Sentences with phrase «few years of a date»

I don't know that our rules are necessarily the way to do it, but after a few years of a Date Night In routine, this is what works best for us.
So many wonderful blessings have happened over this past year and it's been such a peaceful and rejuvenating season of life after what was an emotionally taxing few years of dating, engagement, and getting married (more on that here & here).
After a few years of dating, she enlisted a friend to help her rewrite her profile, and, within weeks, she met her match.
Guys tend to know if theyd want to marry a girl within the first few years of dating... guys also are more sure of what they want in marriage as they close in on 30.
The funds, which are found in many 401 (k) plans, are geared to folks retiring in the year specified in the fund's name or within a few years of that date.

Not exact matches

Kennedy saw the online dating industry grow and change over the past few years as general counsel and then deputy CEO of Badoo and then as an advisor and member of Bumble's board.
The average dating site customer spends just $ 239 a year for online memberships, which more than pays for itself to the tune of $ 12,803 in cost savings from fewer dates,» the report said.
And year - to - date, XLK has still eked out a gain, which makes it one of the few sector winners among S&P 500 stocks.
That's according to David Noto, owner of Altaneve, a premium Italian sparkling wine that launched in the U.S. a year and a half ago and to date has sold 2,400 cases in more than 100 northeastern U.S. locations, with plans to expand into Las Vegas and California within the next few months.
Neanderthal bones found in a Spanish cave have been dated to 430,000 years ago, suggesting their ancestors left Africa nearly half a million years ago and ventured across Europe as far as southern Siberia before dying out only a few tens of thousands of years ago.
Out of hundreds of major global indices fewer than 20 are positive; you have to look to Slovakia (up 5 % year to date) to find one of the few bright spots.
After a few years of losses, gold prices have risen 17 % year - to - date as of April 25, making it one of the best - performing investments this year.
See Figures 1 and 2 below for just a few of our recent Danger Zone and Long Ideas that have significantly outperformed the market year - to - date.
And to date, little about the past few years of hyper - appreciation in real estate prices — greater than that of Bubble 1.0 — has little to do with fundamental, end - user, shelter - buyer demand for houses «in which to live».
The price of bitcoin has exploded over the last few years — 2017 has seen barely believable gains in excess of 850 percent to date, on top of the 126 percent returns it enjoyed in 2016.
This question seemed so important to some of us that we decided a few years ago to try to bring the work of Nordhaus and Tobin up to date.
5 — You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.
Oh and carbon dating has a resolution of about 500 years as of a few years ago, so by now they probably have gotten a bit better at it.
I do believe that those dinosaurs did exists, but billions of years ago is a joke because carbon dating are only accurate to measure in few thousands of years.
In particular, the author of the Fourth Gospel, whose book is to be dated within a few years on either side of A.D. 100, wrote for a public familiar, as he was himself, with much of the best religious thought of the time in non-Christian circles.
Speaking of 8th grade, do you know that carbon dating of archeological finds show that animals have existed millions of years as opposed the Bible version of a few thousand?
Lady Susan, a cynical story about a predatory widow's romantic scheming, dates from the mid-1790s, when Austen was approaching twenty; Love and Freindship, a madcap satire of the sentimental novel, was written a few years earlier, when she was a formidably accomplished fourteen - year - old.
We have manuscripts of the scriptures for the New Testament dating back to 100 years after Christ, and for the Old Testament, a few hundred years before, in the original languages.
I am asking out of sincere desire to be brought up to date as I have not followed the science in a few years.
Carbon - 14 dating is only useful for a few tens of thousands of years.
It's the difference between a few tens of thousands of years, and being able to date back hundreds of millions of years.
The age of the oldest rocks is known PRECISELY to within a few tens of millions of years, as determined by several different radiometric dating methods.
After rumors surfaced that 17 - year - old pop wunderkind Lorde is dating an Asian photographer by the name of James Lowe, racists everywhere did what they do worst: try to string together a few coherent words that would fully express their outrage over Twitter.
He was like a man following a road on an old map that's been out of date for a hundred years; he couldn't see that there were other newer roads now that people were using, or that a few people were even cutting across fields to build newer ones still.
I sat in the waiting room for a few minutes before looking into my email to see if I was completely wrong on the date, which in fifteen years of getting massages, has never happened!
Over the course of the few years that we were dating, I helped out with some projects here and there, but as our wedding was approaching, the house still felt like just a house to me.
I had to make a few adjustments based on what I had but otherwise followed the recipe: — wholewheat flour instead of buckwheat — mix of walnuts and sunflower seeds as I didn't have enough walnuts — 3 dates and 1.5 tbsp maple syrup Both my husband (who has a huge sweet tooth) and my 2 year old love them!
With thousands of years of wine producing culture dating (possibly) more than 6,000 years, Italy is one of the world's biggest wine producers and few countries have more indigenous grape varieties than the Mediterranean peninsula.
Her interest in cellaring full - bodied South Australian reds dates back to a purchase of a few bottles of 2003 Wirra Wirra RSW Shiraz from McLaren Vale: «I took a bottle to California as a thank - you present to friends I visited after a conference in the Napa Valley and cellared the remaining bottles to drink over the intervening years
In Brittany, French sea salt producers rely on centuries - old Celtic traditions to produce their Sel Gris, and in Guatemala, Maya Natural Salt operates only a few miles away from salt works dating back thousands of years.
Note: This post is an update from one a few years back, so some of the content is a bit dated!
I have had the pleasure of getting to know Megan through various trips, blogger events, baking dates, and just hanging out over the past few years.
Arsenal are a Big Big draw for potential managers and I would imagine quite a few will be very keen to restore OUR CLUB to where we should be.Wenger staying well past his due date has made the new managers job so much easier.Whoever takes over will only have to concentrate on bettering a declining league position with little or no immediate chance of winning one of the TWO major honours that have been beyond Wenger for years.
With Rosicky and Arteta reaching the end of their sell - by date it would seem prudent for Arsenal to be looking to strengthen the midfield yet again this summer, and there are very few Gooners that would say no to the 25 year - old despite his well - known injury problems.
Men are generally a few years behind women maturitywise, so even if I dated a guy 55, it's very hard for me to imagine what kind of amazing life we'd have to have for, say, 10 years that'd make me want to devote another 10 - 25 to looking after his health and, increasingly, becoming his nurse.
That moved things from just Mommy Wars territory to Spousal Wars territory, which reminds me of two posts that address what I call the great gender divide: posts from Michael Noer and Elizabeth Corcoran in Forbes a few years ago, who debated the pros and cons of marrying a career woman, and from dating coach Evan Marc Katz, who addressed «What men really want from women.»
It makes her feel very protective of you, and made her make the comment that you shouldn't date anyone to you a few years ago.
Sullivan said some of the district employees involved had enrolled their children for free meals dating back a few years even though they did not meet the income guidelines.
So it's time end this «Phil and Teds Dot Stroller Review» & you can get everything you expect in a stroller for your baby, I know there are few things to think about which is not up to the mark but according to me the priority features are good enough like weight, safety, durability, double mode options, luxuries look & Phil and Teds has 1 - year warranty from the original date of purchase and you have to be the original owner.
Get Ready for Dating, Dances and More: Some tweens may not be ready for dating or even interacting with members of the opposite sex for a few more years, but they are probably in the minority theseDating, Dances and More: Some tweens may not be ready for dating or even interacting with members of the opposite sex for a few more years, but they are probably in the minority thesedating or even interacting with members of the opposite sex for a few more years, but they are probably in the minority these days.
Cuomo could keep his latest promise merely by retaining the link to rent control and adding a few years to the sunset date — leaving the cap's ultimate fate in the hands of his successor.
But if you look at the ability of what we've been able to spend grant monies and loan monies in the last few years based on the work done to date
The Royal Collection is supposed to contain some 1,200 artefacts containing ivory dating back hundreds of years, and it has been reported that William's father, the Prince of Wales, has asked for all ivory items at his Clarence House and Highgrove House residences to be removed from sight during the last few years.
In the 1970s, scientists using radioisotope dating could pinpoint the age of a 100 million - year - old rock to within a few million years.
Modern cosmology dates the origin of the universe to some 13.75 billion years ago — that's a lifetime of 4.3 × 1017 seconds, give or take a few million billion.
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