to implement mediocre curricula and ill thought - out programs born of his feverish imagination and ignorance.
Plus, they own outright a viable social - DRM system and associated IP worth a few tens of millions by itself.
Actually, it IS a technical challenge... though probably easily solved by putting something more than the few tens of millions of dollars per year into research that we currently do.
What's the cost of a few tens of millions of starving people?
If it can make the switch, the result is: half the bill goes on the Visa card, and the other half is met with foreign credits the Government obtained through the Emissions Trading Scheme that cost emitters a few tens of millions.
I'm pretty sure the cost of supplying desalinated water to replace Himalayan meltwater would be more than the entire US economy could output in 2030 given DOE only spends a few tens of millions annually on desalination research... Farming is where you find suitable seeds, soils, logistics, markets, and predictable rainfall and temperature patterns.

Phrases with «few tens of millions»

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