Sentences with phrase «field of study with»

You chose your field of study with certain jobs in mind.
The primary objective is to provide unique learning experiences that integrate the student's field of study with actual business and trade - show opportunities in the automotive aftermarket industry.
Although prospective teachers may not want to change their area of study based purely on their likelihood of finding a job, they should go into their field of study with eyes open.
Finally, as a third field of study with which process - thought must be related, I mention the new psychologies stemming from the work of Freud and Jung.
As an inter-disciplinary field of study with an important complementary role to play to all existing fields of theological study, part of the task of missiology involves the drawing out of missiological themes and issues from those fields of study.
[35] He listed five fields of study with which missiology has to be related, namely Biblical Studies, Church history, Systematic Theology, Social Sciences, and World Religions.
The objective aligns the job seeker or college admission applicant's experiences, qualifications and fields of study with the position or purpose that the resume will be used.

Not exact matches

Even with Theranos» proprietary technology in hand, however, the lack of peer - reviewed studies — the kind of data scientists traditionally use to assess a development in their field — has generated skepticism from experts outside the company.
Seeking entry into this field at mid-life meant competing with established professionals or those much younger than me, many holding a degree in journalism or another directly related course of study, an experience - rich resume to support their interest, and the freedom to work long hours in an office away from home.
SS: I went to the University of Toronto to study civil engineering with the idea that I wanted to be an architect, but as I talked to more and more architects, they all warned me I shouldn't go into the field — there was no money in it.
Several Canadian universities offer specialized degrees in actuarial studies to enter the financial and insurance business; there are a smaller number of master's degrees cropping up aimed at applying data sciences to a wider range of fields, along with some certificate programs aimed at professionals already working in business.
More than 16,000 associates have joined since its inception with roughly three - fourths of the employees residing in the U.S. Commercial truck driving, health care, and information technology are the program's most popular fields of study, Bezos noted in the letter.
Analysts will typically appreciate the chance to speak with customers, especially when the particular case study maps to their field of research.
We've partnered with industry leaders and certified instructors to create mobile test prep apps for more than 20 different fields of study, from standardized tests to highly - specialized certifications.»
This is the basis of behavioral finance, a relatively new field of study that combines psychological theory with conventional economics.
With specialized streams of study in Biotechnology Management & Entrepreneurship, as well as Innovative Management, the EMBA program at the Faculty of Business provides students with the theory, skills, experiential learning and research opportunities to advance their knowledge and enhance their employability in these flourishing fieWith specialized streams of study in Biotechnology Management & Entrepreneurship, as well as Innovative Management, the EMBA program at the Faculty of Business provides students with the theory, skills, experiential learning and research opportunities to advance their knowledge and enhance their employability in these flourishing fiewith the theory, skills, experiential learning and research opportunities to advance their knowledge and enhance their employability in these flourishing fields.
His passions and specialties with the field of SEO are — forensic SEO, WordPress SEO, ranking / indexation studies, Content / Social Media Strategy and technical strategy.
The study began with a field of 1,435 companies and emerged with a list of 11 good - to - great companies: Abbott Laboratories, Circuit City, Fannie Mae, Gillette Co., Kimberly - Clark Corp., the Kroger Co., Nucor Corp., Philip Morris Cos..
Unfortunately for the Japanese labour markets, as with many other countries, many young intellectuals seek further study elsewhere in countries like the UK that have renowned Universities and research facilities, taking a large portion of the skilled labour force the Japanese markets need, into other areas of work such as research and academia, a less hands on field that benefits the computer science industry on the whole but does not help specific firms achieve their targets directly.
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
This field of research which marries economics with biology and psychology studies certain types of investing decisions — including those made on emotional or speculative grounds, often made hastily without all the facts or because of what others are doing.
The reason why group interview articles are so great to read, is because they are usually packed with real life examples (not guesses or assumptions), case studies, tips from the field and some form of link building discussion.
A brand new study fielded among Database Trends and Applications readers and members of the Independent Oracle Users Group reveals that database professionals are being tasked with managing more database instances and platforms, and in greater sizes, than ever before - both on premises and in the cloud.
Anyone familiar with current discussions of neuroscience, consciousness studies, and the mind - body problem will realize just how fiercely materialistic and non-dualist these fields are.
Blessed are the Cheesemakers I could spend all day correlating causation in a classical quantum state with the form and substance of the Holy Spirit yet never publish an accepted study simply because certain laws of physics can not be applied outside the field which limits their reflective properties (matter and energy chain of causation).
At first, he constructed highly eclectic reading lists for his courses, attempting to cover the field of church studies with examples of its many parts and divisions.
But a couple of bona fide scholars — not professors teaching religious studies in universities but scholars nonetheless, and at least one of them with a Ph.D. in the field of New Testament — have taken this position and written about it.
This centre should determine what is missiological in the process of integration with other fields of study.
But the worry that the pool of future faculty will be dominated by graduates of religious studies programs whose whole training is outside the fields and institutions of theological study and who would not want to be associated with such schools is misplaced.
But probably the biggest reason for her marginal status is that she is a truly radical and original thinker whose thought does not immediately factor with academic theology or indeed with any field of study.
It is a wondrously simple view of the world, sustained perhaps by devoting one's life to the study of particles and fields rather than people, beginning with oneself.
Although missiology must be concerned with «God's glory» — taking an example from Scherer's list — there is nothing distinctively missiological about «God's glory» as all fields of theological study must also be concerned with it.
I have no problem with Bill Nye expressing his opinion in his field of study — science, but when he speaks out in the area of parenting when he is neither a parent or child psychologist that is is problematic.
By the time I had graduated, the field had become «one that maintains its interest in literary texts but explores all forms of aesthetic speech and that views performance as an art and recognizes its communicative potential and function» There were three challenges to those of us graduating with doctoral degrees in this discipline: 1) to locate which performances within art and / or culture we would focus our attention on as scholars and performers; 2) to interpret the core concepts generating from the cultural turn in our discipline to other studies of culture and human communication and 3) to develop «performance - centered» methods of research and instruction in whatever parts of the university we found ourselves.
He clarifies his rather vague definition of the field by contrasting biblical theology with five other modes of study: doctrinal theology, nontheological biblical studies, history of religion, philosophical and natural theology, and «the interpretation of parts of the Bible as distinct from the longer complexes taken as wholes.»
The revolution in government presaged by an activist population policy would thus seem to be based less in politics per se than in «science,» for in the final analysis it is the field of learning known as «population studies» that provides population policy with its raison d'etre.
From the time he returned to Kerala, India, after his studies in the USA, Bishop Paulose was in constant dialogue with Marxists, in the fields of thought and action.
You may think it all useless but if you think about it the field is highly interactive with law enforcement agencies out there, so if we have no information to study the various behavior types out there and what motivates people to become violent, the world will become deprived of psychologists which are important to helping law enforcement and hospitals identify people with such psychotic behaviors as this killer.
That different fields of study operate with different assumptions is perfectly acceptable.
[5] During his studies at the College des Jesuites de la Fleche, Descartes became concerned with the fact that Scholastic philosophy was not engaging the exciting and emerging field of modern empirical science.
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
[6] At the academic level, the field of New Testament studies has shown its sensitivity to various theories emerging from diverse fields by wrestling with the challenges issuing from such theories.
Although the field of Wesleyan studies was brought to life at mid-century by Methodists involved in the ecumenical movement (Cohn Williams, Frank Baker, Albert Outler, John Deschner and others), it now flourishes with the ever - increasing output of the thirtysomething generation of Methodist traditionalists.
I believe this to be an important new field of study which, of course, would imply a thorough interaction with cultural sciences.20 The recognition of difference often claimed by Boff.
Also there is evidence of molecular mechanisms in the cell membranes that can amplify small changes in the field to produce large changes in neural activity.13 On the other hand, earlier tests of Kohler's theory found that interference with electrical gradients over the cortex had no effect on behavioral measures (see note 11 for reference to these studies).
Furthermore, anyone who has studied ancient Near Eastern culture knows that the familial structure we see represented in scripture was nothing like the nuclear family epitomized by the Cleavers, but would rather have included multiple generations and relatives living together in clans, with women working long hours «outside of the home» in the fields, tending sheep, gathering food, trading goods, etc..
Brian went to church early, he's studying the book of John with a bunch of guys, so I loaded up the tinies early, so I could grab a Starbucks from the drive - thru, but it was too early so we drove around, looking at cows in the fields.
The concept of emergence, and with it the new field of emergence studies, has gathered momentum, giving rise to new speculation about God.
Canon G. W. H. Lampe is the Ely Professor of Divinity, with the New Testament and the Fathers as his fields of study.
They usually take place outside the Divinity School, and they are intended, not for specialists in religious studies of any kind, but for a general audience of people, mainly, but by no means exclusively, undergraduate, whose courses of study may lie in other fields, but who are interested in listening to a non-technical presentation of questions with which theologians are concerned and perhaps also in taking part in discussions which are arranged to follow the lectures.
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