Sentences with phrase «fiber types used»

There are several different fiber types used to classify muscle tissue.

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For the homemade pasta, this healthy recipe uses whole - wheat flour instead of the «00» type often used, adding a nutty flavor and fiber.
You also get 10 grams of fiber; 12 % daily value of calcium from the chia seeds alone, and 10 to 15 grams of protein depending on the type of milk you use.
The first concept to understand in the trifecta is that using resistance training draws more energy from your body because you use type II muscle fibers «'' which have a high power output but fatigue fast.
One is the type of fiber used (i.e., cotton, bamboo, hemp, microfiber) and the other is the process that has been applied to turn the fiber into a fabric (knitting, weaving, etc.).
There are many different foam types used to make up a mattress: polyurethane, bamboo fiber, and latex are just a few of the materials that can make up a foam mattress.
In her research, teens using DMPA were less likely to gain weight if their diets were rich in three nutrients: dietary fiber, magnesium and linoleic acid — a type of omega 6 fatty acid.
Researchers at Containerless Research in Evanston, Illinois, used this NASA - developed device to create a novel type of glass that could lead to better lasers for surgery, dentistry, and fiber optics.
Students learn their application when analyzing samples for dyes, such as those occurring on textile fibers; when analyzing samples for the presence of materials such as petrol which may have been used to start fires; or when testing for the presence of illicit drugs in a variety of sample types.
«Broadband light sources with liquid core: Scientists generate supercontinuum light source using liquid core optical fibers and reveal a new type of soliton dynamics.»
Even though females of some species don't sing, their superfast muscle fibers appear likely to play a role in the calls they use for other types of communication.
Using this type of material, Jin et al. [10] examined the DNA arrangement along stretched chromatin fibers from individual maize centromeres and found that tracts of the maize centromere repeat element CentC were interspersed with CRM, the maize homolog of CRR, and unknown sequences.
The study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease focused on a type of brain tissue called white matter, which is composed of millions of bundles of nerve fibers used by neurons to communicate across the brain.
HB - Cesic \ textregistered is a newly developed composite using a mixture of different types of chopped, short carbon - fiber, in which one of the important aims of the development was to reduce the anisotropy.
When you stop working out, the first type is still involved in your daily activities but the type 2 fibers become rarely used, so they atrophy more quickly.
Therefore, in order to achieve maximum gains, you need to utilize different rep ranges that will activate both types of muscle fibers: use heavy - load, low - rep training as your primary style but also throw in a couple of sets with lighter loads for more reps.
While these products can help increase the overall fiber in one's diet, the type of fiber used in these products may actually do more harm than good.
This is because increased endurance work begins to reduce the main muscle fibers that are associated with growth — type 2b — and start to increase the use of type 2a fibers — the ones with less potential for growth.
This type of training demands high strength levels but doesn't require much endurance, which forces to body to use the fast - twitch muscle fibers.
This type of training doesn't require a lot of strength, but it does require endurance and mainly uses the slow - twitch fibers, but neglects the fast - twitch type.
In other words, fiber can be fermentable or non-fermentable, according to the ability of gut - friendly bacteria to use it, and most foods contain both types.
If, however, you eat resistant starch and other types of fermentable fibers, the short - chain fatty acids produced by the bacteria are used as energy and trigger improvements in the same important metabolic pathways.
They hold water very well thanks to their high fiber content, and create a type of gel when used with liquid.
THIS version of the Triple Add Set uses changes in range of motion of an exercise instead of changes in resistance, in order to target those different muscle fiber types.
Some important studies include: • Beneficial effects of a high carbohydrate, high fiber diet on hyperglycemic diabetic men (1976) • Response of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise (1982) • Diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM: The need for early emphasis (1994) • Toward improved management of NIDDM: A randomized, controlled, pilot intervention using a low fat, vegetarian diet (1999) • The effects of a low - fat, plant - based dietary intervention on body weight, metabolism, and insulin sensitivity (2005) • A low - fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes (2006) • A low - fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74 - wk clinical trial (2009) • Vegetarian diet improves insulin resistance and oxidative stress markers more than conventional diet in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (2011) • Glycemic and cardiovascular parameters improved in type 2 diabetes with the high nutrient density (HND) diet (2type 2 diabetes (2006) • A low - fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74 - wk clinical trial (2009) • Vegetarian diet improves insulin resistance and oxidative stress markers more than conventional diet in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (2011) • Glycemic and cardiovascular parameters improved in type 2 diabetes with the high nutrient density (HND) diet (2type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74 - wk clinical trial (2009) • Vegetarian diet improves insulin resistance and oxidative stress markers more than conventional diet in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (2011) • Glycemic and cardiovascular parameters improved in type 2 diabetes with the high nutrient density (HND) diet (2Type 2 diabetes (2011) • Glycemic and cardiovascular parameters improved in type 2 diabetes with the high nutrient density (HND) diet (2type 2 diabetes with the high nutrient density (HND) diet (2012)
So much so, a type of fiber found in shiitake mushrooms is approved for use as adjunct chemotherapy, injected intravenously to help treat a variety of cancers by rallying our immune defenses.
Creatine phosphate (creatines high energy molecule form, stored within cells) is used to supply the type 11b muscle fibers (fast - twitch high - glycolytic; the ones that get largest in size) with immediate energy, ensuring these muscles do not prematurely fatigue 6.
1935 Effects of the high carbohydrate - low calorie diet upon carbohydrate tolerance in diabetes mellitus 1955 Low - fat diet and therapeutic doses of insulin in diabetes mellitus 1958 Effect of rice diet on diabetes mellitus associated with vascular disease 1976 Beneficial effects of a high carbohydrate, high fiber diet on hyperglycemic diabetic men 1977 Effect of carbohydrate restriction and high carbohydrates diets on men with chemical diabetes 1979 High - carbohydrate, high - fiber diets for insulin - treated men with diabetes mellitus 1981 High carbohydrate high in fibre diet in diabetes 1982 Response of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise 1983 Long - term use of a high - complex - carbohydrate, high - fiber, low - fat diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM patients 1994 Diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM: the need for early emphasis 1999 Toward improved management of NIDDM: A randomized, controlled, pilot intervention using a lowfat, vegetarian diet 2005 The effects of a low - fat, plant - based dietary intervention on body weight, metabolism, and insulin sensitivity 2006 A low - fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes 2006 Effect of short ‐ term Pritikin diet therapy on the metabolic syndrome 2009 A low - fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74 - wk clinical trial
Using a higher rep scheme with lighter weights (12 - 20 reps) will break down the Type I fibers, so they grow larger — perhaps not to the extent of the more anaerobic Type IIs but still, bigger Type I fibers contribute to larger, denser muscles.
Three types of breakfast meal, varying in the type of starch and dietary fiber used in the recipe, were prepared.
However, it is also noted that observations of greater hypertrophy in type II muscle fibers could potentially be more a function of the type of strength training programs that are conventionally used to study increases in muscle cross-sectional area than of the responsiveness of this particular muscle fiber type (Ogborn & Schoenfeld, 2014).
If you are at your anaerobic threshold, you are using all of your Type I fibers and most of your Type IIa fibers.
Because Type I fibers are primarily responsible for burning fats (and Type II fibers only burn sugars), your fat - burning capability resides squarely on your ability to run using primarily Type I fibers.
This diet is also used to help people who already have type II diabetes as fiber helps «improve glycemic control, decreases hyperinsulinemia, and lowers plasma concentrations» (24).
A little body movement is ok here, in order to get the reps.. As in the barbell curls, the key here is the pre-fatiguing of the muscles before you hit this full - range movement and using a powerful movement to really light up those Type 2b fibers (those are the ones that fire explosively).
Using a higher rep scheme with lighter weights (in the 12 to 20 rep range) will ensure you break down the type - 1 fibers, so that they grow larger.
I would use this technique to cover all the muscle fiber types, starting with very light weight and doing very high reps (e.g. 30 to 50 +) then increase the weight and do 6 to 8 reps, then increase once more and do 1 to 3 reps.
More intensity than MAF and the anaerobic engine works more and more, from now on the body will start to use also type 2 fast twitch muscle fibers, use sugar for good, and start accumulating lactic acid.
To find the predominant fiber type in a particular muscle in your body, you can use the following test.
So, the more Type I fibers you can use, the less wear - and - tear you'll have, and the more muscular endurance you'll possess.
The moderate rep range is the most popular rep range in use today, but has been praised as the best of both worlds to give you a great mix of lifting weight while maximizing the types of muscle fibers being affected.
The other study used a similar protocol, but the researchers did actually take muscle biopsies to get an accurate measure of fiber type breakdown.
Simply put, these long slow runs offer MANY of the benefits of high intensity work (improvements to the circulatory system, improved lung capacity, increased ability to use lipids as fuel, and most importantly RUNNING FORM ECONOMY) without being nearly as stressful to the nervous system or muscles (particularly the type II fibers).
Your body needs protein to keep your immune system robust and to maintain muscle mass, and it uses fiber to promote healthy digestion and fight chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
When your body has been wired to use Type II fibers for a long time, it takes a while for it to get used to the Type I (fat - burning) fibers.
Clearly a long distance runner doesn't want the over-development of Type II muscle fibers or use a lot of energy trying to develop such; and a strength athlete doesn't want to expend too much energy into his aerobic system.
«For example, one type of bacteria that thrived as a result of the types of fiber fed in this study is inherently anti-inflammatory, and their growth could be stimulated by using prebiotics, foods that promote the bacteria's growth, or probiotics, foods that contain the live microorganism,» said Swanson.
This important new study used the latest methods to determine the muscle fiber type of the biceps femoris (long head), which is the hamstring muscle that is most often injured during sprinting.
Typically, the muscle fibers that are used at the higher efforts are going to be Type IIa and IIx muscle fibers.
Therefore, the recommendations made using the effect of Dietary Fiber intake on CHD are supported by the data on Dietary Fiber intake and type 2 diabetes.
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