Sentences with phrase «fighting infections»

The research suggests that cranberry juice may help fight infections by preventing harmful bacteria from rooting themselves to the walls of your dog's bladder.
There are so many gentle herbs out there that can aid the body in fighting infection, inflammation, restoring blood flow and promoting faster healing.
A fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating natural defense mechanisms.
Used as a broad - spectrum, non-toxic, antimicrobial product, it is known to be highly effective for fighting infection and promoting health.
Since fever is our body's way of fighting infection it isn't always necessary to try to bring it down.
It is involved in fighting infection by bacteria and viruses.
The compound activates white blood cells, which fight infection at wound sites.
Breast milk contains hormones, antibodies, and other protective factors that help babies fight infection and become stronger.
Cats with this disease have very poor immune systems and can not fight infections well.
For instance, the immune system fights infection but with enough stresses on the body, can cause general inflammation that kills cells, leading to greater immune response and eventually systemic failure.
Certain infections in children might actually need an intake of good bacteria along with the suppression of harmful bacteria to help fight the infection better.
Adding more of those good bacteria gives your body a greater chance at fighting the infection off naturally.
When a person does not eat enough, the tissue from their muscles breaks down to provide protein for important purposes such as fighting infections or producing breastmilk.
As their immune system matures over the first two years of life, bottle fed babies have to acquire the ability to fight infections on their own.
It also fights infection by trapping and destroying bacteria and viruses.
You'll also learn how you can fight infections with nutrition.
Therefore, if it turns out that your newborn baby has a viral infection, she will usually need to fight the infection without medication.
But they CAN have symptoms and they CAN persist if the immune system can't fight the infection effectively.
Your child does not need to fight these infections off alone.
The next order of treatment is usually an antibiotic or other treatment to fight infection because the dog has irritated the skin to such an extent that it is an open and infected wound.
White blood cells fight infection and have other immune system functions.
It has the power to fight infections such as flu.
It occurs when your dog's body produces antibodies, which normally fight infection, but instead attack the thyroid.
This is also a great way to help fight infections due to the antibodies in the breastmilk.
That's because these essential bugs fight infections, combat against environmental damage, boost our immune system, and keep our skin hydrated and radiant.
The immune system will constantly fight the infection to keep it under control.
During this time, the dogs are provided with gastrointestinal medications for supportive care and antibiotics to fight infections until their bone marrow takes over.
If the virus is caught early on, injecting these proteins may help fight the infection before it fully develops in your cat.
Omega 3 fatty acids work to maintain healthy skin and shiny coat plus help dogs fight infections.
So if your toddler refuses to eat but is able to drink, just let their bodies continue fighting the infection and heal itself.
If eczema is very severe, antibiotics may be necessary to fight an infection stemming from the rash.
These are all provided in the right balance by your breast milk, with the added benefit of important antibodies to help your baby fight infections during the first few months of life.
It shows that the child's immune system is working well to fight the infection attacking the immune system.
And this in turn may help them make up for the energy they've lost fighting the infection.
The intestinal immune system must strike a balance between fighting infection and maintaining tolerance to harmless or beneficial microbes and food particles.
We all know that animals have an immune system - but plants have systems to fight infection too.
When doctors check along the sides of a patient's neck for «swollen glands», they are actually feeling to see if the lymph nodes are enlarged and thereby fighting an infection.
A powerful immune system will be able to fight an infection more easily.
It is commonly used to fight infections transmitted by ticks.
Although these drugs fight infection, reduce inflammation, minimize pain, and kill cancer cells, there exists potential for associated mild to severe side effects.
About half of dogs infected with distemper fight the infection so quickly that they do not appear ill.
The prognosis is good for animals that are treated with antibiotics to fight the infection early on in the disease.
Vitamin A plays a role in fighting infection by influencing T and B cells (two main immune cells).
This research work will be used to develop strategies for fighting these infections.
Not only does the root flavor food, it also has numerous health benefits, especially when our bodies are in the midst of fighting infections.
Though the infant's system fights the infection, the eyes become a little crusty.
It helps your body fight infections, viruses and infectious diseases.
Healthy food, rich in digestive enzymes, increases the number of antibodies which fight infection and help to reinforce the immune system.
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