Sentences with phrase «few voices of reason»

it would be so refreshing if there were a few voices of reason, mixed in with this onslaught of re-jesusification going on in the US right now.

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I hope we all start listening to McCain and the few other voices of reason telling us that our current take - no - prisoners approach to political disagreement is getting us nowhere fast.
Your writing has been excellent and you've been a real voice of reason in the comments over the last few years.
To name but a few: I've had mercs spotted through walls, enemies alerted to a mercs presence for no apparent reason (yes I understand the stealth mechanics), enemy AI is appalling (you can eliminate a building full of enemies but just running a merc around the perimeter of the building, thus alerting the enemies, and then shooting them all as they come out of the door), the game is riddled with typos (e.g. some of the mercs have a trait called «though», which is obviously meant to be «tough»), the voices acting is poor and annoying (who honestly wants to have their merc scream the same phrase over and over again every time you select them?)
Consistently funny, with a few surprises, «Horrible Bosses 2» finds Nick (voice of reason Bateman), Kurt (always horny Sudeikis) and Dale (frantic and funny Day) back on the wrong side of the law when they attempt to pull off a kidnapping in an attempt to get back at Hanson senior, who has pulled a fast one and is about to take over their invention.
The one character who started out as the voice of reason in the background of a few chapters, Dominique, is actually a fraud herself; while she sneers at the lifestyle of these social climbers, she's all too happy to spend all of her vacations lapping up their beach house and the immaculately tended grounds.
While the first commenter (cdreimer) echoed the sentiment that Amazon's KDP Select resulted in fewer sales numbers «for no reason last year» and the Smashwords ones grew, the second voice (Darren G. Burton) introduced a skeptical series of questions how authors could afford to lose their low profit margin.
While there were a few reasoned voices, such as that of Leslie Keller, the overwhelming opinion from our business - oriented Americans seems to still be that it's all just a colossal hoax, a conspiracy of power - crazied collectivists.
I fear that the «spin» is a juggernaut that can't be stopped few know or care about the details of this subject I live in a highly affluent urban area, cheek to jowl with a major science oriented university I know no one who doubts the «consensus» the «man as scourge of nature» religion rules few are a aware of the hiatus, those that are consider it Koch and fossil fuel industry propaganda sigh... the voices here are, for me, a glimpse of light and reason I guess we are about to endure a media barrage thanks Dr. Curry, I'll re-read this post once in awhile during the blitz
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