Sentences with phrase «fewer incidences»

The phrase "fewer incidences" means there are fewer occurrences or instances of something happening. Full definition
Yet, there are very few incidences of families who have twins in every generation of their lineage.
I've seen a transformation in my physique and far fewer incidences of stomach discomfort.
In a two - year study published in 2000 in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Japanese researchers observed that subjects receiving supplemental vitamin K2 showed 52 percent fewer incidences of fractures of the vertebrae, compared with those patients who were not provided with the supplement.
Encourage people not only to educate themselves about the difference between individual breeds but also about the sheer ridiculousness of judging an entire classification of dog based on a select few incidences that receive sensationalized media coverage.
Using better diet and nutrition for feline stomatitis means fewer incidences of the disease, healthier cats, and better treatment options for felines suffering from LPS.
In fact, parents have reported fewer incidences of temper tantrums from their children after receiving an NSD dog.
In this study infants that were breastfed for the first 6 months of life had fewer incidences of diarrhea, wheezing, coughing, vomiting and fewer visits to health care professionals.
Of course, after a few incidences like this one, you're likely aware that the cosmos aren't actually aligning and encouraging you to get those items.
However, no study I am aware of indicates that Christians have fewer incidences of food poisoning or that Christians are healthier than non-Christians.
Women who breastfeed have fewer incidences of osteoporosis and some kinds of cancers including breast and ovarian cancer.
Breastfed babies cry less overall, and have fewer incidences of childhood illness.
Cloth diapers «breathe» much better than disposables, and children tend to have fewer incidences of diaper rash in cloth diapers.
Toddlers who are nursed have fewer incidence and duration of illness and are less likely to require medical care than their non-breastfeeding peers.
While it is very rare, there have been a few incidences of dermatological reaction to lychees due to cross-reactivity.
Have fewer incidences of vomiting and diarrhea in the US (20 - 35 million episodes of diarrhea occur in children under the age of 5, resulting in over 200,000 hospitalizations and 400 - 500 deaths in the U.S.)
They have fewer incidences of pneumonia, colds, viruses, and gastrointestinal infections, such as diarrhea.
Statistical analysis suggest that higher rates of education among women are correlated with key social and health indicators — lower infant mortality rates, lower maternal mortality rates, fewer incidences of HIV / AIDS infection — as well as economic indicators, especially in an inter-generational sense.
And since breast milk is easily digested, breastfed babies have fewer incidences of diarrhea or constipation.
People who eat lower on the food chain also tend to have fewer incidences of constipation, hemorrhoids and spastic colon.»
This may explain why breastfeeding mothers experience less postpartum depression and have fewer incidences of child abuse and domestic violence.
Their blood glucose control improved, and there were fewer incidences of low blood sugar because insulin dosages were significantly reduced (16).
It's a fascinating history lesson about one of the few incidences where the language of advertising and selling was utilised to achieve a grander goal than the promotion of soft drinks.
In addition, you will see higher levels of participation and engagement and fewer incidences of off - task behavior.
The study also found that people who walk their dog at least five times per week had fewer incidences of obesity.
A 2015 Human Animal Bond Research Initiative Foundation study by George Mason University found that pet owners saved the U.S. healthcare system more than $ 11 billion by going to the doctor less and, for those who walk their dog at least five times per week, fewer incidences of obesity.
This, in turn, leads to fewer incidence of hairball formation.
There are a few incidences where grass eating should not be allowed and there are incidences where grass eating can be deterred by making a few simple fixes.
«With fewer toys, participants had fewer incidences of toy play, longer durations of toy play, and played with toys in a greater variety of ways.
A few incidences of explosions and fires quickly erased this dream, but the fact that the company has resumed the sales of the phone means there is still hope.
The cross-sectional study design and sole reliance on adolescent reports precludes firm conclusions regarding the development of adolescent violence over time, but the authors suggest that positive family relationships may lead to fewer incidences of adolescent violence, and adolescent violence may lead to deteriorating family relationships (Ibabe and Bentler 2016).
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