Sentences with phrase «few younger employees»

With periodic hiring freezes, federal agencies have relatively few younger employees, notes Neilson, anticipating some upcoming opportunities for scientists.
There are some other worrying trends in the Comptroller's jobs report, including the prevalence of older workers in New York, who perhaps can't afford to retire, and fewer younger employees, compared to the rest of the country.
There are some other worrying trends in the comptroller's jobs report, including the prevalence of older workers in New York, who perhaps can't afford to retire; and fewer younger employees, compared to the rest of the country.
«Training builds a confidence in selling that few young employees can achieve on their own,» says Phil Ray, who owns Best 4K9, which operates stores in Greensboro and Oak Ridge, N.C. «Pet Store Pro helps the pet people I hire become retail professionals.

Not exact matches

For many young companies, this can be problematic; with few employees and a small budget, finding the room to pay for IT services can be next to impossible,» explains iQ Office Suites, a provider of shard office in Toronto.»
When he was younger, Whitehead» s early education was in the hands of his father and, informally, in the hands of a few trusted household employees.
The top 10 lies told by women are as follows: 1) they weigh less than they do and are losing a few pounds 2) they are younger than they really are 3) they have a better physique than they really do 4) they are taller than in reality 5) they have money 6) they have a larger bust than they do 7) they are in a glamorous profession 8) they know celebrities 9) they have an assistant or employees and 10) they work in entertainment.
To make our country one that works for everyone, not just the privileged few, government needs to ensure young people (and adults) access to trained and qualified career development professionals who work alongside employers, employees, mentors, enterprise co-ordinators, HR and recruitment specialists, DWP advisers and volunteers.
A few years ago, we had a tech - savvy young employee who came up with the idea of producing in - house husbandry DVDs.
It only took a few months before the younger employee was actually of more value than the older one.
For a young, single employee who's renting an apartment and has very few debts or financial obligations, that's probably enough.
It observes the fact that many young companies were able to raise millions of dollars online to fund their projects with just a few employees and a business plan surmised in a so - called white paper.
When you are a young employee fresh out of college or just a few years past graduation day, the skills you offer are of utmost importance.
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