Sentences with phrase «field commander»

A field commander refers to a person who leads and controls military operations directly in the field or on the battlefield. They give orders to the soldiers, strategize, and make important decisions during combat. Full definition
It was not known until after the collapse of the Soviet Union that there were also tactical nuclear missiles deployed to Cuba and, for the only time, under direct authority of field commanders who could fire without further authority from Moscow, so if the US had decided to attack Cuba, as many urged JFK to do, there is a reasonable chance that local commanders would have begun a nuclear exchange.
If you're wondering what an enemy field commander is, it's pretty much the head honcho of the swarms of mechs attacking you; and when I say swarms, I'm referring to massive swarms, an ocean of mechs.
Cyborg counter-cyberterrorist field commander The Major (played by Scarlett Johansson) commands a task force called Section 9 that fights cyber criminals and hackers.
The lack of a compelling villain results in little contrast for the hero, who's thinly defined as a character to begin with, and the cast is left hanging in the wind with the exception of Geoffrey Rush in a brief, thankless role and a scene - stealing Mark Strong as the Green Lantern Corps» enigmatic field commander, Sinestro.
Led by brave field commander Duke and armed with an arsenal of weapons and overflowing with fighting spirit, this team works together on the front lines to stop evil in its tracks.
Victory conditions exist in every battle and can be as simple as wiping out a certain amount of enemies or eliminating an enemy field commander.
It will be remembered that all the Eagle plays were called from the field, and by a field commander of certain genius.
Melville, whose secret approval of huge pay hikes for 28 of the State Police's top brass was rescinded by Cuomo shortly after The Post made them public, has returned to an old job as «field commander
This, the COAS will continue to exercise by himself or can delegate through his field commanders.
The new McCain blog is clever, readable, and occasionally funny — why that's a bad thing; we meet a southern California who used the Internet to go from unengaged voter to a «field commander of sorts;» the brouhaha... Read More
By making use of nanoparticle - based carriers, researchers at North Carolina State University are able to transport multiple drugs into cancerous cells optimally and precisely, in maneuvers that any field commander would be proud of.
I would have preferred to have the map on the GamePad, freeing up space on the main screen and being able to see where my field commanders are more easily.
In this instance, what you get is an almost endless supply of sword - fodder to slash through, with the occasional order being barked at you from one of your team mates or field commanders.
In an interesting blend of action RTS and tower defense, players take control of a field commander in an alternate reality where strange monsters known as Kaiju are rampaging across the globe.
In an interesting blend of action RTS and tower defense, players take control of a field commander in an... Read More
It will challenge you to think like a sports coach, or a field commander.
Take control of the field commander.
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