Sentences with phrase «fiction story as»

Having said that, she was faced with the challenge of producing a cover that conveyed the gritty sinister feel of a classic crime noir novel with a hint the book was a science fiction story as well.
Tomorrow, the garden gnomes will publish their first flash fiction story as a part of this month's Flim - Flim Game.
Nature presented this illustrated science fiction story as part of its Science Fiction Special.
Nature presented this illustrated science fiction story as part of its Science Fiction Special.This video was reproduced with permission and was first published on September 20, 2016.
Handheld sensors, often found in science fiction stories as a way of collecting a broad spectrum of data with a single device, are becoming real devices through the continuous miniaturization of technology.

Not exact matches

But as stories and news travel at lightning speed, it's more difficult than ever to tell fact from fiction.
He also used science fiction and children's stories as literary bridges to explore age - old questions about sin, forgiveness, and reconciliation with God.
Was it written to portray a god as a real enti ty or was it intended by the author to be a fictional story: Bible (God): yes — was written as a non fiction book Odyssey (Zeus): no - intended to be fiction by the author
Biblical interpretation naturally absorbs a lot of ink; but «modern biblical scholars» will be surprised to learn that many of them regard miracle stories as fictions «designed to influence the common folk of an ancient and more simple time»: a view closer to old - fashioned anticlericalism of Thomas Paine's vintage than modern scholarship even of a radical stripe.
John Wilson, editor of Books and Culture, wrote about Stern's stories as part of a year - end fiction roundup in our December 2005 issue:
Authors often use an avatar in their fiction stories — it is not Jack that climbs the beanstalk, it is the author... and many times, it is the reader that years later «lives» the story as they read it.
Suzanne Collins» trilogy was the first foray into fiction I enjoyed after a year of research and writing for «A Year of Biblical Womanhood», so I surrendered myself totally to the unfolding stories and, like so many others, lost a lot of sleep as I worked my way through The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Mockingjay.
i'm not going to go see Moses unless Charleston Heston makes an appearance; not to mention the whole story is a work of fiction and their passing it off as a real event.
Maybe God is as real as a fiction story.
And, at the same time, to be fair, what you may perceive as a «Love Story by God» and take it «literally» others perceive it at best, a book of fiction, with some good words of wisdom now and then, to at worst, a book of an insane deity who demands obedience, among other ridiculous things, and... sent «himself» to die for «us» as we are «broken» and «flawed» / sinful» creations, and by sending his - self... if... we just «believe» we go to eternal paradise with him.
Anne Tyler is listed as a member in category IV: 4, described as «Literature (Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Playwriting, Screenwriting).»
In some respects I write as a kind of middle man between the seminary and the pew, but I'm also interested in examining ideas and experiences in the forms of nonfiction stories and am moving toward fiction.
Islam meaning is «Submission to One God» and that was Abrahams Religion on which all the Prophets before him and after him had followed until «Issa the Son of Mary» then as our Friend»» «gozar»» «mentioned that (God did not need a scapegoat story stolen from earlier fictions)... doesn't that look like a fine line of poetry that summarized the whole situation of the crime that took place against a prophet and messenger of God became a dead sin taker...??
Despite the chaos and absurdity into which the story has fallen in fiction, we all try to make sense of our lives by seeing them as stories.
Even though Lewis stated that his stories were conceived as «holiday fiction» for the amusement of children (perhaps primarily for the amusement of the child in him), again we return to the question «Was there more to his stories than that?»
If I decided to tell someone, might I consider changing some of the details and telling my stories as «fiction»?
There is a short science fiction story — the title escapes me — where time - traveling tourists hop back to watch catastrophes as they occur.
Such a view of story would also disallow a great deal of what is variously described as «reflective,» «analytic» or «stream - of - consciousness» fiction.
I knew the story to be a fiction, and was puzzled by other children who, encouraged by their parents as I was not, professed to «believe in Santa Claus.»
To one accustomed to thinking of the Bible as historical throughout, it may be a surprise to discover that it contains also short stories — some of the finest fiction ever written.
But if we forget, as Henry does, that such «plots» are just that — story lines we impose on our random present — our play, our «fiction,» proves inhibiting if not destructive.
In a religious tradition such a declaration of ethical policy is associated with «stories» or «parables» which Braithwaite treats as morally useful fictions:
He functions as the focal point at which the various currents of the story are concentrated into the lurid fiction of an international Jewish cabal bent on corrupting Christendom and ruling the world.
The Bible should be taken as the work of fiction that it is, but with some good moral stories thrown in there.
Atheists see these stories as pure fiction, we do not have to reject the gods, we simply do not believe the stories that created them, anymore than we believe in Santa, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, etc, etc..
As to the story's purpose, we are confident that it is not (as some remarkably allege) a subtle piece of fiction describing in fact the practice of a Bethlehem fertility culAs to the story's purpose, we are confident that it is not (as some remarkably allege) a subtle piece of fiction describing in fact the practice of a Bethlehem fertility culas some remarkably allege) a subtle piece of fiction describing in fact the practice of a Bethlehem fertility cult.
We like to label fiction as «just a story,» cutting it off from our world, but truthfully, every story that is told comes from a very specific point of view.
She owns up to her mistakes (promoting a book as a memoir when it was fiction), acts silly (a cross-country road trip with her best friend Gayle), cries when her dog dies or she hears a heartbreaking story, gets behind causes she believes in (a girls school in South Africa), and acts like a student and not just a teacher (organizing a 10 - week online class to discuss Eckhart Tolle's book, «A New Earth.»)
This great book is basically two works for the price of one, providing not only an engaging fiction story for your child; but a cognitive behavioral guide for parents to use with their children to alleviate feelings of anxiety as well.
Of course, you can not make it up the way a fiction writer can, but you can present your story honestly and skillfully so the reader is as convinced as you are of the interpretation you are now going to present.
A Voyage to the Moon — a satirical account of a space voyage, often cited as the first science fiction story — was written by the real Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649, just 40 years after Galileo's first telescopic observations of the moon.
I've articulated it as a science fiction story, and I don't think anyone else has written that particular story yet, so for me it's new and interesting because it is plausible — and if we enacted it successfully, we could solve some terrible problems we're facing.
He sees the vital ingredient of SF as otherness: «A true science fiction story has as its keystone an imaginative element which can not be properly expounded in any other literary form.»
For more «mainstream» selections, they looked to top - sellers such as Danielle Steel's The Sins of the Mother and Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, and to anthologies of genre fiction, including a sci - fi story by Robert Heinlein.
As the title implies, this collection concentrates on writings about AIDS, but it strays far, from Paula Treichler's exemplary analysis of US network television dramatisation of AIDS, to Richard Dellamora's reading of an Edmund White short story and Sander Gilman's survey of 20th - century German fiction about contagion, real and imagined.
As it happened, I'd written a science fiction story that seemed like it might fit — it was about a couple of researchers working in a dusty lab who stumble upon a universal cure for cancer (you remember I said science fiction, right?)
These finalists will join other award - winning authors, as well as social and physical scientists, as the winners are honored during Science Fiction Stories night.
The story of the Australian troops bringing cane toads to East Timor, and thus creating havoc for poultry and people, was a great yarn — but so far as we can tell, it was pure fiction.
She writes science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories for adults and children, and is known as a prominent voice for the asexual community.
Used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, the cordyceps origin story reads like a science fiction novel: it begins its life as an endoparasitoid, meaning it grows as a parasite, typically on insects.
About Blog After many years as a teacher, I retired and began researching for a Ph.D. on the fiction of the Great War - especially the books, stories and plays that were written during the War or immediately afterwards.
But try as he might, it still sounds like Tarantino boasting in vain about how clever he is, and has none of the gravity of, say, the watch story from Pulp Fiction.
As every story becomes interwoven with the next, the boundaries between fiction and real life starts to blend in this cerebral thriller pushes the limits of cinema narrative.
While I have no doubt that he believes this fiction (in spirit if not particulars, perhaps), Brashear's story — even in its big - screen dilution — is so manifestly about long - term, institutionalized racism, that such a comment appears patently naive, even disingenuous (the movie even makes the case, somewhat ironically, that the Navy's greatness is proved by the fact that someone so exceptional as Brashear would want to be part of it).
But the real life story of Mary Shelley — and the creation of her immortal monster — is nearly as fantastical as her fiction.
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