Sentences with phrase «figure out of clay»

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(Aal - e-Imran, Chapter # 3, Verse # 45) And will make him -LSB-(«Îsa (jesus)-RSB- a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): «I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah's Leave.
It's arrogant to think you know more than your creator and that your little clay mind can out think God or begin to figure Him out of think you know everthing that there is to know about life and the existence of Man.
Instead, it's old - fashioned animation, things cut out of paper and felt, clay figures, collapsing cardboard structures, all kinds of more primitive forms.
Organizers of the Get FISA Right movement turn to the wisdom of Clay Shirky to figure out where to go next; the RNC launches a new collaborative site that, they say, will inform the crafting of the GOP's 2008 party... Read More
Custom clay pastes were mixed at a clay - making center and then distributed to specialized workshops that cranked out thousands of the life - size figures, new research suggests.
To figure out how corn and weeds affect each other's gene response, Clay and a team of two research associates and a soils expert, planted plots of velvetleaf alone, corn with velvetleaf and corn kept weed - free.
«To figure out how the jaw fit together and how the animal actually fed, we bought some children's clay, kind of like Play - Doh, and rebuilt it with toothpicks to represent the teeth,» says Rieppel.
I've also recently discovered the many benefits of healing clays and wanted to figure out how to incorporate this into our oral health regimen, but there were some definite texture issues with the clays and coconut oil.
These works are based on sculpted figures of women he creates out of clay, marking a significant shift in his practice from working from live models.
Made out of polymer clay, these grotesque figures lashed together have grown sick of each other — implying that their alliance was an unholy one from the outset.
Upritchard's small meticulous figures made out of techno - color painted Supersculpty clay, either nude or attired in found material, take on nonsensical poses.
Virtual reality is often exploited for its high - tech gloss and interactivity, Wolfson focuses not on the technology but on its capacity to isolate the viewer.Rafa Esparza in «Figure Ground: Beyond the White Field» (2017), built this rotunda out of adobe bricks made by hand from a combination of clay, horse dung, hay, and water from the Los Angeles River.
His story about Puckett — baseball's good guy that turned out to have feet of clay — is a story of deep sadness, of wishing for what might have been, of trying so hard to crawl inside the head of someone else to figure out where it all went wrong.
That is, I allow him to struggle with challenges, such as figuring out how to work an unfamiliar toy, or opening the lid on a can of clay.
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