Sentences with phrase «fight through our anger»

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If we are a nation of people teaching children with our words and actions that might makes right and anger is best expressed through violence, then WHY ARE WE SURPRISED WHEN THESE SAME CHILDREN PICK UP BRICKS AND FIGHT WHEN THEY FEEL ATTACKED AND ANGRY??!?!?
This is who I am, and my anger is an issue, but it also gave me the fight to get up on the days I wanted to give up and to create this school — the anger pushed me through that.
In the epic video game, players will control Dante — who fights through the nine circles of hell which are limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery.
As you make your way through the overwhelming amount of missions and other activities, you'll anger the local cult, allowing you to fight one of three lieutenants, and ultimately confront the leader of the doomsday cult.
The program allows opportunities for couples to openly express their feelings to each other through physical activities, such as a foam roller fights or hitting a punching bag to release anger.
The marriage bond is so important to each person that when it is threatened, either through fighting, emotional disengagement, or perceived abandonment (i.e., affair, porn, prostitutes), the person will begin to protest by complaining, demanding, or «attacking» the spouse out of hurt and anger, or fall into self - protective withdrawal.
When your relationship starts to feel emotionally unsafe, whether through having the same fights over and over again, broken trust, or feelings of disconnection, it can create an environment of fear, anger, doubt, grief, frustration and longing.
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