Sentences with phrase «fibers by»

Needle felting involves the use of a single barbed needle borrowed from commercial felting machines, to tangle and compact wool fibers by repeatedly jabbing the needle into them, eventually creating a sculptural figure.
Each one of these savvy designs was woven from natural fibers by artisans in Oaxaca, Mexico.
In humans, L - carnitine helps to increase the growth of muscle cell fibers by increasing energy production within cells and by increasing the number of androgen receptor sites on the muscle cell surface, which in turn increases the level of circulating testosterone.
Both are made from natural fibers by GOTS certified suppliers in Turkey with which Maas Natur has been working side by side for some years now.
The gluteus medius provides the rounded contour to the side of the pelvis, although its posterior fibers are covered by the gluteus maximus and its anterior fibers by the tensor fasciae latae.
They assist anaerobic fibers by providing much - needed circulation that brings in added oxygen and other nutrients, removing and processing metabolic by - products, and speeding recovery following a hard workout or competition.26
This is worth noting, as type I fibers are generally activated by endurance activities and type II fibers by strength and power exercise.
Another driver of muscle growth is muscle damage, which refers to just that: the physical damage caused to muscle fibers by high levels of tension.
In some situations, these cells can also generate new muscle fibers by fusing together.
When you go to the gym, you break down your muscle fibers by training with weights.
The concept behind it is you gradually increase the load on the muscle fibers by which the tension increases and muscle fibers will break during that training period and there you enter in a phase to put even more muscle and strength.
We are attempting to «excite» the Type IIB (fast twitch) fibers by performing a strength - based exercise and then transfer this heightened state into a «synchronized» activity.
FLEXIBILITY - Significantly lengthen your muscle fibers by using the 9 myofascial trigger point beads to increase your acute and long term flexibility.
Because only then the body can repair the damage made to fibers by intense exercise.
- Noemi Rozlosnik, 2006 Nanomechanics of Single Muscle Fibers by AFM, International Nano - Conference (ICN+T), Basel (CH)- Mette Christensen, et al., 2009 Injection of marinade with actinidin increases tenderness of porcine M. biceps femoris and affects myofibrils and connective tissue, J. of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Vol.
Liu et al. created superelastic conducting fibers by depositing carbon nanotube sheets onto a prestretched rubber core (see the Perspective by Ghosh).
Although there was no dystrophin production at 12 weeks, participants showed a 23 percent increase in dystrophin - positive muscle fibers by the 24 - week mark.
NIST researchers then tested the fibers by transmitting ultraviolet laser light through them.
There has been some preliminary progress in constructing glass fibers by the team, and further improvements are expected from the collaboration with Ballato's team at Clemson, experts in glass fiber fabrication.
«In our process, we purified the silk fibers by removing a number of contaminants.
Mitochondrial respiration was also evaluated on skeletal muscle fibers by biopsy.
How it works: Recruits the highest threshold motor units (power / strength) and increases the oxidative (oxygen) abilities of these fibers by supplying them with constant oxygen.
Chia seeds are 40 % fiber by weight, which makes them the best source of fiber.
At nearly 65 percent of fiber by weight, raw chicory root is one of the best prebiotic food sources around.
About 65 % of the chicory root is fiber by weight and is an extraordinarily rich source of prebiotic fiber.
- Work in vitamins and fiber by tucking fresh spinach or cabbage leaves into sandwiches once in awhile instead of iceberg lettuce.
If your child doesn't get enough fiber by eating high - fiber foods, they could benefit from a fiber supplement such as Benefiber, Citrucel or Metamucil.
You can add additional fiber by adding a tablespoon of flaxseed or wheat germ to most muffin mixes, even the store - bought ones.
Whole wheat flour: Add fiber by substituting for a portion of white flour in recipes.
«Our idea is to reduce the cost for making carbon fiber by using renewable materials, like biorefinery lignin.»
The researchers demonstrated the unique capabilities of the multicore imaging fiber by moving one end of the probe across a sample and transferring the acquired images to the other end.
These filaments play a key role in the growth of the nerve fiber by providing a structural framework and the propulsive force for its elongation.
Yet, fiber by fiber life weaves an architecture of strength.
Our easy recipes and expert strategies will have you eating 30 grams of fiber by the end of week three.
The Blood - Sugar Balancing Coconut Cinnamon Matcha adds fiber by way of coconut manna, a butter made of coconut flesh (it's different from the oil, which is just the pressed fat).
In addition, it was proposed that short - chain fatty acids produced by fermentation of dietary fiber by intestinal microbiota interact with the antiinflammatory chemoattractant receptor GPR43 — ie, dietary fiber may be molecularly linked to positive influences on inflammatory responses (7).
Here is a link to information on dietary fiber by one of the largest healthcare networks in the United States.
UV Rays can Affect Skin's fiber by Reducing its Elasticity, Tanning Skin, Burning Skin making it Wrinkle Prone.
My wife likes to take daily a soup spoon of psyllium in addition — I argue it is not necessary because we get enough fiber by eating whole (grain) food, lentils, beans etc..
I'd love to know if blending it (or even juicing, but I like to keep the fiber by blending) makes as much difference as cooking it does?
Destroy the fiber by pulverizing it and you no longer have fiber — you have liquid.
If you are getting enough fiber by eating fruits whole, then to make it easier on your digestive system and to get in more than you could've normally chewed wouldn't it be better to juice veggies?
Get fiber by eating fruits (especially apples) & vegetables, whole grains, nuts (almonds are the best) and seeds.
Chia seeds are 40 % fiber by weight, which makes them the best source of fiber.
a short chain fatty acid and by - product of the digestion of dietary fiber by gut microbes.
«How to Increase Fiber By Up to 35 Grams Per Day» accessed May 19, 2018.
Our study also demonstrates the feasibility of achieving a high intake of dietary soluble fiber by consuming unfortified foods.
Increasing the intake of Dietary Fiber by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables can attenuate plasma triacylglycerol concentrations.
Although there is a seemingly large gap between current fiber intake and the recommended intake, it is not difficult to consume recommended levels of Total Fiber by choosing foods recommended by the Food Guide Pyramid.
Methods A total of 121 participants with type 2 DM were randomized to either a low - GI legume diet that encouraged participants to increase legume intake by at least 1 cup per day, or to increase insoluble fiber by consumption of whole wheat products, for 3 months.
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