Sentences with phrase «fighting jackals»

Thankfully, this doesn't translate over to the combat as the game has a way of anchoring Avil to the ground when fighting Jackals.

Not exact matches

I don't think every game needs to be Dark Souls, but when it seems like any encounter with a pack of human - sized jackal minions is best solved by button - mashing and hoping I'm hitting dodge and attack with the right ratio to do damage while not getting hit too often, each fight starts to feel more like a chore than a rewarding challenge.
Summary Capsule: Superhero The American Rabbit must fight a biker gang of jackals, then it turns into a road trip movie.
I immediately regretted not purchasing the skill earlier or farming the first few levels to acquire it at the beginning, as the dodge ability coupled with the timing of the square presses brings an entirely new dynamic to the fights with the Jackals.
Players can use the Jackal ship that can fly and fight in space.
Jackals prevent you from speeding through fights as you need to be specific with your aim.
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