Sentences with phrase «film about human nature»

It's a film about human nature, personally realized with subtle observations, and how much of this you can relate to will greatly depend on you.

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Stories We Tell explores the elusive nature of truth and memory, but at its core is a deeply personal film about how our narratives shape and define us as individuals and families, all interconnecting to paint a profound, funny and poignant picture of the larger human story.
But the whole film is a missed opportunity because the situations repeatedly defy credibility, and the humor never says anything remotely fresh about human nature or the world we live in.
For my money, The Ides Of March — with its dark view of human nature and satisfyingly twisty plot — is one of the most entertaining films ever made about the political process.
It's not a physical climax like the previous films, but entirely verbal as Gary, Andy, and Steven challenge The Network (Bill Nighy) to an epic debate about human nature and free will.
He is caught in a moment in which the release of a technically - perfect and complex film about the nucleus of human nature is something we almost take for granted, a fault that lies entirely within us, or if none of this applies to you, in me.
The film becomes about how you go about understanding someone when they're giving nothing away, and of course, it's as much about decoding human nature as extra-terrestrial.
The film is often hilarious in its cynical depiction of human nature, but there's also something almost disturbing and eerie about the world of the film.
The Revenant, his latest cinematic creation, is a brutally effective drama about the power of the human spirit that was filmed in some of nature's harshest conditions.
Taking place at the ends of the earth, or at least a remote stretch of Turkey, Nuri Bilge Ceylan's film follows a long night that seems to brush on all kinds of deep truths about human nature that remain just out of grasp.
Now here is a dilemma: The film is so truthful and observant, so subtle and knowing about human nature, that it may be too much for most audiences.
In fact, the best thing about the film is when it captures what it's like to be on the side of a mountain, a sheer cliff face that really wasn't designed by Mother Nature to be inhabited by humans.
This film is playing a delicate game, offering observations about human nature while it undercuts our expectations about how we watch movies.
On a deeper level, detached from the actual experience of watching the film, it's not unfair to question whether attributing human qualities to whales creates a myth about them that obscures their true nature.
Like its predecessor, it's a devastatingly beautiful film about the power of cinema, and its ability to testify to some aspect of human nature with a veracity and elegance that escapes other mediums.
It was a film that set the bar for the decade that followed, creating film - makers that essentially said «Screw You» to the Hollywood system, going on the make movies that said something about the ever evolving world, showing the ugly side of human nature and how man was really capable of behaving.
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