Sentences with phrase «fighting wars»

This is a third - person shooter set in 2080, a time that has seen technology reach a point where robots are our abiding servants, friends and soldiers capable of fighting wars.
We are still fighting wars of the past.
Air Force pilot Tom Egan (Ethan Hawke) is no longer fighting wars in the sky.
Rick Rowley's Dirty Wars is the most overtly political film of the bunch, focusing on reporter Jeremy Scahill's investigation into the US's new methods of fighting wars.
Still, when asked point - blank if humans can stop fighting wars, LeBlanc replies, «Yes, I think it's completely possible.»
I asked 205 students at the college where I teach, «Will humans ever stop fighting wars, once and for all?»
... But companies worry that little can help make up for defence cuts if the Ministry of Defence keeps its pledge to buy kit «off the shelf» and the government steps back from fighting wars
Until relatively recently our governmental machine, largely inherited from Gladstone, Northcote and Trevelyan, worked reasonably well at its basic jobs of running an empire, fighting wars and, later, creating a welfare state.
When Millerwas reminded of that statement, he responded, «Well, the Germans had a lotof experience fighting wars, and they still lost.»
why don't we stop fighting wars, feeding other country's poor etc. and focus on the millions of homeless we have here.
Let me know when the charities will be paving your road, policing your streets, putting out fires and fighting your wars, Glenn.
People would socialize and bond less and less on the kinds of values that form rigid barriers to others» values and more on who THEY are — and when faced with billions of individual people, the reasons for fighting wars become less defined.
Maybe, you know, if we weren't fighting wars in Muslim countries, that is to say, invading them, f *** ing up our drone strikes to kill civilians, going on the occasional shooting rampage and body desecration, and supporting Israel.
Religion plays a major factor in fighting wars as it's often the easiest difference by which to demonize your enemy.
I have loved ones fighting these wars and if one (God forbid) paid that price for our freedom and someone picketed their funeral God would be the only one who could hold me back.
Would rather spend money on fighting wars than on supporting our fellow man.
Fighting those wars Man attempts to ensure his God is on his side.
It would be a lot easier than fighting wars for it.
That can be difficult to address, as anyone who has fought a war over the thermostat can attest, but sometimes it's as simple as opening the windows.
He loved his son Philip and fought a war to provide him with a bright future, but he had trouble unwinding and spending quality time with his family.
At times, my body won the battle but I kept fighting the war.
After his native Bangladesh fought a war to become independent, Abed established BRAC (originally Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee) to aid the rural poor, including 10 million returning refugees.
So decide whether you have time as an entrepreneur to be fighting a war.
While the terrorist attacks in France have dominated the headlines this week, advocates for free speech are fighting a war on multiple fronts.
When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny.»
The federal government has increased pressure on the private sector to fight the war on drugs, just as public support for the effort has reached a low.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has told the PLA to prepare to «fight and win» battles, and the Pentagon said the slogan is an indication Chinese leaders are concerned the military, which has not fought a war in more than 30 years, may not fare well in modern combat.
It stands to reason that Trump would seek an aggressive attorney, since all of his other moves in the last week indicate a decision to fight a war against Mueller, rather than seek a negotiated path.
«From the outside looking in, Travis seems to want to fight wars instead of win battles.
Despite the more than $ 22 trillion the federal government has spent over the past five decades fighting the War on Poverty, nearly 40.6 million Americans remain trapped in poverty.
One way or another — near - war, fight a war, win a war or especially when a side «loses» a war — it's not good for the dollar.
He was clear that wars (and by logical extension, public infrastructure and old - age pensions) always are paid for by the generation that fights the wars, builds the infrastructure or creates the output on which welfare - income transfer payments are spent.
The boom years of the so - called Roaring»20s were fueled by optimism that the world had fought the war to end all wars, and good times had arrived permanently.
«I'm not a warmonger, but the best way to be sure you have to fight a war is if everybody knows you are incapable of defending yourself.»
Now people have fought wars in the name of Christianity (the Crusades), but they did not have the truth, they were fighting under a highly distorted view of Christianity that also allowed torture for heresy and taught that works will get you into heaven.
There are parents who object to the «Battle Hymn of the Republic» because they either see it as «religious» in nature, or because they are from south of the Mason - Dixon line and are still fighting the War of Northern Aggression.
Well I guess in the future we fight wars with robots, because GOD is making man to man lovers to keep populations in check so mother Earth can breath...
And, from a practical viewpoint, with the economy in the tank, unemployment out of limits, and us fighting a war that never had a possible solution, anything a couple of people can do to make themselves happy is none of anyone's business and, as far as I am concerned, OK.
I pay taxes that are used to fight wars I don't believe are just.
I do not know of a single adult human being that has given their life to the Tooth Fairy, seen the Tooth Fairy, thinks there is a Tooth Fairy, prays to the Tooth Fairy, given new life by the Tooth Fairy, given hope by the Tooth Fairy, lived by the law of the Tooth Fairy, fought wars with a Fairy banner held high and last but not least Stalin, Mao and Poll Pot felt no need to eliminate and persecute those who held tight to the Tooth Fairy.
No big deal for me, but I do worry about my fellow Americans who I have fought wars for, done public service for, and «care» about — because I am a christian and an American.
Presidents and Supreme Court Justices, like Kings and Emperors, want to be obeyed; they want the people, without resistance, to pay their taxes and obey their laws and fight their wars, even where those people supported a different leader or disagree with a particular policy.
It started in the name of defeating communism without ever actually fighting a war, and has progressed to where we are at today.
How insulting to us they owe us, not the islam community it's been our young children that died and fought this war.
They condoned slavery, they stoned people to death (if you think that is better than slavery you should read up on it), they fought wars, and committed atrocities.
And honestly, I would — as my ancestors have — fight wars for you to have the right to believe whatever you want.
Perhaps they can explain how what they know now will allow them to fight wars more effectively (when they have to fight wars), make policy with fewer illusions, and avoid the mistakes common to our most recent presidents.
Imagine that no one ever fought any wars and science was free to advance without bound.
It had recently fought a war with....
Science isn't fighting a war against religion.
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