Sentences with phrase «few typical examples»

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Moreover, every gadget contains scores of different technologies — a typical cellphone of a few years ago, for example, was comprised of more than 10,000 different patents.
A few sessions in a course on Christian ethics or the inclusion of an eco-feminist book in a course on women and religion would be typical examples.
experiencing an unplanned pregnancy (a few examples) Method Typical Pill (combined) 8.7 Tubal sterilization 0.7 Male condom 17.4 Vas - ectomy 0.2 Periodic abstinence 25.3 Calendar 9.0 Ovulation Method 3.0 Sympto - thermal 2.0 Post-ovulation 1.0 No method 85.0» (Abstinence) 0 (Mas - turbation) 0
Finally, a few psalms are of the wisdom type (see below, Chapter 12), a typical example being Psalm I (cf. 37, 49, 73, 112, 128).
A typical example is SADA, GYEEDA to mention just a few.
In a typical urban area with a high level of background air pollution — for example, around 15 micrograms of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) per cubic metre, or a nitrogen dioxide concentration around 33 micrograms per cubic metre — an extra 300 trees per square kilometre was associated with around 50 fewer emergency asthma cases per 100,000 residents over the 15 year study period.
«Contrary to the typical idea that more examples are always better for learning, infants in our study performed better when they had fewer examples, but more chances to compare between them,» said Susan Hespos, professor of psychology at Northwestern and a senior author on the study.
For example, as shown in Figure 3, the typical student in a non-FWS job reports working an average of 27 hours per week, with fewer than one in 10 working on campus.
There are a few examples of integrated STEM instruction, such as Ten80 Racing Challenge (more recently named the National STEM League), and FIRST Lego league; however, additional integrated, thoughtful, and engaging lessons are needed to bring all of STEM together and into the typical classroom curriculum.
In the introduction, we looked at an example showing a typical college graduate faced with the decision to start saving for retirement now or put it off for a few years down the road.
I also gave a few examples of the typical sort of silliness I often saw in my practice when parents managed their conflict by exchanging allegations and counterallegations in affidavits, such as this gem from early in my career:
We now see huge demand for these sorts of skills in the fast - growing creative industries for example, and that's very different to the typical skills such sectors sought just a few years ago.
A few examples of departments, typical duties and positions are:
Related to the children's age few examples of the 18 schemas described by Young are outlined with their typical child and adolescent appearance and coping strategies.
A few of the typical exclusions are flood, volcanic eruption and tidal waves, for example.
For example, if a lead says they do not want to buy for four months, the typical salesperson will give up after only a few weeks.
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