Sentences with phrase «few tough days»

I believe if you use these along with the milk + rice / potatoes + PHD / GAPS diet, heavy on the raw milk, she might have a few tough days but should start doing much better within a week.
While you'll no doubt have a few tough days and a lot of tears, this strategy often works best for toddlers who suck out of habit or comfort.

Not exact matches

Fast - forward a few years: When Blank faced tough days in the first companies he started, he said he would think back to that moment.
Just be aware the first few days may be tough.
«The radio silence from executives over the last few days has added fuel to the growing Cambridge fire and if this data leak fiasco is left to fester it could take on a life of its own leading to tougher regulatory oversight / chatter,» Daniel Ives, head of technology research at GBH Insights, said in a research note.
Unfortunately, my job just gets put off if I'm not here to work so it's going to be a tough few weeks making up for lost days from the trip.
When I was sick over the summer it was tough to get back to running normally - for a few weeks I was running with tissues and an inhaler even though I felt ok during the other parts of the day.
In order to win PL / CL we need to perform on big days against tough teams and against those tough teams we get very few chances to score and giroud does not have those killer instincts to score on the slightest of hint of chance.
Our players are set for a weeks rest before facing Sunderland but will have a tough League game against Liverpool just a few days later.
Consequently, «making a boy into a man» nowadays may mean not just making him tough and strong but also helping him to learn communications skills, to deal with others under stress and to learn a game plan and apply it in a few days.
The same weekend United have an early kick off away to Watford after their first Europa League match on the Thursday and it is an away clash with the Dutch club Feyenoord and you can easily imagine that this could be a tough few days for them.
I am not on either side of the Wenger bandwagon but Arsenal fans need to remember these days next time Wenger sees another few tough results because it is ridiculous how fickle many of us can be at times.
Lamont seems to have removed anything PSU - related from his twitter page, and he tweeted a few days ago about «making tough decisions» and that you «can't wait around for ifs and buts.»
With two tough games in just a few days, it was always likely that Arsene Wenger would rotate his Arsenal squad a little.
It's going to be a tough few days getting over the match, and Thursday's Europa League dead rubber with Bate Borisov will only prove to be a slight distraction no matter what the result.
And with the Gunners coming off a three game winless streak and facing a tough match against a Southampton side that has already beaten us a few days after the FA cup clash, many of us thought he might make even more changes than usual for Burnley tomorrow.
Intense, emotional and tough — during his playing days he endured no fewer than seven knee operations — Schmidt is the perfect man to spark a revival and for good measure adheres to the house style — the agressive and high - energy pressing game popularised there by Wolfgang Frank and Jürgen Klopp.
Arsenal's Top Four Chase Gets Tougher After Defeat Against Palace Just when things starting to look bright again for Arsenal with their 3 - 0 win over West Ham in midweek, but within just few days things went gloomy again.
@terry, Good day mate, what would you consider to be «the type of player» Arsenal need for as far as I'm concerned based on the last few seasons the Arsenal boys did lack «guts and heart» when the going got tough.
They have a possible Champions League quarter final a few days after that, and the following three league games contain tough fixtures, including those against Arsenal and Liverpool.
Few would argue that Villa have it tough over the festive period, with Tottenham Hotspur first up on Boxing day at Villa Park — A game you can see live on Sky Sports — before they tackle the wealth of Manchester City at Eastlands in a match which last season, because of their 3 - 1 defeat in the closing stages of the season, meant they could no longer finish in the top - four.
So we decided obviously to go with formula - it was a tough adjustment but it worked out well after a few days.
When he was younger, he became very sick for a few days and wouldn't take any fluids or food; however, he would nurse and this helped both of us through a tough time.
A few days ago she asked for space and it's been really tough.
While it may be tough for a few days, with a sad or angry (or both) baby, who falls asleep late, it usually works.
No one will encourage supplements if breastfeeding is tough in the first few days; rather, my midwife will spend the night with me if so necessary to help establish a successful start.
For those days when you just need a few tips and tricks to get through a tough stage.
It was definitely tough for the first few days but it's amazing how quickly your baby will adjust.
the first few days were really tough... my nipples were cracked, bleeding and sore... but i got past it my giving myself a break (using nipple shields) and not being guilted into pumping.
The best advice I received was «just tough it out through the first few days.
It can be tough producing enough milk to feed a growing baby, and some moms find themselves in desperate need of a few more ounces per day.
In a case of a baby who is doing this because the mom has gone back to work, most babies eventually come to terms with the bottle during the day and will start to settle down after a few weeks, that's a tough few weeks for the mom who is trying to go back to work and then is exhausted the next day because her baby's been nursing all night.
It can be really tough to make your toddler adjust to preschool for the first few days as it is a complete change to their routine.
Getting «over the hump» is really tough, but better for everybody after just a few days.
He faces some tough choices in the next few days.»»
[citation needed] Within a few days of entering her job, she faced tough work as she was responsible for securing the public's safety through transport after some attempted terrorist attacks.
Nonetheless, a few years ago, Mauersberger took a two - day workshop from Marc Kuchner, astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and author of Marketing for Scientists: How to Shine in Tough Times.
Another thing that helped is that I realized, in those first few days, that people want to help, and that it is OK to receive their help — something that, until that day, I had a problem accepting, as I was too busy all my life proving that I was «as tough as the guys»!
We've were offshore the first few days of SOCAL - 14 and pushed back closer to the mainland today with tougher offshore weather.
The next few days were some of the toughest of my life.
The next few days got even tougher as I was in constant transit from home to hospital and back.
will make the transition easier, as you won't have to rely on willpower alone during the first few days when the adjustment can be tough.
Fulfill your need: Whether you opted to eat the treat or not, identify what your body and mind are really itching for: a walk break to clear your head from a tough task, connection in the form of a quick text to a friend or a few minutes journaling your worries at the end of the day.
The last few weeks have been tough, mainly because I am on my feet teaching all day, but I am now excited about my pregnancy.
This doesn't need to be a tough workout each day; it could be as simple as a few yoga poses, some stretching or twists, a brisk walk outside acquainting yourself to the temperature of the air, or just dancing to your favorite song.
It might be tough to not just ignore the alarm at first but after a few days.
Most people won't last but a few days; for those who can tough it out longer than that, the body and mind will only allow self imposed starvation for just so long before the dreaded «Rebound Binge» happens.
When an exercise feels too tough, too fast, or if you're totally wiped from a long day at work, calling it quits after a few shaky reps may feel like the reasonable choice.
It is a worthwhile tough few days for a gorgeous summer bikini season!
Tough to say, Richard, because it would require me checking hourly for a few days and then doing an «area under the curve» analysis, which I have not done.
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