Sentences with phrase «fight against something»

We continually fighting against ourselves in an ultimately futile attempt.
We absolutely CAN live happily with our hormones instead of fighting against them month after month.
The resume's content should not fight against itself for attention.
During, there are heroes who fight against it.
In case of any right violation, the attorneys can very well fight against it.
Those of us who are not evil must fight against it with the freedom we've been given to move forward and do good, even amidst the pain.
If they would just spend as much time learning about it and using it as they do fighting against it they would be much further ahead.
Even with all of my trading experience, I still fight against myself.
When a company is in distress, everything fights against it.
I have fought against it several times, especially during the last decade, but have recently decided that I can fight it no longer.
That's when I realized it wasn't the universe fighting against itself.
If they manage to achieve that, they then have to face the full weight of their local, state, and national unions fighting against them.
But as the bubble expands, those that have invested in it find a wave of cash fighting against them, but it doesn't matter, because momentum investors are still buying.
These positive associations contest the primal fear of death, and the unnatural fight against it.
He is my friend, the one who has shown compassion toward me; and my enemy, who fights against me.
For some reason they have an urge to fight against it in any way they can.
Starting to live with your body's flow instead of fighting against it is a huge step in making peace with food and your body.
We have touches of blue in this room, and I didn't want to fight against it with our fall decor.
Our former insurance defense attorney brings insight into the inner working of the insurance industry, so we can better fight against it.
When you have so much to refinance, everything fights against you.
And if you stop fighting against them and shift everything around them, you find the path to quality (and quantity) sleep.
I didn't feel like the game was actively fighting against me as I ventured down to the 26th dungeon floor the way I did in Nethack.
The community is faced with a stark political choice: either they shut themselves in from the growing evil and hope to withstand it, or they actively fight against it to safeguard an unknown future.
Kudos to Food and Water Watch, which explains how the good guys won this time: «Given the enormous power of our opponents, like the big chicken industry and pharmaceutical companies who fought against us for three years, this victory is a real testament to the power of grassroots organizing.»
«Titan might have broad - scale highs and lows, which might have formed some time ago, and the rivers have been eroding into that topography ever since, as opposed to having new mountain ranges popping up all the time, with rivers constantly fighting against them
(Surah 3:118, 119) Slay them wherever you find them... Idolatry is worse than carnage... Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme.»
It amazes me to find an intelligent person who fights against something which he does not at all believe exists.
It doesn't work to fight against them about their belief, to make them wonder if we are safe (and considering several of us have kids in schools now) or if we are going to do something against them.
And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can.
Using the Steel Mace requires a lifter to use gravity while simultaneously fighting against it.
Not to mention he would later join Big Boss» Outer Heaven, after first fighting against it, so his relationship with Big Boss is certainly an interesting one.
While Lane Keep Assist does work, I found that it steered in fractured segments thru turns rather than a smooth arcing movement and even had to fight against it at times.
W5 investigates salmon farms in British Columbia and profiles a woman who has led a 30 - year fight against them.
I will challenge that pretty much most of the problems you blame on Christianity, I would gamble I can show a Christian or many fighting against it.
In fact, along with Sting, he was consistently one of the only forces fighting against them with any success.
While the legalization of marijuana is a sexy topic, there are people who are earnestly fighting against it.
the only thing that protects sane and ethical people is the separation of church and state — that is why these crafty ones fight against it so desperately.
Followers are more willing to fight against those they believe evil, or at least inferior by branding the target a heathen or a heretic.
seems a bit of a random comment actually, the prodigal son is returning to the father, where did I suggest that God will smash in the face of anyone turning to him, as for those that refuse to accept or even fight against him or not return after turning away the bible is clear they come under the wrath of God.
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