Sentences with phrase «fight over doing it»

If we're going to have the fight over doing it, we should do it right.»
Craven's ingenious argument was that when it comes to global warming, the facts we fight over don't actually matter.

Not exact matches

We do mortgages in the states of...» while you continue rattling off your well - rehearsed and scripted mini speech, the eyes of the person you are meeting and hoping to do business with are glazing over, trying to be polite while fighting the urge to yawn.
They know which conflicts are worth battling over, and they know when to stop fighting in order to join hands and get something done.
«I spent three weeks alternating between the fetal position and the whiteboard trying to figure out how strongly I wanted to fight for the existing company vs. how prepared I was to strike out and do it over
Anker's has two USB ports so you and the person you gift this to don't have to fight over who gets to charge their phone first.
But you have to fight through those feelings to get over the hump and accomplish everything you set out to do.
But Nic had this idea for his character who thought himself somewhat foolishly as Humphrey Bogart, so he was doing Bogart things, which I wasn't that crazy about, but I wasn't going to pick a fight over it.
If a business does come under attack by a troll threatening a lawsuit over potential patent infringement, the business owner needs a less costly way to fight back.
The current Conservative government does not look likely to fight for passporting during Brexit negotiations, instead prioritising control over immigration.
No sooner than you leave the family business to the kids, it's likely they'll end up fighting over who got the larger share, who does or doesn't deserve the ownership they got, and who gets the final word.
Spending the next five, 10 years fighting over pipelines does not seem the best way to do that.
You see, there's an entire subfield of computer science that can roughly be described as «pulling information out of things that look exactly like the Bitcoin transaction graph», and while these researchers haven't done much to Bitcoin yet — that's only because they're still fighting over the grant money.
Meadows also said that he did not expect a major fight over whether the Harvey aid package would be offset with cuts elsewhere in the federal budget.
The video had used an interview Hogg had done over the summer with a local news station in California about a fight between a lifeguard and a swimmer as «proof» that Hogg was a «crisis actor.»
Seriously, a fight like that doesn't happen over a sedan.
In the time of all this fighting we've had [over embryonic stem - cell research]-- which did slow down this [adult stem - cell] research — in the last year we've advanced ten years.»
Same story when trained the Q - aida and Tali - ban to fight the so - vi - et troops who were considered non religious or infidels at that time and it was the pr - opa - ganda that was used to recruit islamic worriers from all over the Islamic world until they were driven out of afghani lands and until there was no use from them the plot was made to eliminate their presence and to pave the way for a new invasion by the west for those areas with out any fight but seems it did not work out as was hoped for and that's why their troops are deep down in the...!?
why wasn't he off at war (like a king is supposed to do when his armies are fighting), but instead not only checks Bathsheba out, but then calls for her to come over... if that's not «intentional» in your book, then what would be?
Why did people have to go and declare him God so that now, and for centuries before, we fight over him?
You are idiots for calling him on the carpet, instead you should be getting the federal government out of the poverty fighting business, The war on poverty is over 44 years old and for all intents and purposes all it did was create an out of control bureaucracy that needs to be taken apart and labeled a bad idea for future generations.
Do we snap the fight with our significant other or tell the Instagram story of us stressing over our student loan bills?
Joey Jesus came to set us free and wants us to live an abundant life if you are struggling with sin and feel tempted to sin just tell God you are weak our biggest stumbling block mine included was my pride i did nt want to admit i couldnt do it in my own strength and yet that is where the victory is knowing that we cant and knowing that in him we can.When we know that we then become overcomers in Christ thats who we are.We do nt have to fight the sin we just accept that Christ has overcome our sins on our behalf thats how i dealt with my sin and when i am tempted i say Lord you know i am weak but i am trusting in your strength to help through your holy spirit and he does.This is one of my favoriote verses may you be set free in Jesus name.Sin shall not have dominion over you brentnz
I get that you see this outside of religion but my point here, finisher is basically stating that we are wrong by insulting and indirectly fighting for christianity... you don't win people over with hate.
All these people doing these things, angsting over them being done, fighting them being done are using up valuable life that they could be doing something to truly help humanity... living, breathing people.
Who's to say that he didn't write your Bible (and the Quran... and the Book of Mormon... and all of the rest of them), toss in a bit of sugar about love and kindness and eternal bliss, then set the hook, sit back and cackle about all of the perpetual fighting over it all.
A child na.gging as such extreme power over their parents that they can force parents to make bad decisions because they don't want a fight.
That's why I do not call them (EVER)... they don't care if somebody is being attacked, mugged, molested, beaten, gang fight, run over, DUI..
but, when I see all these extremist bombing all over the world & EXPRESS HATE to American the land WE live in, do we not have a responsibility show up and fight against them — fight for our country USA has nothing to do with Islam — wrong is wrong no matter what religion...
If you have friends over to your house for dinner, and you pull out some family videos about your children, are you going to show clips of all the times they misbehaved, threw fits, wrecked the car, got in fights, failed classes, came home drunk, and every other bad thing your children did while they were growing up?
and then they are excommunicated and the fight is over... this is a hopeless fight especially when religion is involved... they either fight for rights and lose it all (and essentially go to hell) or give in and listen to their religious leaders... I do not believe in what they do and could care less really but they are in a no win situation and they as nuns should not be worried about birth control or anything of the such... they took the vows..
Why do we struggle so much because its our old nature that fights against our new nature in Christ which ever one we give into is the one that rules us.But as a born again believer sin shall not have dominion over us.The battle has been won by Christ so by believing in him we also walk as he does as a victor not a victim.Its his holy spirit that empowers us to do what is impossible in the flesh.But to do that our old nature or heart must be crucified with Christ.brentnz
Research studies have shown that many scientists are now trending towards believing in at least some form of divinity however; I think it's largely that we're only now letting science get the oppression it experienced over some of the religious wars fought over political reasons with little to do with actual beliefs or study.
Why do you think this was is being fought over so fervently?
We do not have to fight over some fabrications.
One of their documents contains elaborate directions for the organization of an army to fight against the «Sons of Darkness,» It moves largely in the realms of fantasy, but there is no reason to doubt that these sectaries did look forward to a final war of liberation ending with the triumph of the Jewish people over all their enemies.
Here, here — we don't need any more stupid religious symbols to act as a beacon for stupid humans to fight over nothing
«WE HAVE THE VICTORY» For those struggling with thoughts of unforgiveness and attacks on the mind especially deceiving thoughts and doubts these are from satan in the word they are called fiery darts we are to quench those darts by faith so we need to read the word and believe that Gods word is true.We also have the victory over these thoughts because when we accept Jesus the holy spirit dwells within us so satan does nt have authority over us he can not rule what belongs to God he can only deceive.We can not defeat the enemy in our strength we need the holy spirit when we try and overcome him in our strength we struggle especially with our thoughs and in the area of sin.If you are having evil thoughts or doubts commit your way unto the Lord and let him fight your battle.Tell the enemy he has no authority over you that you are under the covering of Jesus Christ and when you have doubts memorise verses on faith ie greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.The holy spirit is just like Jesus talk to him be friends with him he helps us to live like Christ and gives us the power to do it.We are overcomers more than conquerers through Christ who strengthens us.brentnz
Why don't we grow up, rather than follow the past and fight over this trivial stuff?
They do not have the luxury of leaving town after the fights and caucuses are over.
A couple may find it helpful to ask themselves questions such as these: Is this really an issue worth fighting over or is my self - esteem threatened by something my spouse has said or done?
or a war aginst invaders... if smeone enters ur home and starts taking over it u'll try and get them out by any means possible... Jihad is a war fought if ur country is invaded by outside forces... which is a right for any human being... one again before passing judgement yuou might want to get ur facts straight... don't listen to what u're told... God has given u a brain... use it... study a religion..
«I think that what we have to say to seminaries is in some ways quite radical precisely because congregational studies don't have a single position — the basic issues being fought in Atlanta were really epistemological, and the battle was over how you know the church.
There was a small but very passionate pro-slave minority, and then a majority who recognized a right to freedom for blacks, but didn't want to fight over it.
For in spite of the fact that they did not even get time to sleep over their resolution, aesthetics treats them nevertheless as if they had courageously fought for their resolution during many years.
CNN: Chick - fil - A wades into a fast - food fight over same - sex marriage rights Ordering lunch just got a lot more complicated than deciding how to answer, «Do you want fries with that?»
It is easy to stand and prophecy that in the future there will be strange new religions, that people will do things foreign to our understanding, and swear that our gods will not be pleased... and be correct... because it is the nature of human beings to change, to modify our beliefs to fit our experience, to seek out new understanding, change the way we dress and do our hair, and unfortunately, it is in our nature to fight over stupid crap like land and religion.
Ask the owner to do this instead of a mosque just for one religions culture.How a community of Americans with different ideas and religions can come together and voice their beliefs and why it is so.Support America its time we all get together on one page.Stop the hatreds and misunderstandings of one another.This would be not only a great time for it but a place such as a United Understanding of Religions building could surface.Now that would be a great way of continuing on after 9 - 11or... we can fight argue and fuss over things we understand not, with no one stepping up to find common ground.Which is it going to be?Hate or understanding?You have the moment, seize it for humanity.Not just one peoples.
A terminally ill patient can turn their lives over to God, be faithful, and still (here is one of the keys people hate to hear) DO THEIR PART in the fight against that cancer.
How do you tell a story that fundamentally distinguishes this person — this very particular and personal God — from the mythological deities who are also particular persons, fighting for their own favorites to prevail over all others?
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