Sentences with phrase «fight over public education»

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At the same time, the governor and the WFP are currently feuding over his recent comments knocking the public education system as a «monopoly» and pledged to fight next year for more charter school protections.
The top spenders so far in 2015 correlate with the top issues this year, fights over the future of public education and New York City's rent regulations.
But Mr. Malatras has been particularly visible in pushing Mr. Cuomo's education reform agenda, authoring a long and public letter to the state's Board of Regents and liaising with various interests in Albany as all sides gear up for a post-budget fight over the specifics of teacher evaluations.
All over the world, groups and individuals are using technology in a variety of innovative ways to increase government transparency, fight corruption, open data, hack on civic problems, strengthen economic development, address environmental problems, improve public health and education, and advance the conditions of women and children.
Public education advocates will have many opportunities in the coming months to fight for greater funding for our children's schools and against state takeovers that hand our democratically controlled school boards over to private third party operators.
As the discussion and debate over next year's Boston Public Schools budget begins, the Boston Education Justice Alliance is fighting for the schools our communities deserve.
In January, during the fight over DeVos» nomination, Moskowitz released a statement saying the nominee had «the talent, commitment, and leadership capacity to revitalize our public schools and deliver the promise of opportunity that excellent education provides.»
With National School Choice Week behind us, the battle — and it is a battle — to free our children from a monopoly by zip - code public education system is being fought on fronts all over the country, and in red and blue states alike, more and more Democrats are breaking ranks and joining Republicans in the fight.
If anything, the fight over transforming American public education remains in stalemate.
The Journal drives the point home with, «The battles are rooted in a political fight over how to improve public education
While charity and compassion are important, they do not take precedence over the fight for our rights and the very future of public education.
None of this should be surprising to any reformer or even to any reporter who has spent enough time covering the fight over reforming American public education.
Caputo - Pearl and other teacher union leaders, local and national, have fought against the rise of charter schools, asserting that they undermine public education by draining financial support from public education systems and creating an educational caste system that favors some demographic groups over others.
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