Sentences with phrase «figure of speech»

Whether we're conscious of it or not, we use figures of speech every day in our own writing and conversations.
He is a master of the use of figures of speech.
Although several Western sources use this description (or even more exaggerated ones), it was the employment of a widely recognized figure of speech.
We have become so accustomed to speaking of computers as artificial minds and of their operations as thinking that we have forgotten that these are mere figures of speech.
When we encounter obvious figures of speech, we take them that way, too.
That doesn't mean «living on caffeine» need remain a forever figure of speech, however.
Each 32 card features a different figure of speech within the context of a paragraph.
The expression is telling: to «figure out» is to make figures of speech, to invent metaphors to help us understand the world.
Still, don't social scientists create maps, and aren't they capable of handling figures of speech?
Use these posters to explore parts of speech, promote understanding of figurative language, and use as a spring board for further study of figures of speech and writing experiences.
Pica often uses linguistic and semiotic concepts as points of departure for her projects, probing the various ways that humans attempt to give a concrete form to ideas: in her Catachresis series of sculptures, begun in 2011, for instance, she draws on a literary term, from the Greek word for «abuse,» which describes figures of speech in which a word or expression is employed in a context far outside its original meaning.
Dehumanizing metaphors are more than just figures of speech; they affect our thoughts and behavior.
Furthermore, but less likely, Jesus may also have been using a natural hyperbole (exaggeration), a common figure of speech used in discourse, the same way many Westerners will say, «I am starving» when they are just hungry, or «I'm freezing» when they are just cold.
«That Republican wave that's said to be sweeping the country runs into a levee — a dam, a blockade, whatever figure of speech you like — at the New York border probably because of Carl Paladino's foot - in - mouth disease,» said Q pollster Mickey Carroll.
in context that GOD created... He can cause it to happen in HIS way... laws of nature did not exist until there was something for it to influence... the writers of the Bible did not believe in flat earth or the sun revolving around the earth... seems to me you cant see figures of speech, but only false stuff... so why don't you tell the weather man at your local TV station to stop saying surinse and sunset eh?
Mariani speculates on the reasons for Stevens's conversion only in passing, hedging with «perhaps» and humorous figures of speech about an insurance lawyer opting to «sign on the dotted line» of the Church's creed.
As we shall see, these writings have moved beyond the realm of personification as figure of speech into something much deeper.
The blind ridicule the sighted one for taking figures of speech literally and concocting a myth about a sense perception no one has ever really had.
Her literal understanding of language has often left her baffled by metaphors and figures of speech like «you're a square peg in a round hole.»
Old figures of speech — «hot headedness» and «fevered imagination» — can now be seen to have a basis in science.»
As I now attempt to elaborate several requirements which that task imposes upon the preacher, it will be evident that we are still absorbed in the large figure of speech with which we began: the ecology that determines the fertility of the fields of faith.
Howe, for example, suggests the «wall of separation» between church and state, which the First Amendment is to ensure, was not simply a Jeffersonian deist figure of speech but even more reflected the «evangelical» desire to keep the «wilderness of the world» out of the «garden of the church.»
The running to win the prize is figure of speech indicating that when God assigns Spiritual Gifts, the recipient must utilize them to the best of his ability.
Since Paul uses the same figure of speech when he says in I Thessalonians 5:2, «For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night,» we may conclude that this entered the thought of the church very early.
It is neither a simple figure of speech nor an allegory, which is sometimes confused with it.
I wonder if it is some type of Hebraism or other figure of speech related to that time period.
When you add to Vitale's words the 5,360 spoken by the game's play - by - play man, Tim Brando, you come up with a pretty impressive figure of speech.
He can no more curb his bonhomie than he can control his need to tailgate and to spew Rexisms, the name my seven siblings and I assigned to his distinctive figures of speech.
Figures of speech comprise of trees, branches, stems, and twigs talking about new growth from wisdom.
It is about the nature of language, particularly figures of speech and idiom.
Objectives become substantially more rigorous, since by 11th and 12th grade, students are expected to analyze and interpret figures of speech, like hyperbole and paradox.
So K - 12 teachers must regularly incorporate idioms into language arts lesson plans to ensure students understand not only these nonliteral figures of speech, but also have experience figuring out their meaning when confronted with unfamiliar idioms.
I am talking about more subtle and sophisticated figures of speech which we may not even recognize as figures at all (until they are pointed out to us), but their use gives stories a charm and freshness that stands up to repeated readings.
Gracefully written and enriched by apposite figures of speech, Listen, Slowly is a superb, sometimes humorous, always thought - provoking coming - of - age story.
«Sharply observed details of everyday life and language, original and telling figures of speech and deftly handled plot twists reach a moving climax, while subtly raising the question of whether the objects of Alice's affection - and the sources of her agony - were worth enduring.»
Cánovas» artistic practice coincides with Jacques Rancière's «The Future of the Image» and its proposed concepts: the trace of things, the naked identity of otherness rather than imitation, materiality without construct or meaning, visibility over figures of speech and what vindicates the contemporary celebration of the image, or its nostalgic evocations of immanent transcendence, of the glorious essence of a guaranteed image by way of material production.»
The National Gallery calls her work «figures in profile over which Kruger has superimposed her striking figures of speech to create arresting conceptual works of great visual power.»
Likewise, a catachresis is a strained figure of speech.
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