Sentences with phrase «figure of authority»

Most dogs, even those that are well - trained, do not consider children as figures of authority.
@Nancy, the truth you speak of is only what your pastor, priest, or whichever other male figure of authority in your sect tells you what it is.
Expert liars, whether con - men, psychopaths or unscrupulous politicians, know that in the public mind the facts are often a weak defence in the face of persistent and passionate fabrications by figures of authority, particularly when they know that the lies they are telling are one's that the listener wants to hear.
Dave needed a name in case he decided to interrogate me because figures of authority like being addressed by their proper names.
This is the kind of poorly formulated statement from figures of authority that only confounds the reasonable debate surrounding videogames and their role in wider society.
He is disobedient, willful, at times deceitful (at least in front of figures of authority), and he carries a huge burden of anger in the face of the tragedy at the heart of his young life.
Freud declared that God did not exist — and identified Him as the universal figure of authority.
Ramsay MacDonald, a notable anti-war campaigner, resigned as leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party and Arthur Henderson became the main figure of authority within the party.
It also exemplified his skill at inhabiting figures of authority, something he would do many more times in his career.
Born in Germany in 1891, from a young age Ernst showed signs of his non-conformity and refused to follow figures of authority.
The allegations against the US Navy Academy personnel are not the first time figures of authority have been caught on the wrong side of the law.
[26] Similar in composition and intent is the painting F.B.I. (1964) that both glamorizes the depicted government agents and questions their status as figures of authority.
It seems that all of the leaders and figures of authority have hidden child abuse.
You can be a close, loving, devoted parent and a figure of authority at the same time.
Categorized as a potentially lifelong condition by the DSM - 5, ODD is extreme disobedience or acts of consistent defiance against any figures of authority in the child's life.
Decked out in a Spurs polo shirt, Edward has emerged as a young man who wants to help his local community and, despite his cheery presence, is clearly a figure of authority already.
But first, Labour must decide who should lead the party - a discredited and unpopular Gordon Brown, or someone capable of renewal, if indeed there is such a figure of authority and vision in the party.
Her alliance with a CIA agent, a figure of authority, a white British man she had called «colonizer» just minutes before, is both inconsistent with the characterization and at the same time understandable; her naiveté stemming from having been raised in a literal bubble of privilege and ignorance.
The critique of the pair's attitude comes from one of their teachers (played by Nicky Whelan), who — like every figure of authority here — is seen as an obstacle to Sadie and McKayla's goals.
Henry quickly realizes that no figure of authority — his school's principal, the child protective services officer, his mother, etc. — is willing to help Christina.
To them, the teacher is just another figure of authority.
Steve Collings is recognised as a figure of authority in the profession having published 18books, including one specifically on academies due for publication in the summer of 2016.
Second, teachers structured collaborative social relations between students and presented themselves as learners in partnership with students rather than figures of authority.
Putting aside the elements of character and combat statistics, the core of the classic paper - and - pencil role - playing game is to place a figure of authority, the Gamemaster, behind the weaving and expanding of a storyline that changes in real time in response to the players» reactions.
Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, «Figures of Authority, Ciphers of Regression: Notes on the Return of Representation in European Painting,» October, no. 16 (Spring 1981): 39 — 68.
The Royal Society is harking back to the days of scholasticism and its figures of authority.
When someone in a peer role takes a leadership approach it is just as effective or even more effective then leadership exercised by a figure of authority.
Don't see being young as an obstacle to establishing yourself as a figure of authority, but instead as an opportunity to be a new sort of leader, bringing a new perspective into the business.
The others are people who are considered the victim's superiors: figures of authority (such as parents), whom the victim respects.
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