Sentences with phrase «film circles about»

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She is one of a number of Corbyn's close aides to feature in a new BBC Daily Politics film about his inner circle.
Then, alas, she goes on to provide a link to the «film structure in a circle» site that I wrote about in US # 76.
If you've heard one thing about this Sundance hit, it's probably that it was filmed entirely on an iPhone 5s, with some «circling» shots done through Baker filming the actors while riding his bike, and that it's one of the rare movies about transgender people to reach mainstream consciousness that also stars transgender performers.
It's a wry in - joke to have a villain worried about the hazards of overpopulation in a film that features nineteen movie stars billed above the title, and I've seen Infinity War lauded in certain circles for «unprecedented ambition» simply because it's so damn crowded.
They already have one film in the works about that subject, and now it looks like they're circling Steven Soderbergh «s Panama Papers movie The Laundromat.
It did, however, bring about an interesting discussion amongst various online circles about a distributor's «responsibility» to portray a film accurately against that of the consumer's «responsibility» to know what the hell they're paying money to see.
-- «The Circle» (2000): Iranian director Jafar Panahi's «The Circle» is about five women who are marginalized or sought by authorities in Iran, but he reminds viewers on this DVD that his film is not specific to one country: «People all over the world live in circles of restriction.»
Ryan Swen: It's extraordinarily tricky to talk about what films will enter the proverbial pantheon, and even more to predict what will still be talked about (heaven knows many more people will still fondly remember Captain America: Civil War in ten years time than will have seen Certain Women), both in cinephile circles and in the general public.
We have practically come full circle because the next time we will likely hear more about the film is at the 2013 Expo, set to take place at the Anaheim Convention Center in August.
(8) The Divide — I know that FRONTIER (S) seems to be somewhat of an overlooked hit amongst certain circles of horror fans, but I found it to be somewhat boring and tame for some of the new wave French films that came about around the same time.
So you were talking about this kind of karmic circle where it comes back around — where now «Hoop Dreams,» a film Ebert helped make successful, he was someone that shined a light on these less - well - known films that had weaker marketing budgets or so forth, drew people's attention to Errol Morris, who you saw on screen, really helped launch the careers of some of these people by shining that light on them... and you were saying how from your experience as a critic and all that, you say in your own words, you yourself feel the same desire, that your job is to cast that light.
True, it still may be best known in «film circles,» but considering it has been seen by more people than Julia and The Maid combined (two films considerably more «buzzed about» in advance by the awards season soothsayers), for the purposes of this discussion, it's a veritable blockbuster — the Avatar of French painter bio-pics.
Director Török is well known in Hungarian film circles, though you might not guess he would direct a serious film like this given his 2001 «Moscow Square,» about high school kids who don't give a hoot about Hungarian politics as they are into parties, girls, and graduation.
A story about millennial maturity told through an abortion comedy, Obvious Child «s blatant irreverancy was all the rage, making her an overnight name in many in - the - know film appreciation circles.
Finally, our other double feature is of Gerard Kikoine's two films, Lady Libertine (1983) and Love Circles (1985), the first of which was co-produced by Playboy Magazine about a cross-dressing woman, the latter a bizarre attempt to cheaply update La Ronde.
The director will, inevitably, take some flak for making a third consecutive film about the alienating side effects of celebrity and privilege — but as with Woody Allen and Upper East Side intelligentsia, or Mike Leigh and Britain's Tetley - swilling middle classes, this is the world she knows and feels, and if she feels a responsibility to keep circling back to it in her work, then she should do so.
To complete a circle the film ends with a comic variation on the final lines of John Ford's The Searchers about returning home after the completion of a journey.
Breaking each film down into either one circle or many, his simple designs give just a hint of what they're about.
This show may not offer any big new revelations about the nature of the circle, but it brings together a magnificent, occasionally mad cornucopia of rounded works, from the London Underground sign from Oval station to magical pieces of Zen Buddhist calligraphy, created during a single exhalation of breath; from Marcel Duchamp's Anaemic Cinema, a whirling «psychedelic» animated film from 1925, to Chicago artist Theaster Gates's A Complicated Relationship between Heaven and Earth, in which a stuffed goat on a tricycle, originally used in Masonic ceremonies, runs noisily round a circular railway track.
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