Sentences with phrase «fewer obstacles for»

The goal with this extra environment was to have an open setting with fewer obstacles for those in speed rather than technical expertise.
That leaves one fewer obstacle for gubernatorial hopeful John DeFrancisco, but he's not ready to take on the mantle of front runner yet.
I recently set up a few obstacles for my dogs and put them through the paces.
We've extolled the virtues of the company's don't - mess - with - a-good-thing approach to Android many times before, and one of the big reasons for that is because it presents the company with very few obstacles for adjusting to a new release.

Not exact matches

Most companies experience cash flow challenges within the first few years of operation and, for a large percentage of those businesses, the obstacle of high operating expenses and compounding debt proves to be too much -LSB-...]
Most companies experience cash flow challenges within the first few years of operation and, for a large percentage of those businesses, the obstacle of high operating expenses and compounding debt proves to be too much to handle.
The preliminary injunction, filed in federal court on Friday, comes a few weeks after Waymo filed an explosive lawsuit accusing Uber of stealing the design for its lidar sensor that allows the car to detect obstacles.
There are presently few entry obstacles for individuals to start a token sale.
The Globe «s Jeffrey Simpson offers Canadian politicians plaudits for the following good deeds: Ed Stelmach's decision to fund research into carbon capture and storage; Dalton McGuinty's decision to protect the boreal forest (because «untouched forests are wonderful carbon sinks») and to sign on to the Western Climate Initiative; Stephen Harper for agreeing to pour money into Ontario infrastructure; and the premiers for finally agreeing «that within one sovereign country, there ought to be as few obstacles to the movement of people and capital as possible.»
How To Qualify Clients In A Win Win Way Here are a few thoughts on how to qualify clients... Gavin, you recently wrote an article Selling Pies Should Be Easy and you talked about not throwing up obstacles that make it difficult for our clients to buy from us.
Here are a few thoughts on how to qualify clients... Gavin, you recently wrote an article Selling Pies Should Be Easy and you talked about not throwing up obstacles that make it difficult for our clients to buy from us.
Premised on the idea that the basic activity of life is the inescapable pursuit of what Hobbes called the «power after power that ceaseth only in death» — Alexis de Tocqueville would later describe it as «inquietude» or «restlessness» — the endless quest for fewer obstacles to self - fulfillment and greater power to actuate the ceaseless cravings of the human soul requires ever - accelerating forms of economic growth and pervasive consumption.
It appears difficult for many to overcome this obstacle — if he just grimaced, hollered or let out a few vein - bursting expletives each game he would probably win over a good proportion of his detractors.
Few students on the team, from what I could tell, faced quite the daunting array of disadvantages and obstacles that the average student at Fenger High School in Roseland did, but with 87 percent of IS 318's students eligible for federal lunch subsidies, the school had come by its Title I designation honestly.
He said he believed there were still «homophobes» on the Tory benches but they were becoming fewer in number and he hailed Mr Cameron's apology for Section 28 as a watershed moment that would remove an obstacle to many gay people voting Tory.
Fewer than a third of men and women without children reported work - life balance as a career obstacle, compared to 47 % for men with children and 72 % for women with children.
In a sense, environmentalists and scientists face similar obstacles when it comes to finding partners: They are often uncompromising in their ideals, do not suffer fools gladly, and carve out lives for themselves that may take them to remote spots in which dating options are few.
The results have been all too visible: a «brain drain» to the United States, difficulties in recruiting the best and brightest from Asia, few opportunities for young people interested in careers in industry, and obstacles to mobility between countries and between academia and industry.
Experienced astrophotographers have discovered a few ways to overcome some of these obstacles, like creating handmade brackets that allow for the use of a shutter release cable (to improve camera stability).
April 4, 2016 Consumers reveal obstacles to using nursing home quality ratings A study of dozens of people who placed a relative or friend in a nursing home in the previous six months found that few people were aware of the Nursing Home Compare website, published online by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help families find the best and closest available care facility.
They apply for jobs, connect with friends and family, and find much of their entertainment online and so the leap to online dating is often less overwhelming and has fewer technical obstacles.
13 Annoying and Inconvenient Online Dating Problems — If you want to try your hand at online dating, you better be ready for a few obstacles now and again.
With so many bad films coming out of Hong Kong in the latter half of the 90s, one can be thankful for director Johnny To for being one of the few to overcome all obstacles and make well - directed and skillfully developed films.
He discusses his collaborations with Hitchcock, his personal research efforts for the script, obstacles in the film's creative process, Cary Grant's objections to delivering exposition, and the few things Lehman isn't crazy about in the film.
These obstacles are compounded by the fact that few districts are making it easy for parents to exercise their right to choose or to avail themselves of the related option that offers «supplemental services,» such as after - school tutoring, to students who remain in schools that have failed to improve student performance.
There are now a few high - profile projects to create new boarding provision: Holyport College, sponsored by Eton College, is due to open in September 2014; Durand Academy, currently a primary and middle school in Lambeth, has plans for a boarding school in Sussex for pupils 13 - 18, although this is facing obstacles in the planning process and criticism from the chairman of the SBSA.
If the camera sees that the driver is not looking directly ahead for a few seconds or more, and if an obstacle is detected ahead, then it alerts the driver first with a warning chime and a flashing light.
If the camera detects that it appears the driver is not looking directly ahead for a few seconds or more, and / or if an obstacle is detected ahead, the system alerts the driver first with a warning chime and a flashing light.
As for Genius Linking, the fewer obstacles you put in the path of your reader, the better.
Make it easy for your reader with as few obstacles as possible.
Although it's customary for couples — either married or living together — to apply for a mortgage loan together, they may run into a few obstacles along the road to homeownership.
To do so, try the excellent tips below to get approved for a home loan with fewer obstacles:
For example, traditional bank loans require an extensive credit check, one you clear that obstacle, it could be a few days before you even see the money.
I'm sure Oculus and Vive are great, but I believe they will really struggle to go mainstream in the first few years - too expensive: Need a good PC + VR cost... just too many obstacles for the average Joe.
The game is designed for your character to automatically swerve and avoid obstacles to give you that «free flow» feel, however you will occasionally smack straight into a wall or cliff face and although this causes no damage it does sometimes take a few seconds for your character to reorientate themselves before shooting off again.
Infractions for hitting obstacles or cutting corners will cause the game to limit your speed for a few seconds, forcing you to play straight or risk being penalized into oblivion.
The demo didn't look like much — a few waves of enemies, a minor obstacle or two, and various non-robot objects to smash up — but clearly the potential for something great was there.
Both of them expressed a pleasant surprise over the more recent changes in policy by Nintendo and they now deemed Wii U to be a real consideration for their games with few obstacles and little risk to contend with.
Gameplay is fairly standard for side - scrolling shooters, with predictable patterns of attack from the enemy ships and a few environmental obstacles thrown in.
There are no difficulty levels, although there is a noticeable gradual increase in difficulty curve with new enemies and obstacles being introduced every few levels to create a challenging experience for the player to navigate through the majority of levels which will most probably require multiple attempts.
It also does a few things differently, such as rewarding the player with money for making good plays and setting obstacles in the outfield, like land mines.
Once fired, bullets will ricochet off of walls and obstacles for a few moments, destroying any zombies in their path.
I got one Moon by performing well at a game of jump rope, one for besting an obstacle course, and a few for braving precarious situations.
I have been procrastinating about drawing to sell on line because I couldn't get past a few obstacles when it came to preparing it for an online venue.
Yes I agree but I think that is more due to society than it being any more difficult for a woman to make art than a man, however if you see fewer women making it, and encounter so many hurdles because of being a woman it is another obstacle to deal with that men don't have to.
This year's obstacle course of bright orange and wood might pass for a few collapsed hammocks, an comic artist's rendition of a supernova remnant, the plastic floral arrangement in that dreadful office cubicle down the hall, or maybe yet another summer Con Ed failure.
In seeking to explain why so few women gain the success as artists afforded their male peers, Thatcher concentrates on the restrictive pressures facing women: «Women... express anxiety at the prospect of having children, feeling that they must avoid visible obstacles to their career progression in a world in which one must appear continually available for residencies, commissions or even just networking.»
A scaled, cardboard model of a few neighborhoods in Bucharest (Romania) is installed as an obstacle for the visitor.
But as in previous surveys, far fewer people considered protecting the environment through such regulation more important than keeping energy prices low — an obstacle, obviously, for proposed legislation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
One of the few remaining obstacles is, of course, iMessages and other Apple - specific apps; although when (not if) Google launches Allo for Android Wear 2.0, that will be a good option for cross-communication between iOS and Android users.
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