Sentences with phrase «fighting against climate change by»

Going to court for more climate protection — and for more transparency Everywhere across the world activists are fighting against climate change by using litigation.
Also, the ocean contributes in generating food and oxygen for human being and fighting against climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the carbon dioxide released by human activities.
The CCPA is a landmark piece of legislation that would put New York at the forefront of the fight against climate change by creating individualized plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and direct energy funding to communities like the 20th state senate district that are most impacted by climate change.
This full - amortized fund provides targeted monthly cashflows of 8.5 % annually for 7 years, while aiding in the fight against climate change by significantly reducing carbon energy pollution.
Seven European countries step up the fight against climate change by calling for higher ambition by EU countries.
Industry should play its part in the fight against climate change by persuading governments to aid carbon cuts rather than lobbying against them, the UN secretary - general told a business conference on Sunday.

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Powered by billions of earthworms working rapidly in concert with beneficial microbes, the BIDA ® System will begin processing Fetzer Vineyards» wastewater during the 2016 harvest season, accruing energy savings up to 85 % over current wastewater treatment technologies and optimizing water conservation measures in support of the fight against climate change.
Instead, Cameron and Osborne were fighting against a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), a policy backed by Germany, France, Bill Gates and the Pope among others, which, even on modest estimates, could raise billions for domestic and international efforts against poverty and climate change.
Lower Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Cap by 30 Percent Between 2020 and 2030 - Cuomo «has called upon RGGI states to join New York in an effort to continue to lead the fight against climate change and drive the nation's transition toward a clean energy economy.»
Carbon capture and storage has been identified by experts ranging from the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to the leaders of the world's eight richest nations (G8) as crucial to the fight against climate Climate Change to the leaders of the world's eight richest nations (G8) as crucial to the fight against climate cChange to the leaders of the world's eight richest nations (G8) as crucial to the fight against climate climate changechange.
The complex geology and high rates of biodiversity in the region — currently home to an estimated 7,452 plant and animal species — make it a potential «natural stronghold» in the fight against climate change, according to a new, multimillion - dollar study by the Nature Conservancy.
Bad idea, sure, but maybe not the monumental setback in the fight against climate change that is feared by so many.
«As we move towards a future guided by the universal 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), I take upon me to lead UNWTO with a strong focus on building partnerships, fostering jobs and opportunities for all, mastering technology and innovation and advancing sustainability and the fight against climate change
In the fight against climate change, every bit counts, but to make an argument that is based on a leverage ratio of somewhere between 90 and 500 times the actual damage caused by a particular project is not the right way to go about it....
We believe that companies can play a pioneering role in the fight against climate change, by both offering climate - friendly solutions and by taking action to reduce their carbon footprint.
The deal made by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama to limit greenhouse gases from those two nations represents the most significant action in the fight against climate change in years.
The contradiction was further sharpened by Obama's Aug. 3 announcement of his Clean Power Plan, devoted to lowering greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, which he called, «the single most important step America has ever taken in the fight against global climate change
While forecasting the state of the environment more than 80 years into the future is a notoriously inexact exercise, academics gathered by the the United Nations at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are concerned the world is headed for «extensive» species extinctions, serious crop damage and irreversible increases in sea levels even before Trump started to unpick the fight against global warming.
We're no longer talking about the future; the world's poorest countries and communities are already fighting for their lives against disasters intensified by climate change.
YOU, your essays and your stand in this fight against the Harper Government will help all of us stand up and fight for our children's future and for a future less ravaged by Climate Change then the future we are currently headed for!
Following a judgment by a Dutch court that the government must step up the fight against climate change, a prominent international lawyer recently proposed that the International Court of Justice rule on climate science so that the scientific disputes in this area can be settled.
C40 is working with its partners and the City of Paris to bring together the largest gathering of Mayors around the world to demonstrate leadership and innovation by cities in the fight against climate change, and to send a strong message to member states taking part in the COP.
On Tuesday it revealed its plans for COP23, stating that it will be represented by a robust delegation to make sure the message that the US is still an ally in the fight against climate change is clear.
«We remain fully supportive of low - carbon technologies, which offer a huge economic opportunity for Scotland and have a key role to play in our fight against the threat posed by climate change to our society and natural environment.
A coalition of groups, including some that were impersonated by coal lobbyists fighting against U.S. climate change legislation, have banded together in search of further evidence of wrongdoing in the ballooning fraudulent letter scandal.
For example, I reported that Trump apparently plans to eliminate all climate change research conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as part of his fight against climate alarmist policies.
«New York is a leader in the fight against climate change and by aggressively investing in clean transportation infrastructure, we are taking action to lower our carbon footprint,» Governor Cuomo said.
«The major economies meeting is the latest attempt by the Bush administration to send the world the wrong way in the global fight against climate change.
But rolling back the CPP will still damage the US fight against climate change, not by loosening emissions reductions targets but by undermining a unifying principle and hampering ambitions to do better.
The WCCC Climate Change Collaborative Network is a robust «Business to Government Platform» for proactive Climate Industries, Universities & Research Centers, keen to take a lead role in the global fight against anthropogenic climate change & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & eduClimate Change Collaborative Network is a robust «Business to Government Platform» for proactive Climate Industries, Universities & Research Centers, keen to take a lead role in the global fight against anthropogenic climate change & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & educChange Collaborative Network is a robust «Business to Government Platform» for proactive Climate Industries, Universities & Research Centers, keen to take a lead role in the global fight against anthropogenic climate change & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & eduClimate Industries, Universities & Research Centers, keen to take a lead role in the global fight against anthropogenic climate change & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & educlimate change & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & educchange & United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by way of interacting & partnering with the government decision makers of Developing Nations on the adoption & implementation of their respective leading technologies, research & education.
Lauded by Vice President Gore as «the best, most hopeful step in years» in this effort, the AGs United for Clean Power coalition brings together attorneys general from 25 states, territories, cities and counties to explore ways to jointly support the fight against climate change.
The Filipino minister, whose family come from the area hit by the typhoon, thanked the youth groups for their support saying that the fight against climate change was their fight.
Also signed by Trump's three adult children, the letter called for passage of U.S. climate legislation, investment in the clean energy economy, and leadership to inspire the rest of the world to join the fight against climate change.
If you want to make an impact in the fight against climate change you can do so by actively supporting wind power!
It is also the name of a network launched in 2008 by Bill McKibben, the aim of which is to shift the fight against climate change out of high politics and onto the streetsâ $» or at least to places where youngsters hang out.
-LSB-...] realized (as if no new energy options, or methods for sopping up CO2, will arise in the future), as pointed out by Andrew Leach last June: In the fight against climate change, every bit counts, but to make an argument that is based on a -LSB-...]
While the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the commitments submitted by countries represent a significant step in the fight against climate change, the amount of ambition is still insufficient to keep global warming at a level that is safe for the most vulnerable communities and critical ecosystems on the planet.
Just as the NRA was «unmasked» by the recent events in Connecticut and shown to be nothing but a lobbyist for gun manufacturers... events will continue to take place in nature that will give those that want to fight against climate change a little more momentum.
«This house believes that China is showing more leadership than America in the fight against climate change,» is the resolution, being spearheaded by Peggy Liu of JUCCCE.
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