Sentences with phrase «fibrous part»

When you're ready to eat, you'll want to trim about an inch off the ends of the asparagus spears, just to rid them of their tough, fibrous part.
Whilst the upper fibrous part of the plant is often discarded, the more fleshy base is used frequently in cooking — particularly Italian cooking.
It was the perfect time to hang out with surfers and learn the proper way to cut up a mango: Using your pocket knife (or a sharp paring knife), remove the outer sides or «cheeks» of the mango, cutting fairly close to the seed, but avoiding the fibrous part of the fruit in the center.
Inside the matrix of bones, there are many proteins including collagen, which forms the inside fibrous part of the bone.
Hold the asparagus firmly between your fingers, bend it and the fibrous part will break and come off naturally.
Since the Ninja Nuti Extractor uses the whole fruit or vegetable by breaking it down into a smooth puree or liquid (unlike a juicer which discards the fibrous parts) this is a great way to get all the benefit from all the vitamins, minerals and fibers that fruits and veggies offer.
This method separates from maca root its fibrous parts.
Cracked pearl barley has been processed to remove the outer hull as well as the bran — these are the fibrous parts of the grain.

Not exact matches

The center of the cord is gray matter — essentially an extension of the brain, like a tail — that is sheathed in fibrous white matter, with long, thin nerve fibers called axons shooting out at intervals to wire every part of the body.
The cacao bean is comprised of about 54 percent fat (cocoa butter), and the remaining part is fibrous solids (cacao powder).
Farmers harvest all year round and use every part of the coconut palm tree including the coconut fruit for meat and water as well as the fibrous husk of the coconut for twine or weaving material.
With deep tradition as a functional food and medicine, nearly all parts of the coconut can be utilized in some way - from the hydrating clear liquid found within to the fibrous exterior shell.
If you're looking for a cheap wheatgrass juicer, this one has durable parts but isn't the most efficient for fibrous, low - water items like wheatgrass.
Then he cut open Hernandez's thigh and inserted a paper - thin slice of the same material used to make the pixie dust: part of a pig's bladder known as the extracellular matrix, or ECM, a fibrous substance that occupies the spaces between cells.
It's frothy and delicious — and surprisingly filling, thanks in part to the vegetables» fibrous pulp.
Gelatin is largely composed of the amino acids glycine and proline, which many people don't consume in adequate amounts as they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals and as a population, we don't consume these parts as much anymore.
Of course, quality carbohydrates, complex carbs, are an essential part of a balanced diet — even if you go low carb you still have to balance your diet with vegetables and fibrous carbs for energy.
What it is: Xylitol is a part of a class of compounds called sugar alcohols, termed for its similarity in molecular structure to carbohydrate and alcohol molecules, and is typically extracted from corn cobs or any woody fibrous plant material.
«The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,» he explains, «and these products don't provide the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that fibrous foods have.»
The kitchen system can have some trouble blending fibrous ingredients like kale and cabbage, but for the most part it works really well and doesn't have any trouble with complex mixes and ingredients.
The thinned - paint literally fused with its fibrous support, drawing focus to the canvas as an integral part of the art itself, and representing an abrupt departure from the materiality of paint central in the work of the Abstract Expressionists, in particular, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Richard Pousette - Dart.
Most mechanical parts are rigid and fragile at small scale, but the parts in Meshworms are all fibrous and flexible.
Installation of certain boards and drives will require a screwdriver (Dell's designers decided to eschew, for the most part, the cute, tool-less solutions seen in pricier rigs), but all of the cables are neatly sheathed in black fibrous tubing, which keeps clutter to a minimum and ought to make upgrading fairly painless.
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