Sentences with phrase «fictional books only»

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If you still believe that the bible is not fiction: It only takes one fictional account to make your book a work of fiction.
I can only suggest that perhaps the book of Job is as much a fictional story as yours is.
Stories such as those in the books of Ruth, Esther, Judith, which are nowadays taken as fictional rather than historical, use not only plenty of proper names, but often supply unnecessarily exact details.
The fictional book known as the bible and the jesus christ myth only apply to those foolish enough to believe it.
The only thing you honestly have is that book, there is no evidence to support that it is true and even if it includes snipits of history (names, places, etc) it still does not point to a god (numerous fictional books list similar things).
Cambridge's only local, fictional television station that's based out of an independent book store.
Books and fictional worlds are her only refuge.
Glossy magazines aren't the only venues that create a fictional matrix to lure audiences: Critical essays and book - length exposés tend to sell themselves on overstatement, as well as the exaggerated sense that the reader is getting privileged information.
With a series of drawings entitled The Alice Chronicles, Ridgway references the title character in Lewis Carroll's beloved book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as a means to explore the idea of personal journey, not only for the fictional character, but for the artist and viewer as well.
This is a fictional image of the sophisticated French collector: not only artworks are gathered into his space (it has a distinct sensation of being a man's apartment), but LPs, books, travel souvenirs from around the world, and piles of wrapped manuscripts.
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